The Retail Trade Use Group includes
Classes that involve the selling, leasing, or renting of merchandise to the general public. The following
Classes and examples comprise the Retail Trade Use Group.
A. Construction Material Sales
The sale of lumber or other
materials. Typical uses include lumberyards, fence companies, and brick and block sales.
B. Food and Beverage Sales
The retail sale of food or beverages for consumption off the premises, such as bakeries, butcher shops, grocery stores, and liquor stores.
1. Farmers’ Market
A public or privately operated open-air establishment that allows the selling of agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, nuts, flowers, nursery stock,
food products such as eggs, honey, meat, milk, cheese, other dairy products and fish, as well as non-edible bee products and handcrafted items. The predominant sales area must be for food products.
C. General Merchandise Sales
The selling, leasing, or renting of commonly used merchandise for personal or
use and the providing of services
to the selling, leasing, or renting of goods. Typical uses include department and variety stores, automotive accessories and new parts stores, fuel and lubricant sales, apparel stores, drugstores, florists, furniture stores, pet stores, and video tape rental and sales.
1. Home Improvement Center
A facility of more than 30,000 square feet gross floor areas engaged in the retail sale of various basic hardware lines, such as tools, builders hardware, paint and glass, plumbing and electrical supplies, housewares and
supplies, and cutlery.
2. Retail Establishment, Large
A retail establishment (General Merchandise Sales), a retail grocery establishment (Food and Beverage Sales), or an establishment with a combination of both uses, comprised of more than 100,000 square feet of
, that includes
and any outside area which provides associated services to the public, such as, but not limited to, outdoor merchandise display, snack bars, etc. The
does not include motor vehicle parking or
. For the purposes of determining the applicability of the 100,000
maximum, the aggregate square footage of all
stores, that share checkstands, management, a controlling ownership interest, and storage areas, are considered one establishment, e.g., a plant nursery associated with a general merchandise store, such as a home improvement store.
3. Shopping Center
composed of an integrated group of establishments (stores), planned, constructed, and managed as a unit, utilizing common or shared facilities, such as
, parking, and vehicular and pedestrian access, where no more than 50% of the
to uses with a parking formula of one space per 100 square feet of
or a more intense formula. The individual establishments may be owned by a single entity or by separate entities.
D. Heavy Equipment Sales
The sale, lease, or rental of heavy vehicles, heavy machinery, aircraft, farming equipment, or utility trailers. Typical uses include the sale of aircraft, commercial vehicles, and construction equipment.
E. Medical Marijuana Designated Caregiver Cultivation Location
A Medical Marijuana Designated Caregiver Cultivation Location or Cultivation by a Designated Caregiver refers to cultivation of Medical Marijuana by a Designated Caregiver and Cardholder whose registration card indicates that the cardholder has been authorized to cultivate marijuana plants for a qualifying patient(s)’ medical use pursuant to The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, A.R.S. § 36-2804.04.A.7. (Ord. No. 10850, § 6, 11/23/10)
F. Marijuana Dispensary
A Marijuana Dispensary refers to the following:
1. "Nonprofit Medical Marijuana Dispensary" as set forth in The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, A.R.S. § 36-2801.11.
2. "Dual Licensee" as set forth in The Arizona Smart and Safe Act, A.R.S. § 36-2850.9.
3. "Marijuana Establishment", as set forth in the Arizona Smart and Safe Act, A.R.S. § 36-2850.21(a).
G. Marijuana Dispensary Off-site Cultivation Location
A Marijuana Dispensary Off Site Cultivation Location means the additional location, if any, where marijuana may be cultivated for the use of a Marijuana Dispensary as disclosed pursuant to The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, A.R.S. § 36-2804.B.1.b.ii and/or The Arizona Smart and Safe Act, A.R.S. § 36-2850.21(a).
H. Marijuana Dispensary Off-site Manufacturing Location
A Marijuana Dispensary Off-site Manufacturing Location is the additional location, if any, where marijuana may be manufactured for the use of a Marijuana Dispensary as disclosed pursuant to The Arizona Smart and Safe Act, A.R.S. § 36-2850.15.
I. Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient Cultivation Location
A Medical Marijuana Qualifying Patient Cultivation Location shall mean cultivation of medical marijuana by a qualifying patient pursuant to The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, A.R.S. §36-2801.1.a.ii, but shall only include a Qualifying Patient who is also a Cardholder, authorized to cultivate marijuana plants pursuant to the provisions of A.R.S. §36-2804.02.A.3.f.
J. Swap Meets and Auctions
Occasional or periodic commercial activities held in an open area or
where: 1) groups of sellers rent space on a short-term basis to display, barter, or sell goods to the public and at least 50% of swap meet space does not occupy the same allotted area on an uninterrupted, continuous, daily basis for the purpose of display and sale, exchange, or barter of merchandise, exclusive of occasional craft fairs and benefit sales held on public property; or 2) one or more sellers bring goods for auctioning to the public. Typical uses include swap meets, flea markets, and auctions.
K. Vehicle Rental and Sales
The sale, lease, and/or rental of automobiles, motorcycles, noncommercial trucks, boats, vans, motor homes, trailers, or other recreational vehicles. Typical uses include automobile and truck dealers and rental agencies.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11828, 4/6/2021; Am. Ord. 11978, 12/20/2022)
The Storage Use Group includes
Classes that involve on-
keeping of trade and personal goods. The following
Classes constitute the Storage Use Group.
A. Commercial Storage
The keeping of trade or personal goods by business and industrial establishments. Typical uses include cold storage plants, warehouses, data storage facilities, and utility storage yards.
B. Hazardous Material Storage
The keeping of explosive, highly combustible, corrosive, toxic, highly oxidizing, or
. Typical uses include storage for distribution of petroleum products.
C. Personal Storage
The renting or leasing of space for storage of personal effects. Typical uses include multiple unit storage facilities or miniwarehouses.
Use Group includes
Classes that involve the generation, transmission, and/or distribution of basic services, such as sanitation, water, gas, and electrical services. The following
Classes constitute the
Use Group.
A. Distribution System
The dispensing or transforming of basic services, such as gas, electricity, or water, from one part of an interconnected system to another. Typical uses include electric substations, gas distribution substations, and water wells.
B. Generating System
A facility that produces energy. Typical uses include electrical generating plants.
C. Renewable Energy Generation
producing commercial power from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, that are renewable (naturally replenished). Typical uses are solar, geothermal, natural or methane gases, and wind power.
D. Sanitation System
The collection, disposal, or treatment of waste materials. Typical uses include sewage pumping stations, sanitary landfills, sewage treatment facilities, and hazardous material treatment facilities.
E. Transmission Lines
Transportation facilities for the conveyance of commodities other than petroleum. Utility lines include facilities for the transmission of electrical energy for sale, including transmission lines for a public utility company. Also includes telephone, telegraph, cable television and other communications transmission facilities utilizing direct physical conduits. Does not include offices, service centers, or distribution substations.
(Am. Ord. 11942, 7/12/2022)
The Wholesaling Use Group includes
Classes that involve the selling of trade goods, supplies, or equipment to retailers, businesses, or other wholesalers for their use or resale at retail. The following
Classes comprise the Wholesaling Use Group.
A. Business Supply and Equipment Wholesaling
The selling of goods, supplies, or equipment to commercial service or retail trade establishments. Typical uses include wholesale distributors of trade goods and service products, such as medical and restaurant equipment and supplies.
B. Construction/Heavy Equipment Wholesaling
The selling of large motor vehicles, equipment, machinery, or construction materials to other businesses. Typical uses include construction and farm equipment distributors.
C. Food and Beverage Wholesaling
The selling of food or beverage products to other businesses. Typical uses include produce companies and beverage distributors.
D. Hazardous Material Wholesaling
The selling to other businesses materials that are explosive, highly combustible, corrosive, toxic, highly oxidizing, or radioactive. Typical uses include petroleum supply and distribution of hazardous chemicals.
This section provides definitions for terms that are not
and are not contained in Section 11.3 above. Definitions marked (7A) apply only to Article 7A, Sign Standards.
(Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
A-frame sign (7A)
A type of portable sign.
Abandoned (7A)
A sign structure that has ceased to be used to display or support a sign and regarding which the owner has manifested an intention to permanently cease the use of the sign structure.
A process whereby easement interests are terminated by a legally recorded document.
Use, Abandonment of
The relinquishment of a property, or the cessation of a use or activity by the owner or tenant for a period of six months, excluding temporary or short term interruptions for the purpose of remodeling, maintaining, or otherwise improving or rearranging a facility. A use is deemed abandoned when the use is suspended as evidenced by the cessation of activities or conditions that constitute the
of the property.
Having a common boundary.
having only a common corner are not considered abutting.
Access Easement
to a
provided over some other
through an area
for such perpetual use.
Access Lane
The area within a
serving as a or the area providing access to a property. Unlike the
, the Access Lane does not provide direct
to individual parking spaces.
Access Point Sign (7A)
An on-site sign located at or near the access point or other wayfinding location.
Accessory Use or Structure
A use or a subordinate to the
on a
and serving a purpose customarily
to the use of the principal
. An accessory use or structure must be established or built together with or after the establishment or construction of the
An area equal to 43,560 square feet.
Active Recreation
Leisure activities, usually performed with others, often requiring equipment and taking place at prescribed places, sites, or fields. The term "active recreation" includes but is not limited to swimming, tennis, and other court games, baseball and other field sports, golf and playground activities.
Two or more
sharing a common boundary or separated by an
or other
20 feet or less in width.
having only a common corner are considered adjacent. Within the Infill Incentive
, Optional Zoning Sub-Districts, Areas and Sub-Areas, the term "adjacent" or "adjacency" means:
A. Two or more
sharing a common boundary or separated by an
or a
30 feet or less in width.
having only a common corner are also considered adjacent.
B. Where the
parcel is an interior
, adjacent
includes all residential
on either side of the
, those
fronting on the same
in the same
as the
, and all those
on the opposite side of that
(See Figure, "Interior
C. Where the
is a corner
, the term "adjacent" includes all the residential corner
diagonally opposite the
, fronting on the same two
in the same
, and on the opposite sides of those
as shown in the diagram below (See Figure, "Corner
D. Where the
is adjacent to an HPZ, the term "adjacent" includes all
across the
and diagonally across from the

Same as
Adjudicated Delinquent
A youth who has been found by a judge in juvenile court to have committed a
of the criminal law, that is, a delinquent act.
Affordable Housing Unit
A dwelling unit committed for a minimum term as affordable, through covenants or restrictions, to households with incomes at 80 percent or less of the area median income ("AMI") for a family, as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, for the City; and where housing costs (rents, mortgages, utilities and condo, homeowners or other association fees) do not exceed thirty (30) percent of a family's income as verified on an annual basis.
AICUZ Report (1992)
A report prepared by the Department of the Air Force that evaluated and summarized the aircraft operations at U.S. Air Force Bases with respect to the effects of noise and accident hazards, entitled Air Installation
Any area of land designed and set for the landing and taking off of aircraft.
Airport Hazard
Any , use of land, or tree within the
(AEZ) that obstructs the space required for flight of aircraft in taking off and landing at an
or is otherwise hazardous to aircraft taking off or landing. Examples of hazards include, but are not limited to, uses that:
• Create interference with aircraft navigation by obstructing the use of radio and other navigational aids, such as generators, motors, or artificial lighting devices which create excessive static.
• Obstruct the visibility of aircraft through atmospheric emissions or cause glare to flyers through direct or indirect illumination, such as from incinerators, rock crushers, smelters, lights which resemble a layout or the color of a landing area, search lights, or flash-type advertising signs.
• Cause any other danger or hazard to the safety of aircraft taking off or landing, such as
, poles, smokestacks, advertising balloons, aboveground bulk storage of petroleum products, landfills, or fireworks manufacturing.
used solely by the owner of the property, accommodating
and ultralight aircraft.
Airport Hazard District
A specifically designated area of land where uses that constitute hazards to
operations are prohibited and heights are limited.
Alcoholic Beverage
Alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, tequila, mescal, gin, wine, porter, ale, beer and malt liquor, malt beverage, absinthe or compound or mixture of any of them, or of any of them with any other substance, alcohol bitters, bitters containing alcohol, and any liquid mixture of preparation, whether patented or otherwise, which produces intoxication, fruits preserved in ardent spirits, or beverages containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume.
Alleys are public ways used for the placement of
, refuse collection, or similar public services, and under certain circumstances as provided in the
, access to individual properties.
Alter (7A)
To change, modify or vary an existing sign structure without constructing a totally new sign structure.
Any aesthetic, architectural, mechanical, or structural change to the exterior surface of any part of an existing .
Amenities, Project
Aesthetic or other characteristics of a
that increase its desirability to a community or its marketability to the public. Project amenities include, but are not limited to,
, natural undisturbed areas,
, common areas, and recreation facilities.
Anatomical Areas
Same as
Noise Control and
Study, a document adopted by the City of Tucson and Pima County in 1982 that reviewed noise abatement measures in effect or proposed to be implemented by Tucson International
. The Study also established policies for
for properties
to the Tucson International
, reptile, insect, amphibian or mammal, except human beings.
Animal, Food Producing
such as
such as chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, and other similar small food producing
. Dogs, cats, pigeons, other non-food producing
, and fish are not considered food producing
for the purposes of applying the
standards in the UDC.
Animal Shelter
A structure that covers or reasonably protects an
from the weather and predators, such as a chicken coop. An
run area is intended to allow an
to move about freely. It may be connected to a shelter and must be enclosed. The enclosed run area is not subject to location requirements.
Animal Unit
A unit of measurement to calculate a maximum number of
on a property.
One or more panels, rods, reflecting disks, or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency signals.
Same as Multifamily
Appearance of Record
Means either: 1) An oral statement made at a hearing which identifies the
making the statement or made by the
’s representative; or 2) A written statement giving the name and address of the
providing the statement and signed by the
or representative.
Approach Departure Corridor One (ADC-1)
A specifically designated area located within 12,000 feet from the northwest end of the runways at Davis Monthan Air Force Base where
is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential.
Approach Departure Corridor Two (ADC-2)
A specifically designated area located from 1,2001 to 30,000 feet from the southeastern end of runways at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base where
is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential.
Approach Departure Corridor Three (ADC-3)
A specifically designated area located from 30,001 to 50,200 feet at the southeastern end of runways at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base where
is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential, less than in the ADC-1or ADC-2
A system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic
supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purify the water. Aquaponics is conducted in a constructed, automatic re-circulating system.
Archaeological Site
A historic or prehistoric
, location, or area containing material remains of human activity and life which include artifacts, monuments, or other cultural remains.
having an M.A. or Ph.D. in anthropology or an allied field and at least one year of training or employment in an archaeological field or laboratory research. Any study conducted by or endorsed by such an archaeologist satisfies the Code of Ethics and Standards of Performance of the Society of Professional Archaeologists.
Arizona Nursery Association Standards (ANA)
Standards for plant material size and planting guidelines prepared and published by the Growers Committee of Arizona Nursery Association.
Arterial Road System
Arterial roads identified on the
that are the responsibility of the City of Tucson or that are designated in accordance with Section 23A-84(14).
Arterial Street
identified as an arterial or Interstate Route on the
One who practices an art or one trained to manual dexterity or skill in a trade.
Artists Studio/Residence Area
The area delineated by the map below.

Artist Studio/Residence Area
Assurable Infrastructure
for which
may be required include, but are not limited to, curbs, accessible ramps, pavement,
, survey monuments, storm drainage, all weather access, flood control,
hazard control, utility
to the
(water, sewer, electric, natural gas, communication cables), fire prevention systems,
signage, other private or public
or common areas required to be constructed, and other common elements as required by this code and other pertinent codes, or actions required to be completed by
/developer, at no cost to the
A legally binding and enforceable instrument ensuring the construction of all required
by a
may be in the form of third
land trusts, or monetary sureties such as performance bonds,
funds, letters of credit, or such other security as are acceptable to the
Attached Canopy (7A)
A roof-like structure that provides shade and/or ornamentation, projecting from and attached to a building wall below the highest point of the top of parapet, and supported in whole or in part by the building.
Attached Sign (7A)
A sign that is fastened, connected or supported in whole or in part by a building or structure other than a sign structure that is supported wholly by the ground.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
The total traffic for a calendar year divided by number of
in a year (365).
Average Finished Grade
The mean average elevation of ground after
preparation, measured five feet from a
at five-foot intervals. If the
is closer than five feet from the
, then the measurement is taken from the
Average Cross-Slope
of the topographic configuration of land, graphically represented by contour lines, prior to any
or other disturbance.
Awning (7A)
A durable or fabric structure, attached to and supported in part or in whole by a building, which provides shade to the entries, windows, and walls of the building.
Awning Sign (7A)
A sign constructed of cloth, plastic or metal and permanently affixed to a structure and intended to provide shade.
(Am. Ord. 11246, 2/18/2015; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11977, 12/20/2022; Am. Ord. 12005, 6/6/2023)