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8.1.   PURPOSE
   The purpose of this article is to:
8.1.1.   Assure that all land divisions, land spits, and are in with the ’s regulations regarding land ;
8.1.2.   Assure a coordinated vehicular and pedestrian circulation system;
8.1.3.   Establish minimum standards for land divisions and ;
8.1.4.   Assure that all or are provided with  ;
8.1.5.   Provide an expedient and consistent review process;
8.1.6.   Obtain accurate survey and permanent public record of the boundaries of created by the division of lands and  ;
8.1.7.   Facilitate the conveyance of land by reference to an accurate legal description by means of a recorded   ; and,
8.1.8.   Provide a convenient method of describing property being conveyed.
   This article applies to all proposed land divisions, land spits, and of land as defined in this code, with the following exceptions:
8.2.1.   The sale or exchange of of land to or between adjoining property owners if such sale or exchange does not create additional ;
8.2.2.   The partitioning of land in accordance with other statutes regulating the partitioning of land held in common ownership;
8.2.3.   The leasing of apartments, offices, stores, or similar space within a or mobile home/RV park, or mineral, oil, or gas leases;
8.2.4.   Land divisions for defining cemetery plots or columbarium units; and,
8.2.5.   Although exempt from this article, these types of land divisions may still require review and approval by the PDSD staff and outside review agencies in accordance with other articles of the .
   A.   Purpose
   According to A.R.S. §9-463.01(T), the may regulate a as defined in Section 11.4.13 within its jurisdictional limits. The law gives the authority to determine the division lines, area, and shapes of the . Neither a tentative nor a final is required but the resulting or shall conform to applicable zoning requirements and other government codes and ordinances. The purpose of this section is to establish a review process for . This review:
      1.   Assures that newly created or are of sufficient size to be developed and meet the requirements of applicable zoning classification;
      2.   Assures that the newly created or have locations for pads that are protected from flood and hazards as defined in the Floodplain Ordinance (Tucson Code Chapter 26) and Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson, Arizona; and,
      3.   Assures that all or resulting from a shall have adequate access as specified by Section 7.8, Access, of the , Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual and City of Tucson Drainage Manuals.
   B.   Applicability
   A proposed shall be submitted to PDSD for review and approval as provided in this section.
   C.   Pre-application Conference Recommended
   A pre-application conference is encouraged, but not required.
   D.   Application Required
   Submittal of an application to the PDSD is required in order to process the request. The application must be in accordance with Section 2-08.0.0, Applications, of the Administrative Manual. Applications are reviewed for completeness in accordance with Section 3.2.3, Application Requirements.
   E.   Review
    are reviewed by the PDSD for compliance with the following requirements:
      1.   Does not constitute a as defined in Section 11.4.20 which would require compliance with platting requirements of Section 8.4;
      2.   Results in or which conform to the minimum requirements of the property’s ;
      3.   Provides access to the proposed or in accordance with Section 7.8, Access, of the , Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual, and the City of Tucson Floodplain Ordinance and Drainage Manuals;
      4.   Results in all existing complying with the requirements of the property’s ; and,
      5.   Results in or of at least the minimum size required to build in accordance with the applicable zoning including any natural, environmental and floodplain requirements in accordance with the City of Tucson Floodplain Ordinance and Drainage Manuals.
   F.   Decision
      1.   The PDSD decides whether to approve or deny an application.
      2.   The PDSD will notify the applicant if the has been approved.
   G.   Recordation Required
   After approval, the deeds for the shall be recorded at the Pima County Recorder’s Office by the applicant/owner or his designated agent.
   A.   Purpose
   The process allows a to divide a of land into ten or fewer without the necessity of a tentative , subject to the requirements of this section as allowed for by A.R.S. §9-463.01(U). A may be used to abandon a previously recorded . Although a tentative is not required, additional information shall be submitted as needed, to review the for compliance with all regulations and good engineering practices. Additional information that may need to be provided include a geotechnical report, plan, drainage report, phasing plan, title report, or other documents that the deems necessary to review for compliance with all applicable standards.
   B.   Applicability
   Any proposed , as defined in Section 11.4.3, shall be submitted to PDSD for review and decision as provided below.
   C.   Pre-application Conference Required
   A pre-application conference in accordance with Section 3.2.1 is required.
   D.   Application, Review, Decision, and Recordation
      1.    shall be prepared, reviewed for compliance with Section 8.4.1.E, Criteria, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.5, Final , with the exception that a pre-application is required.
      2.   After approval of the by the Mayor and Council, the must be recorded with the Office of the Pima County Recorder.
   E.   Criteria
      1.   Result in ten or fewer lots;
      2.   Result in / that conform to the minimum requirements of the property’s ;
      3.   Provide access to the proposed in compliance with Section 7.8, Access, of the and Sections 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, and 10-01.0.0, Technical Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual;
      4.   Results in all existing complying with the requirements of the property’s ;
      5.   Conform to all , , and drainage requirements;
      6.   Result in of at least the minimum size required to build in with the applicable zoning including any natural, environmental and floodplain requirements;
      7.   Not be for a Flexible Lot Development; and,
      8.   When used to abandon a , the disposition of the public and utility easements created by the abandoned is provided.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013)
   A.   Purpose
   The purpose of this section is to establish procedures and requirements for proposed   and the conversion of existing (s) into as allowed by A.R.S. Title 33, Chapter 9.
   B.   Applicability
   A proposed   or that meets the definition of a , as defined in Section 11.4.20, shall be submitted to the PDSD for review and decision as provided below.
   C.   Application, Review, Decision, and Recordation
      1.   Under Arizona Revised Statutes, A.R.S. § 9-463.02(A), a   is required when a or similar contains four or more .
      2.   A tentative and final is required; however, the approved for the existing / may serve as the tentative if approved by the .
      3.   Tentative of a proposed are prepared, reviewed, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.4, Tentative .
      4.   Final of the proposed or n are prepared, reviewed, and considered for approval in accordance with Section 8.4.5, Final .
      5.   A final may be submitted concurrent with the tentative in accordance with Section 3.2.3.B, Sequential or Concurrent Review Procedure.
      6.   After approval by the Mayor and Council, the final or   must be recorded with the Office of the Pima County Recorder.
(Am. Ord. 11200, 9/23/2014)