Exhibit 5 identifies the public and private street network to be implemented as part of the Village Of Ponderosa development. The illustrations should be understood to illustrate the vehicle use portion of the roadway, utility corridors, and associated pedestrian pathways with building locations, heights, and landscaping included for illustrative purposes only.
A. Public Streets: South Prairie View Drive and Bluestem Circle shall be the only public roads within the development.
1. South Prairie View Drive shall be constructed as specified in the traffic analysis and as conceptually illustrated in exhibit 6. It shall be built as a two (2) lane roadway, thirty one feet (31') back of curb to back of curb extending from the northeast corner of the site running south and west to Bluestem Circle. Expansion to a thirty seven foot (37') three (3) lane roadway (2 through lanes with a 2-way left turn lane (TWLTL)) for vehicle safety and congestion mitigation will warrant consideration if subsequently determined necessary by the city. However, no additional improvements are anticipated prior to 2010, at which time such improvements may be specially assessed pursuant to the provisions of the code of Iowa.
2. Bluestem Circle shall be constructed as specified in the traffic analysis and conceptually illustrated in exhibit 7. Any deviation from this design shall be reviewed and approved by the city of West Des Moines upon recommendation of the West Des Moines public works department and West Des Moines fire marshal to ensure adequate design to accommodate efficient maintenance and firetruck movements. No street intersections or parking access roads shall be located within two hundred feet (200') of the roundabout entry. The placement of any landscaping or other improvements on public right of way within or adjacent to the roundabout shall require the approval of the West Des Moines city council. If approval is given, the developer(s) and the city shall execute a separate easement document in which the rights and responsibilities of the parties are delineated.
3. South Prairie View Drive between Bluestem Circle and Mills Civic Parkway Circle shall be constructed as specified in the traffic analysis and conceptually illustrated in exhibit 8. Any deviation from this design shall be reviewed and approved by the city of West Des Moines upon recommendation of the West Des Moines public works department and West Des Moines fire marshal to ensure adequate design to accommodate efficient maintenance and firetruck movements.
B. Private Streets: The design of all other roads within the development shall be consistent with the recommendations of the traffic analysis (Snyder & Associates: July 10, 2006) and the updated traffic analysis completed by the city (May, 2015) and shall be private in ownership. It is the intent of the developers and the city that all private roads within the Village Of Ponderosa shall not subsequently be conveyed to the city as public streets but shall remain private in perpetuity.
1. All private streets within the planned unit development shall function as public streets. The developer and the city shall execute a public access easement in which the rights and responsibilities of the parties shall be delineated.
2. Adequate sight distances shall be maintained at all intersections to allow vehicles and pedestrians approaching intersections to identify and anticipate potential interaction and conflicts with other vehicles and pedestrians.
3. Streets shall be maintained and function (including timely snow removal) in a fashion similar to the public expectations of a public street.
4. No road closures are allowed without prior permission of the chief of police of the city of West Des Moines.
5. Lane configuration shall be as identified in the traffic analysis. Exhibits 9 through 16 illustrate the lane configuration for the private roads within the development (see exhibit 4 for the location of these streets within the development). Internal roads shall be designed to reduce vehicle speeds in residential areas through the incorporation of traffic calming measures such as narrower street widths, on street parking, and implementation of street trees. Roundabouts will be used for traffic control purposes and to help reduce vehicle speeds at the intersections of Stagecoach Drive and South Crescent Way; and South Ridgefield Way, north end of South Crescent Way, and Fairway Drive. Said traffic calming measures shall fully accommodate emergency vehicle access through and around the Village Of Ponderosa.
C. Signalized Intersections: Traffic signals may be required at the following intersections when traffic warrants as determined by the city (see exhibit 5):
1. South 60th Street and Village View Drive.
2. South 60th Street and Stagecoach Drive.
3. South Prairie View Drive and Market Street.
4. South Prairie View Drive and South Crescent Way.
5. South Prairie View Drive and north access to West Glen.
The city may facilitate installation, but shall have no responsibility for the cost of installation of these signals.
Dedication of permanent right of way to accommodate the placement of future signals and appurtenances shall be provided to the city at no cost. Temporary construction easements shall be provided at no cost to the city by the developer(s).
D. Traffic Signs:
1. Signage for traffic control purposes associated with public streets shall be installed and maintained by the city with the exception of the sign poles.
2. Signage on private streets shall be procured and installed consistent with the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD) and the signing/pavement marking conventions of the city. Maintenance and replacement of private street signage shall be the responsibility of the developer(s).
E. Street Name Signage:
1. Public streets and those private streets as deemed necessary by the city's addressing administrator shall be named in accordance with the city's "Street Naming And Addressing Guidelines". Exhibit 4 identifies the named streets within the development.
2. Signs shall conform to the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices" and the "Street Naming And Addressing Guidelines" of the city for street name signing.
3. Public street signage shall be the responsibility of the city. In the event replacement of a public sign is necessary, replacement poles shall be provided by and at the expense of the developer.
4. The name blades of private street signs shall match the public street signs in design and color and shall be manufactured by the city. Poles and mounting hardware for the street name signs shall be black or tones of gray in color and shall be provided by the developer(s). Private street signs shall be maintained and replaced by the developer(s).
5. Additional wayfinding signage may be required by the addressing administrator to assist emergency services in efficient location of addresses. If such signage is required, it shall be procured, installed, maintained, and replaced as necessary by the developer(s). (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)