All pertinent provisions of this chapter shall govern the terms and conditions of the contracts under which the village furnishes water service to any person or business, or whereby the village makes any water connection or performs any work in connection with the furnishing of water service. The village purchases water in bulk from Wayne Water District (WWD), but retains control of the distribution system, billing, rates, tap fees, and reconnect fees.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
The water system shall be under the supervision of the Village Council as executed by the Water and Sewer Commissioner. The Commissioner will be appointed annually by the Mayor and will have overall responsibility for utility planning, project funding, fee recommendations, and execution of Council directives. The duty of enforcing compliance with rules and regulations governing connections with the main lines shall be vested in the Director of Public Utilities. The Village Administrator shall serve as the Director of Public Utilities. The Director of Public Utilities will ensure that water provided by WWD is in compliance with state mandated safety standards. He or she will present the results of WWD testing to the Council along with any adverse test results from periodic testing by the village staff.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
The Director of Public Utilities shall perform the following duties:
(A) Have general supervision over operation of the water system.
(B) Ensure that rules and regulations of the village are enforced.
(C) Ensure that water rates and assessments are correctly made.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
(A) Connections. All owners of improved property located within the corporate limits and on or within a distance of 200 feet of any village water line shall connect their premises with the village water system. Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, nothing shall prohibit the continued use of water from private wells for any purpose other than domestic use. There shall be no cross-connection of the village water system with any private well or any other source of water supply.
(B) Private wells. No water well may be constructed within the village unless such well is constructed and operated in accordance with the following standards and specifications:
(1) Water drawn from wells may not be used for drinking, but may be used for non-potable purposes such as irrigation and washing of automobiles.
(2) No well shall be constructed to a depth of more than 80 feet from the surface.
(3) No well shall have a casing diameter greater than four inches.
(C) Permit required. Water wells are considered a structure and shall require a permit issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer prior to beginning construction.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)