(A)   General standards.
      (1)   A special use permit is required for microbreweries, breweries, and distilleries located within 250 feet of a residential use or district.
      (2)   Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from the view of adjacent streets and adjoining properties.
      (3)   Outdoor seating and event areas shall be screened from residential uses and districts.
      (4)   Lighting for outdoor areas shall be designed to prevent glare onto adjacent parcels.
      (5)   Drive-through facilities shall not be permitted.
      (6)   The owner must demonstrate the operation will not violate wastewater discharge and pollution requirements, including emissions, odor, and noise, per federal, state, and local regulations.
      (7)   The owner must secure all applicable federal, state, and local permits.
   (B)   B1 Central Business and B2 General Business Districts.
      (1)   In the B1 – Central Business District, shipping for distribution and receiving stock and supplies is prohibited between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
      (2)   In the B1 – Central Business District, the front of the building at street level shall remain open and visible from the sidewalk with a view of the activities inside.
      (3)   In the B1 – Central Business District, one or more accessory uses, such as a tasting room, taproom, restaurant, retail, demonstration area, or training facility, shall be open and accessible to the public. The accessory use shall account for at least 10% of the gross floor area.
      (4)   All operations and storage of materials used in the manufacturing, processing, or distribution of goods shall be located within a building.
      (5)   All loading and unloading facilities shall be screened from adjoining parcels, located in service alleys, or at the rear of the building, and shall be located off the street.
(Res. 2022-23, passed 8-1-2022)