(A)   When water service is discontinued and all bills are paid, including penalties, the deposit, if one was collected, will be refunded.
   (B)   On discontinuance of service for nonpayment of final bills, the deposit will be applied toward settlement of the account. Any balance will be refunded to the consumer, but if the deposit is not sufficient to cover the amount due, the village may proceed to collect the balance in any way provided by law for the collection of debts.
   (C)   Service discontinued for nonpayment of bills will be restored only after bills are paid in full, re-deposit or initial deposit is made, and a reconnect fee as established by resolution of the Village Council is paid. If a consumer does not have a deposit on file, one will be required prior to service reconnection.
   (D)   The village reserves the right to discontinue water service without notice for any one or more of the following additional reasons:
      (1)   To prevent fraud or abuse;
      (2)   Consumer’s willful disregard of the village’s rules and regulations;
      (3)   Emergency repairs or possible contamination of supply;
      (4)   Insufficiency of supply due to circumstances beyond the village’s control;
      (5)   Legal process;
      (6)   Direction of public authorities;
      (7)   Strike, riot, fire, flood, accident, or any unavoidable cause; or
      (8)   As directed by WWD due to emergency shortages or contingencies.
   (E)   In addition to pursuing a civil penalty, the village may permanently refuse service to any consumer who tampers with a meter or other measuring device.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21) Penalty, see § 50.99