PUD #66
066-01: Legal Description
066-02: Intent Of Development
066-03: Required Plans
066-04: Conditions
066-05: Master Property Owners' Association
066-06: Buffering And Landscaping
066-07: Usable Open Space
066-08: Daycare
066-09: Architecture
066-10: Land Use Design Criteria
066-11: Street Improvements
066-12: Signage Regulation
066-13: Storm Water Management
066-14: Traffic Reports
066-99: Legislative History
That part of the southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of section 12, township 78 north, range 26 west of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows: commencing at a found cut "X" at the SE corner of said section 12-78-26; thence N0037'49"W 56.31 feet along the east line of said section 12-78-26; thence S8338'11"W 233.20 feet; thence N0020'11E 126.05 feet; thence S8337'49"W 56.31 feet; thence N0031'21"E 574.14 feet to the north line of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said section 12-78-26; thence S8337'42"W 585.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence S0031'43"W 530.17'; thence N8928'17W 918.70 feet; thence N8344'55"E 178.36 feet; thence N8338'26"E 419.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 10.02 acres of land.
(Ord. 1545, 9-29-2003)
To provide a unique multi-family residential development to meet the growing demands of the population by providing by greater variety in type, design, and layout of buildings and by the conservation and more efficient use of open and activity space. (Ord. 1545, 9-29-2003)
The following plans shall be required as a part of the processing of any development application for any property within the King's Ridge specific plan.
A. Area Development Plan: An area development plan must be approved by the city council prior to, or in conjunction with, the review of the specific plan for any property within Davis Estates area development plan. No change to the area development plan shall be made without approval from the appropriate reviewing bodies. An "area development plan" is a plan that identifies infrastructure, planning units, major street patterns, drainage and detention, utilities, shared public spaces, vehicular traffic impacts, proposed densities, and land use assumptions. It is intended to promote the communication and cooperation between adjacent property owners and developers to encourage cohesive, unified development, and identify the anticipated phasing of construction, and parties involved.
On file with the city (see exhibit A) is the city council approved area development plan for this property which is labeled area 9 on the map identifying the area development plans within the town center overlay district guidelines as adopted by the West Des Moines city council.
B. Specific Plan: A specific plan identifies detailed development criteria for each planning unit as identified in the area development plan. The specific plan needs to be in conformance with the general intent of the area development plan and town center overlay district guidelines and shall be adopted by the city council by ordinance.
This ordinance shall constitute the specific plan for the King's Ridge specific plan. On file with the city and made a part of this rezoning is a specific plan map for the King's Ridge specific plan, marked exhibit B. It is recognized that slight modifications and changes to the map may be necessary due to changes in building footprints or details; however, the intent is that the major elements of the specific plan should be adhered to and may not be altered without the approval of the city council.
C. Development Applications: Site plans for parcels within the King's Ridge must meet the intent of the approved specific plan and shall be submitted to the city of West Des Moines for review and approval prior to the development of any portion of the property within the specific plan. Site plans, which meet the intent of the specific plan, as determined by the city staff, will be subject to administrative review and approval by the director of community development. If the site is deemed not to be in compliance with the specific plan, the site plan will be subject to review by the appropriate viewing body (i.e., city council, plan and zoning commission or board of adjustment).
D. Preliminary Plat/Final Plat: Prior to or in conjunction with development or transfer of ownership of any portion of the PUD, said area shall be platted in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance to delineate within a plat, the parcel to be developed or sold separately or any portion thereof. (Ord. 1545, 9-29-2003)