PUD #106
106-01: Legal Description
106-02: Development Intent
106-03: Required Plans
106-04: Compliance With Code
106-05: Developer Responsibilities
106-06: Land Use
106-07: Vehicle Trip Allocation
106-08: Stormwater Management Plan
106-09: Public Street Right-Of-Way Dedication
106-10: Street Design
106-11: Parking
106-12: Pedestrian Elements
106-13: Landscaping
106-14: Signage
106-15: Lighting
106-16: Architecture
106-17: Bulk Regulations
106-18: Violations And Penalties
106-19: Savings Clause
106-20: Effective Date
106-99: Legislative History
Lots 95 and 96 of Linnwill, an official plat in the city of West Des Moines, Polk County, IA, except for the east 60 feet;
Lot 1 of Linnwill plat 2, an official plat in the city of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa,
Lot 1 of Linnwill plat, an official plat in the city of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa;
The property known as parcel "2018-36" and legally described as:
A parcel of land located in Lot D in Linnwill, an official plat, now included in and forming a part of the City of West Des Moines, as recorded in Book J, Page 481 of the Polk County Recorder's Office, Polk County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot D, thence south 89° 33' 21" east, 50.00 feet along the north line of said Lot D to the northeast corner of said lot d; thence south 00° 00' 56" east, 79.96 feet along the east line of said lot d to the southwest corner of Lot 1 in Linnwill; thence north 89° 36' 24" west, 50.01 feet to the west;
Line of said Lot D; thence north 00° 01' 03" west, 80.01 feet along said west line to the point of beginning, containing 4,000 square feet or 0.09 acres more or less;
Lot 2 & 3 Of Linnwill Plat 2, an official plat in the City Of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, Except Parcel 2018-18, as recorded in Book 17544, page 254 of the Polk County Recorder's Office, Polk County, Iowa.
(Ord. 2135, 1-11-2016; amd. Ord. 2436, 9-8-2020)
The 1st Street Redevelopment PUD intends to provide a framework for development standards reflective of the realities and constraints of redevelopment and to establish design standards to reinforce the intent of the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan to respect the context of the area and create a neighborhood identity that recognizes the area's original development history. The 1st Street Redevelopment PUD is located within the area identified for redevelopment by the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan. Redevelopment in this area is intended to create a special iconic district within the City of West Des Moines known as the Val-Gate District. All development within this district must be in furtherance of the goals of the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan. The City of West Des Moines Val-Gate District Grand Avenue redevelopment plan and all appendices and exhibits, as amended, are hereby incorporated as part of the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD.
The Grand Avenue redevelopment plan identifies major street patterns, access and interconnection points, district streetscape locations and typical design including signage and pedestrian elements. The intent of the redevelopment plan is to provide a tool that can be used to promote the communication and cooperation between adjacent property owners and developers within the overall district to create and ensure a cohesive and unified redevelopment.
Properties within the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan may be referred to as the Val-Gate District. (Ord. 2122, 11-2-2015)
The following plans shall be required as a part of the processing of any development application for any property within the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD: (Ord. 2122, 11-2-2015)
A. Planned Unit Development: A planned unit development (PUD) identifies detailed development criteria for specific areas within the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan area. The planned unit development shall conform to the general development intent identified in the approved redevelopment plan. The planned unit development shall be reviewed by the Plan and Zoning Commission and adopted by the City Council by ordinance.
This document shall constitute the planned unit development ordinance for the 1st Street Redevelopment. Attached to and made a part of this ordinance is a sketch plan that illustrates the overall site layout concept (Exhibit A). This document and any referenced documents or exhibits (on file in the City) are intended to specify the components, parameters, and requirements to be adhered to and implemented in order to ensure the realization the Grand Avenue redevelopment plan. It is recognized that modifications and changes may be necessary due to changes in building footprints, site details, and response to market demand. At the discretion of the director of development services, changes to the layout of the development that are deemed to be "major" changes shall require an amendment to the sketch plan and ordinance. Major amendments shall require the review and approval of the Plan and Zoning Commission and City Council.
Where the sketch plan and PUD language conflict, the PUD language shall prevail. (Ord. 2122, 11-2-2015; amd. Ord. 2184, 11-28-2016)
B. Development Applications (Site Plans Or Modifications To A Site Plan): Site plans for lots within the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD must meet the intent of the approved PUD. Site plans for the development of each and all lots shall be submitted to the City of West Des Moines for review and approval prior to the development of any portion of the lot. Site plans for permitted uses which comply (as determined by the Director of Development Services or designee) with the design intent as set forth in this PUD will be subject to review via the City's review process and receive final approval from the City Council following a recommendation from the Plan and Zoning Commission. Site plans for uses identified as permitted conditional (Pc) shall require approval from the Board of Adjustment. At the discretion of the Director of Development Services, an amendment to the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD may be required to bring consistency between the ordinance and site plan development proposed.
C. Preliminary And Final Platting: After development of the first building on the site, prior to or in conjunction with any future site plan submittal for proposed development of any portion of the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD, said area shall be preliminary and final platted, in accordance with the City's subdivision ordinance, to delineate the parcels or lots to be developed or sold. Lots without public street frontage, in accordance with the City Code requirements, may be allowed provided the frontage requirements of the Code have been met by an abutting or surrounding lot which is under common ownership under an owners' association, or a cross parking and access easement has been executed which provides for the unrestricted use and access of the drives and parking. Platted outlots are not buildable.
Unless otherwise specifically restricted by City Council action, groundwork and construction of private roads and utilities may be started, at the developer's risk, upon approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council. Public street and utility construction may begin, at the risk of the developer, after approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council and construction improvement plans by the City of West Des Moines.
Prior to approval of the final plat, unless otherwise allowed by Council, the developer of the 1st Street Redevelopment PUD shall provide the appropriate agreements, easements, and sureties for all public rights-of-way and other public improvements (utilities, sidewalks, streetlights, etc.) within and associated with the development.
A final plat applicable to each proposed development area must be approved and recorded with the Polk County Recorder's Office prior to approval of a site plan or issuance of any building permit, including footing and foundation permits, for construction of any structure within the area proposed for development after the initial building is constructed. (Ord. 2122, 11-2-2015)