In addition to the general criteria as stated above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the development areas designated on the sketch plan. The specific plan document which is made a part of this rezoning action and on file with the city delineates one parcel of the PUD as parcel A for application of specific development standards. The maximum number of dwelling units specified for each parcel may be increased with revisions to the specific plan, provided that the total number of dwelling units does not exceed one hundred twenty (120). The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to each of the following development parcels:
A. Parcel A: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for medium density residential district (RM-12) unless noted in this ordinance.
1. Density And Land Use: Parcel A shall incorporate a maximum of 10.02 acres for medium density residential. A daycare shall be a permitted use within the development.
2. Setbacks: Internal property line setbacks for all structures shall be ten feet (10'). Setbacks from the external property line shall adhere to the following:
a. Principal structure:
Front yard | 25 feet |
Side and rear yard | 20 feet |
b. Accessory structure:
Front yard | 25 feet |
Side and rear yard | 10 feet |
c. Balconies are required for at least eighty percent (80%) of the units of at least five feet (5') deep, which may extend beyond the front setback, yet may be no closer than fifteen feet (15') to the front property line. (Ord. 1545, 9-29-2003)