General Regulations
80.01 Definitions
80.02 Animal Control Officer’s responsibilities, right of investigation and inspection
80.03 Animal cruelty
80.04 Animals sheltered
80.05 Rabies vaccination required for dogs, cats and ferrets
80.06 Impoundment
80.07 Animals running at-large
80.08 Potentially dangerous or dangerous dogs
80.09 Leash requirement
80.10 Law enforcement dogs
80.11 Possession of animals and strays
80.12 Animals ridden or driven on sidewalks
80.13 Swine
80.14 Livestock prohibited in the city
80.15 Fowl
80.16 Animal waste
80.17 Non-domestic animals
80.18 Wolves and coyotes prohibited
80.19 Nuisance animals
80.20 Disposal of carcasses
Bird Sanctuary
80.35 Creation of bird sanctuary; signs
80.99 Penalty