As part of the 2015 amendments to the area development plan, comprehensive plan, and specific plan approved for this site and consistent with the original traffic analysis completed by Snyder & Associates (July 10, 2006) and the updated traffic analysis completed by the city (May, 2015), the Village Of Ponderosa has been allocated the following vehicle trips: twelve thousand seven hundred fifty seven (12,757) average daily trips (ADT); one thousand six hundred two (1,602) P.M. peak hour trips; and one thousand two hundred sixty one (1,261) A.M. peak hour trips. As development proposals are approved the number of vehicle trips generated by the proposed development (based upon the number of square feet of a proposed specific use or number of dwelling units, in conjunction with any parameters established in the traffic analysis) will be subtracted from the overall total trips allocated to the development. Approval of this proposed specific plan does not constitute a guarantee that the proposed plan can be implemented. Development of all parcels and implementation of desired land uses, including specific high traffic generating tenants, will be limited by the available number of trips. The 2015 adoption of the amended specific plan does not guarantee that the total number of residential dwellings indicated for inclusion within the overall development (1,137) may be implemented. The 2015 amendment proposes five hundred (500) active senior dwellings, four hundred eighty (480) nonage restricted market rate apartments in combination with thirty three (33) existing attached townhomes and a total of one hundred twenty four (124) traditional single-family detached homes (81 existing plus 43 proposed). At the time of the 2015 traffic analysis, senior housing (ITE code 252) generated traffic at 3.78 ADT trips, 0.20 A.M. peak, and 0.25 P.M. peak trips per dwelling which is approximately fifty seven percent (57%) of the rate at which market rate apartments (ITE code 220) generate trips (6.65 ADT, 0.52 A.M. peak, and 0.62 P.M. peak trips per dwelling). Therefore, it is recognized that a one to one (1:1) conversion of senior housing dwellings for nonage restricted market rate apartments is not possible while remaining under the twelve thousand seven hundred fifty seven (12,757) average daily trips (ADT); one thousand six hundred two (1,602) P.M. peak hour trips; and one thousand two hundred sixty one (1,261) A.M. peak hour trips as established with the original 2006 study and reaffirmed with the 2015 traffic study. Should the types of dwellings desired to be implemented vary from that specified and analyzed as part of the 2015 traffic analysis, a reduction in the total number of dwellings may be necessary.
Should anticipated traffic exceed the total trips allocated for the Village Of Ponderosa development prior to full build out, further development of parcels may be limited or prohibited. Alternate uses to the proposed planned development(s), if within the parameters of the traffic analysis and approved as part of the comprehensive plan amendment, area development plan and this specific plan ordinance, as applicable, may be allowed, following completion of an amendment to the approved traffic study analyzing the proposed alternative and appropriate city approval if the existing uses and the proposed change(s) collectively do not exceed twelve thousand seven hundred fifty seven (12,757) average daily trips (ADT), one thousand six hundred two (1,602) P.M. peak hour trips and one thousand two hundred sixty one (1,261) A.M. peak hour trips allocated to this development. (Ord. 2093, 6-1-2015)