PUD #81
081-01: Legal Description
081-02: Development Intent
081-03: Required Plans
081-04: Compliance With Code
081-05: Developer Responsibilities
081-06: Vehicle Trip Allocation
081-07: Stormwater Management Plan
081-08: Utilities
081-09: Fire Access
081-10: Park Land Dedication Requirements
081-11: Public Street Right-Of-Way Dedication
081-12: Street Design
081-13: Parking
081-14: Pedestrian Elements
081-15: Landscaping
081-16: Signage
081-17: Lighting
081-18: Architecture
081-19: Land Use And Bulk Regulations
081-20: Violations And Penalties
081-21: Other Remedies
081-22: Savings Clause
081-23: Effective Date
081-99: Legislative History
The north 66.70 acres of lot 1 in partition plat of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 and the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of section 18, township 78 north, range 25, west of the 5th P.M., now included in and forming a part of the city of West Des Moines, Iowa.
The 30.0 acres described as follows; the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 18, township 78 north, range 25 west of the 5th P.M., except the north 10.0 acres thereof, now included in and forming a part of the city of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. (Now Platted as The Village of Ponderosa Plat 1 with subsequent plats to date of Plat 2 through Plat 8.)
(Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)
The Village Of Ponderosa aims to create an urban residential community that offers opportunities for residents of all ages to live in a variety of housing types with nearby options to fulfill retail, business and recreational needs. The centrally located Crescent Lake creates a natural gathering spot and focal point of the development. Tree lined streets unify the development, while pedestrian pathways provide recreational opportunities and link neighborhoods within the village and to the surrounding office and commercial developments. (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)
The following plans shall be required as a part of the processing of any development application for any property within the Village Of Ponderosa specific plan:
A. Area Development Plan: An area development plan identifies planning units, major street patterns, master stormwater drainage and detention concepts, utilities, shared public spaces, land use assumptions and proposed densities. The intent of the area development plan is to provide a tool that can be used to promote the communication and cooperation between adjacent property owners and developers to ensure cohesive and unified development.
The area development plan shall be reviewed by the Plan and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council prior to, or in conjunction with, the review of the specific plan for any property within said specific plan area. No change to the area development plan shall be made without approval of an amended plan from the appropriate reviewing bodies.
On file in the City (Exhibit 1) is the City Council approved area development plan for this property. (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)
B. Specific Plan: The specific plan identifies detailed development criteria for each planning unit indicated on the area development plan or more specifically delineated on the specific plan map. The specific plan shall conform to the general development intent identified in the approved area development plan, as well as the "Town Center Overlay District Guidelines". The specific plan shall be reviewed by the Plan and Zoning Commission and adopted by the City Council by ordinance.
This document shall constitute the specific plan ordinance for the Village Of Ponderosa. On file in the City and made a part of this ordinance is a specific plan map that illustrates the overall site layout concept for the Village Of Ponderosa (Exhibits 2A and 2B). This document and the associated exhibits (included or on file with the City Clerk) are intended to specify the components, parameters, and requirements to be adhered to and implemented in order to ensure the realization of the Village Of Ponderosa development concept. It is recognized that modifications and changes may be necessary due to changes in building footprints, site details, and response to market demand. At the discretion of the Director of Development Services, changes to the layout of the development that are deemed to be "major" changes shall require an amendment to the specific plan map and ordinance, if applicable. Major amendments shall require the review and approval of the Plan and Zoning Commission and City Council. Changes that are deemed to still meet the use intent for an area as indicated in the specific plan map and ordinance shall not necessitate an amendment to the map or ordinance.
Where the specific plan map and specific plan language conflict, the specific plan language shall prevail. (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015; amd. Ord. 2208, 4-3-2017)
C. Development Applications (Overlay District Site Plans): Site plans for all lots within the Village Of Ponderosa must meet the intent of the approved specific plan. Site plans for all lots, except lots approved for single-family detached residential dwellings unless otherwise specified, shall be submitted to the City of West Des Moines for review and approval prior to the development of any portion of the lot. Site plans for permitted uses which comply (as determined by the Director of Development Services or designee) with the design intent as set forth in this specific plan will be subject to administrative review and approval by the Director of Development Services. A one (1) week review and comment period by each and all available members of the Plan and Zoning Commission and City Council shall precede the administrative approval. If upon review, two (2) or more City Council or Plan and/or Zoning Commission members request, or if the Director of Development Services deems the proposed site plan is not in compliance with the approved specific plan, the site plan will be processed through the traditional full site plan review and approval process. Site plans for permitted conditional uses (Pc) as defined in the City Code, unless otherwise amended within this ordinance, shall be approved by the appropriate review body. At the discretion of the Director of Development Services, an amendment to the Village Of Ponderosa specific plan ordinance may be required to bring consistency between the ordinance and site plan development proposed.
D. Preliminary And Final Platting: Prior to or in conjunction with any site plan submittal for proposed development, or prior to legal ownership change of any land within the Village Of Ponderosa, such area shall be subdivided by both preliminary and final plat, in accordance with the City's subdivision ordinance, to delineate the parcel to be developed or sold. Lots without public street frontage, in accordance with the City Code requirements, may be allowed provided the frontage requirements of the Code have been met by an abutting or surrounding lot which is under common ownership under an owners' association, or a cross parking and access easement has been executed which provides for the unrestricted use and access of the drives and parking. Outlots are not buildable.
Unless otherwise specifically restricted by the City Council, groundwork and construction of private roads and utilities may be started, at the developer's risk, upon approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council. Public street and utility construction may begin, at the sole risk of the developer, after approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council and construction improvement plans by the City of West Des Moines.
Prior to approval of the final plat, unless otherwise authorized by the City Council, the developer of the Village Of Ponderosa shall provide all necessary and appropriate agreements, easements, and sureties for all public rights- of-way and other public improvements (utilities, sidewalks, streetlights, etc.) within and associated with the development.
A final plat applicable to each proposed development area must be approved and recorded with the Polk County Recorder's Office prior to issuance of any building permit, including footing and foundation permits, for construction of any structure or improvement within the area proposed for development. (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)