(A) R-20A - Residential/Agricultural.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the R-20A District is to provide for development compatible with bona-fide agricultural uses and rural residential uses, such as manufactured housing.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) In the town's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and
(b) Adjacent to areas zoned R-20, B-3, M-2.
(3) General dimensional requirements. There are two lot size requirements for the district depending on whether a lot is served by centralized water or sewer.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Maximum Density (du/acre) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | ||||||
20,000 (without centralized water or sewer) | 100 | 2.18 | 40 | 15 | 25 [see § 156.502] | 30 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
12,000 (with centralized water or sewer) | 90 | 3.63 | 35 | 10 | 20 [see § 156.502] | 25 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
(B) R-20 - Suburban Residential.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Suburban Residential District is to provide areas suitable for low- to moderate-density residential development and supporting public, institutional, and other compatible uses that are designed, constructed, and maintained to avoid detracting from a healthy and aesthetically-pleasing residential environment. This district is generally designed to encourage development of single-family detached residences.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned R-20A, R-8, B-2, B-3, M-2, PUD, or areas laying just outside of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town;
(b) Neither centralized water nor sewer exists at the site;
(c) Either centralized water or sewer exists at the site, but not both.
(3) General dimensional requirements. There are two lot size requirements for the district depending on whether a lot is served by centralized water or sewer.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Maximum Density (du/acre) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | ||||||
20,000 (without centralized water or sewer) | 100 | 2.18 | 40 | 15 | 25 [see § 156.502] | 30 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
12,000 (with centralized water or sewer) | 90 | 3.63 | 35 | 10 | 20 [see § 156.502] | 25 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
(C) R-8 - Single-Family Residential.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Single-Family Residential District is to provide areas suitable for moderate-density residential development and supporting public, institutional, and other compatible uses that are designed, constructed, and maintained to avoid detracting from a healthy and aesthetically-pleasing residential environment. This district will be served by centralized water and sewer facilities.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned R-20, R-6, B-3, B-1, or PUD;
(b) Centralized water and sewer exists at the site, or are to be installed as part of the development process;
(c) There is direct vehicular access to a local or collector street.
(3) General dimensional requirements.
(D) R-6 - General Residential.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the General Residential District is to provide areas for higher-density single-family residential, two-family residential, multi-family residential, and other compatible uses that are designed, constructed, and maintained to avoid detracting from a healthy and aesthetically-pleasing residential environment. This district also serves as a transitional district for areas that may be changing from single-family to more intense uses such as multi-family or professional uses. This district will be located in urbanized areas with access to a full range of urban services.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned R-8, B-1, B-2, B-3, M-2, or PUD;
(b) Centralized water and sewer exists at the site, or are to be installed as part of the development process;
(c) There is direct vehicular access to a local or collector street.
(3) General dimensional requirements. There are several lot size requirements for the district depending on the use.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Maximum Density (du/acre) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | ||||||
6,000 - single-family | 60 | 7.26 | 25 | 8 | 18 [see § 156.502] | 30 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
9,000 - two-family | 70 | 9.68 | 30 | 10 | 20 [see § 156.502] | 25 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
9,000 - multi-family | 80 | 10.89 | 35 | 12 | 22 [see § 156.502] | 30 [see § 156.502] | 50 |
6,000 - other uses | 60 | --- | 25 | 8 | 18 [see § 156.502] | 20 [see § 156.502] | 35 |
(E) B-1 - Central Business.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Central Business District is to encourage a mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented business district. The district is intended to accommodate a wide range of uses including retail, office, service, and institutional, as well as residential uses on floors above street level. Performance standards shall be used to ensure the absence of adverse impacts beyond the zoning district boundaries.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned B-1, B-2, B-3, or R-6;
(b) Centralized water and sewer exists at the site, or are to be installed as part of the development process;
(c) Development is at a high density and pedestrian facilities already exist or can be reasonably extended.
(3) General dimensional requirements.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | |||||
--- | --- | --- | See § 156.403(C) | --- | --- | 40 |
(F) B-2 - General Business.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the General Business District is to provide suitably situated and sized sites that allow a broad range of commercial, office, and service uses. In most cases, this district will be located along thoroughfares, however, the district is not intended to encourage strip commercial development. Performance standards shall be used to ensure the absence of adverse impacts beyond the zoning district boundary.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1, or M-2;
(b) Centralized water and sewer exists at the site, or are to be installed as part of the development process;
(c) Development will have access via an arterial street.
(3) General dimensional requirements.
(G) B-3 - Limited Business.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Limited Business district is to accommodate moderately intense business and institutional uses in proximity to areas of low intensity use, such as residential neighborhoods. This district may also be used in rural areas where urban services are not provided. Performance standards shall be used to ensure the absence of adverse impacts beyond the area occupied by the building.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned R-20, R-6, B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1, or M-2;
(b) Adequate water and sewer facilities exist either through centralized provision or other means;
(c) The site would provide a buffer or step down in the intensity of land use from a commercial or industrial use to a less intense use;
(3) General dimensional requirements.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | |||||
10,000 | 75 | 20 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 40 |
(H) M-1 - Industrial.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Industrial District is to provide locations for enterprises engaged in manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, and assembling of goods or equipment. This district includes uses that may be offensive due to odors, dust, fumes, traffic, or vibration. The operation may involve some outside activity, such as outdoor storage. To the extent possible, this district will be located away from incompatible uses and separated by features such as roads, natural features, and the like. Where this is not possible, performance standards will be used to ensure the absence of adverse impacts on adjoining properties.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned B-2, M-1, or M-2;
(b) Centralized water and sewer exists at the site, or are to be installed as part of the development process;
(c) Development will have access via an arterial street;
(d) Where roads, natural features, and the like provide a buffer between the district and other incompatible land uses.
(3) General dimensional requirements.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | |||||
40,000 | 150 | 40 | See § 156.403(C) | 20 | 30 | --- |
(I) M-2 - Limited Industrial.
(1) Intent. The purpose of the Limited Industrial District is to provide suitable locations for enterprises engaged in limited manufacturing, distribution, wholesaling, warehousing, and related commercial and service activities. The operation will minimize outdoor storage or similar activity that may have adverse impacts outside of the property. Performance standards will be used to ensure the absence of adverse impacts on adjoining properties.
(2) Application criteria. These districts will usually be applied:
(a) Adjacent to areas zoned R-6, B-2, B-3, M-1, or M-2;
(b) Adequate water and sewer facilities exist either through centralized provision or other means;
(c) Development will have access via an arterial street.
(3) General dimensional requirements.
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.) | Minimum Lot Width (ft.) | Minimum Front Setback (ft.) | Minimum Side Setback (ft.) | Minimum Rear Setback (ft.) | Maximum Building Height (ft.) | |
Interior Lot | Corner Lot | |||||
20,000 | 100 | 30 | See § 156.403(C) | 20 | 20 | --- |
(Res. 2022-23, passed 8-1-2022)