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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
   A.   Purpose
      These standards ensure that required electric vehicle charging spaces are designed so that electric vehicle drivers may easily find and utilize without undue inconvenience.
   B.   General Criteria
      1.    Siting
         a.   When siting , the charging equipment must not interfere with other uses and access on site.
         b.    shall be installed so that EV charging is feasible in the number of spaces required.
      The purpose of   is to provide easy access for EV charging to a wide range of the general public. This is the most visible and significant investment in infrastructure. The installation of a charging station allows an EV driver to charge a vehicle without additional equipment. The installation of a networked station allows for managed charging access, monitoring, billing, and remotely accessed updates for the user and property manager.
      1.    Stations must be securely anchored to the ground, floor, wall, or ceiling.
      2.   Stations shall be installed to minimize tripping hazards and draping of the charging cord.
      3.   EV parking spaces with access to installed stations shall be identified with signage and pavement markings including an EV symbol and regulatory instructions such as "No Parking Except for Electric Vehicle Charging."
      4.   Installed stations shall be accessible for EV charging during business hours at a minimum.
      The purpose of   is to provide lower cost ready access to EV charging in locations with familiar or semi-regular users. Location-specific management strategies can be utilized to monitor or bill for charging access. Users may be required to provide their own charging cables to connect to an available outlet, or management may opt to provide this component. spaces provide significant cost savings over retrofits if they are upgraded to stations in the future.
      1.   The outlet near the parking space shall be permanently and visibly marked as " ."
      2.   This marking shall be changed if upgraded to .
      3.   In the service panel or subpanel directory, the branch circuit shall be identified as " ."
      4.   Information for how to access and charge at parking spaces through site- specific management plans shall be clearly visible in the parking lot.
      The purpose of conduit is to provide cost effective 'future proofing' for future EV charging at a site.
      1.   The raceway termination location near the parking space shall be permanently and visibly marked as " ."
      2.   This marking shall be changed if upgraded to EV Ready or EV Installed.
      3.   The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall identify the overcurrent protective device space(s) reserved for future electrical vehicle charging as " ".
(Ord. 11953, 8/23/2022)
7.5.    LOADING
7.5.1.   PURPOSE
   This section establishes requirements for the safe receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by vehicle to provide for:
   A.   An space or berth for temporary parking of a vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise, cargo, or materials;
   B.   Expediting moving traffic and lessening congestion by minimizing traffic conflicts between and the for various activities;
   C.   Adequate for new and for expansion of existing ;
   D.   A safer pedestrian environment by providing separate and distinct spaces from the pedestrian areas for ;
   E.   Safe, convenient, and efficient for ; and,
   F.   Safe and efficient on- vehicular circulation systems by providing separate from the vehicular traffic lanes.
   The provisions of this section apply to:
   A.   New ;
   B.   Changes of use locating in existing , as required in Section 7.5.3.D, Changes of Use.
   C.   Any expansion of an existing or any addition of a new use to an existing , as required in Section 7.5.3.E, Expansions.
   A.    Groups and Land Use Classes
   The specific Groups and Classes listed in Sec 7.5.5, Required , are defined in Article 11, Definitions and Rules of Construction.
   B.   Calculations for
   The calculation for the required number of is based on the proposed and the size of the as provided in Section 7.5.5, Required . The size of the is the of the use, including any outdoor area to the use, but excluding
   C.   Change of Approved
   Whenever zoning approval has been granted for a which includes , the approval is conditioned upon the continued compliance with the provisions contained in the approved plan. Any change to the as shown on the approved plan must comply with the requirements of this section and be reapproved.
   D.   Changes of Use
   Whenever the use of an existing is changed to a different use which requires a or of greater size under this section than were required for the prior use, additional or a of greater size, whichever is applicable, must be provided.
   E.   Expansions
   Any expansion of an existing use or any addition of a new use to an existing which results in an expansion in is subject to the following requirements:
      1.   If an expansion or a series of expansions cumulatively results in less than a 25% expansion in , the requirements of this section apply only to the expanded use.
      2.   If an expansion or a series of expansions cumulatively results in a 25% or greater expansion in , the requirements of this section apply to the entire .
      3.   Expansions are cumulated over time from April 1, 1969. Once a is brought into with the requirements of this section, subsequent expansions will begin accumulating as of the date the was brought into .
   All , including any non-required , must comply with the following requirements.
   A.   Location and Use Requirements
   The location and use of a are as follows.
      1.   A must be located on the same or as the use they serve.
      2.   A required for a billboard must be located immediately to the billboard and outside the area defined by a vertical line intersecting the ground and any structural element extending from the billboard, including, but not limited to, overhangs, cantilevered beams, and elevated walkways.
      3.   A may be co-located within the approach area for containers and the of aisles when safety and access issues are appropriately addressed and delivery and solid waste collection schedules are coordinated so as not to conflict with one another.
   B.   Access Requirements
   The access requirements to a loading space are as follows.
      1.   A may be used for access and maneuvering into and out of a provided:
         a.   The is used for access to only one on that .
         b.   The is not shown on the .
         c.   The is not a local residential .
         d.   The does not abut a residential within the same .
      2.   An may be used for access and maneuvering into and out of a provided:
         a.   The is used for access to only one on that .
         b.   The is a minimum 20 feet wide.
         c.   The is surfaced in a manner acceptable to the City Engineer.
         d.   The does not abut a residential within the same .
      3.   The maneuvering area must be designed so that there is safe access into and out of a . The size and configuration of the maneuvering area must be based on AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) standards for turning radii and distances required of the vehicles for which the is designed.
      4.   The access route to a must have an overhead clearance of 15 feet.
   C.   Screening and Requirements
   The screening and of a must be in accordance with Section 7.6, and Screening Regulations.
   D.   Lighting Requirements
   The lighting of a , if present, must be in with adopted City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting regulations.
   E.   Surfacing Requirements
   The surfacing of a must be in accordance with Section 7.4.6.I, Surfacing Requirements.
   F.   Striping Requirements
   A must be striped in accordance with Section 7.4.6.G, Striping, Surfacing Requirements, to distinguish it from and other uses on the .
   G.   Dimensional Requirements
   The minimum size of a , exclusive of access and maneuvering area, must be:
      1.   Type A: 12 feet by 35 feet;
      2.   Type B: 12 feet by 55 feet; and,
      3.   Overhead Clearance is 15 feet.
7.5.5.   REQUIRED
   The number of listed for each Group is applicable for all Classes within that Group, unless a Class is listed specifically stating otherwise.
Agricultural Use Group (Section 11.3.2)
Not required
Civic Use Group (Section 11.3.3)
Not required except for:
Civic Assembly
Less Than 25,000 sq. ft. GFA
   Over 25,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type A
Commercial Services Use Group (Section 11.3.4)
Not required except for:
   Offices: Less Than 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
   50,001 to 100,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type A
   Over 100,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 Type A
1 Type A
   Less Than 5,000 sq. ft. GFA
   Over 5,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type A
Industrial Use Group (Section 11.3.5)
Not required except for:
   ALL USES: Less than 25,000 sq. ft. GFA
   25,001 to 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type B
   Over 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 Type B
Recreation Use Group (Section 11.3.6)
Not required
Restricted Adult Activities Use Group (Section 11.3.8)
Not required except for:
Same as required for similar class in Commercial Services Use Group, Retail Trade Use Group or Industrial Use Group
Retail Trade Use Group (Section 11.3.9)
Not required except for:
Merchandise Sales
   Less Than 25,000 sq. ft. GFA
   25,001 to 100,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type A
   Over 100,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 Type A
Storage Use Group (Section 11.3.10)
Not required except for:
Commercial Storage and Personal Storage w/o Direct Vehicular Access:
   Less Than 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type A
   Over 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 Type A
Use Group (Section 11.3.11)
Not required
Wholesaling Use Group (Section 11.3.12)
Not required except for:
   ALL USES: Less than 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
1 Type B
   Over 50,000 sq. ft. GFA
2 Type B