(A)   Composition. The Planning Board shall consist of at least nine members, each to be appointed for three-year terms. In appointing the members or in the filling of vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of existing members, the governing board may appoint certain members for less than three years so that the terms of all members shall not expire at the same time. All the members shall reside within the Planning and Development Jurisdiction as established pursuant to this chapter. The Board may appoint advisory bodies and committees as appropriate.
   (B)   Joint County Planning Board. A joint Planning Board is created pursuant to G.S. § 160D-301(a)(2).
   (C)   Compensation. Members shall serve with such compensation as shall be determined by the governing board. Also, members may be removed by the Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office, and such removal shall be reported at the next meeting of the governing board and recorded in the minutes of such meeting.
   (D)   By-laws. The Planning Board shall adopt by-laws and rules of procedure that shall govern its proceedings.
   (E)   Duties and powers. A Planning Board may be assigned the following powers and duties:
      (1)   To prepare, review, maintain, monitor, and periodically update and recommend to the governing board a comprehensive plan, and such other plans as deemed appropriate, and conduct ongoing related research, data collection, mapping, and analysis.
      (2)   To facilitate and coordinate citizen engagement and participation in the planning process.
      (3)   To develop and recommend policies, ordinances, development regulations, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner.
      (4)   To advise the governing board concerning the implementation of plans, including, but not limited to, review and comment on all zoning text and map amendments as required by G.S. § 160D-604.
      (5)   To exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various means for carrying out plans that the governing board may direct.
      (6)   To provide a preliminary forum for review of quasi-judicial decisions, provided that no part of the forum or recommendation may be used as a basis for the deciding board.
      (7)   To perform any other related duties that the governing board may direct.
(Res. 2022-23, passed 8-1-2022)