Any person desiring water for building purposes shall make application to the village for a permit. The estimated time for the work to be conducted and completed will be provided. A meter will be installed and the bill paid at the completion of work.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, deface, or destroy the building, machinery, fences, trees, or other property of the WWD or village water infrastructure, or in any way to contaminate the village water supply.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21) Penalty, see § 50.99
After water has been turned off for cause, it shall be unlawful for any person to turn the water on at the meter, bypass the meter, or in any other manner to obtain water.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21) Penalty, see § 50.99
(A) The rates and charges for water service shall be established by periodic resolution of the Village Council. Said rates may be higher than standard WWD rates to fund improvements, repairs, or expansion of the village owned utility system. Rates are established on a scale which requires increased per gallon rate for higher usage amounts.
(B) Bills for water usage shall be rendered monthly on or about the first Thursday of the month. Failure to make payment by the last Monday of the month shall result in a late fee being added to the outstanding bill. Failure to make full payment of the previous month’s bill including the late fee by the fifteenth of the following month will result in severance of water services. Water service shall not be restored until the person applying for reinstatement has paid the outstanding bill, late fee, and re-connect fee as established by resolution of the Village Council. Additionally, residents who do not have a utility deposit on file and have had their water turned off for non-payment will be required to pay a deposit as established by resolution of the Village Council.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
Each consumer applying for water service to a residence shall make a deposit via check or money order as established by resolution of the Village Council which will be refunded to the consumer’s new address once the final bill is settled. Even if a deposit has not previously been made, a deposit will be required should water be disconnected for cause and a request for restoration made.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)
Although meters will normally be read and bills rendered monthly, the village may vary dates or the length of period covered, temporarily or permanently, if necessary or desirable. Bills for water will be figured in accordance with the rate schedule then in effect and will be based on the amount consumed for the period covered by the meter readings, but the amount payable for each billing period shall not be less than the minimum charge described in the schedule of rates.
(Ord., passed 1-27-21)