A. Variance Requests
1. Variances from the ERZ standards are reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.3, Board of Adjustment Variance Procedure. As provided in Section 2.2.6.C.5, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviews all ERZ variance request and forwards its recommendations to the Board of Adjustment.
2. If the City Engineer or designee, a notified property owner, or the applicant for the variance requests consideration of stormwater management issues related to the variance, the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) may review the variance request concurrently with the DRB and may provide written or oral testimony at the public hearing for the variance request. Any such testimony shall address the required findings.
B. Proposed
The Stormwater Advisory Committee (SAC) may review all proposed amendments to this section and may provide written conclusions and recommendations to the PDSD
of the Department of Transportation to be forwarded to the Planning Commission and the Mayor and Council prior to public hearings on the proposed amendments.
The purpose of the HPZ and HL designation is to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the community and to ensure the harmonious growth and
of the municipality by encouraging the preservation and rehabilitation of significant historic districts, neighborhoods,
, sites, objects, and archaeological resources. These designations are intended to ensure the preservation of significant historic and archaeological resources, and to keep them in active use or management in their historic appearance, settings, and locations. It is also intended that new or remodeled
located within HPZs or HL properties be designed and constructed to harmonize and be compatible with existing
within the sites and
in order to preserve property values, provide for appropriate future
, and promote an awareness of the heritage of Tucson among both residents and visitors to the community.
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
A. The HPZ and HL designation is an overlay
superimposed over underlying zoning.
B. The HPZ and HL designation applies to specifically mapped areas where there is an individual historically important
, or object; a group of surviving related historic resources in their original setting; or an
that gives a historic dimension to the
. A list of established HPZs and HLs is provided in Section 9-02.8.0, Historic Preservation Zones, Sites, and Structures, of the Technical Standards Manual and is updated by the City Historic Preservation Office based on Mayor and Council action. Demolition requests in pending HPZs or HLs are subject to the standards of Section 5.8.10. To identify each HPZ or HL on the City of Tucson
, the preface "H" or "HL" is added to the assigned residential, office, commercial, or industrial
designation, e.g., R-1 becomes HR-1.
(Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
A. The following
should be considered when determining if an area, neighborhood, or
shall be established as a HPZ, or whether the boundaries of an existing HPZ shall be changed or dissolved:
1. A HPZ shall include
, historic buildings, or
, as defined in Section 11.4.9, and which are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as a
at the local, state, or national level of significance;
2. A HPZ should include a group of related ,
, and
in their original setting that contribute to an understanding of the heritage of the community;
3. The group of ,
, and
should provide the area with a sense of uniqueness, and should be readily distinguishable from other areas of the community;
4. There should be a sufficient number of
of related or similar characteristics to make a recognizable entity; and,
5. Properties that meet the aforementioned criteria may be proposed for designation as a HPZ Contributing Property.
B. Proposed HPZ
1. An area may be proposed for HPZ designation or amendment by any of the following:
a. The Mayor and Council;
b. The property owners of fifty-one percent or more of the land area of the proposed HPZ (for calculation only, one owner per property); or,
c. Sixty-five percent or more of the property owners within the proposed HPZ (for calculation only, one owner per property).
(Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
A. Nomination Proposal
A nomination proposal for a proposed HPZ is provided to both the City Historic Preservation Office and the PDSD Director for review and recommendation to the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee for formal consideration of the nomination. The nomination proposal should include a completed application form, with a map outlining the geographic boundaries of the proposed area, a summary of the historic resources in the proposed HPZ, and a completed National Register of Historic Places form, or National Register nomination, or a State of Arizona Historic Property Inventory Form. Multiple photographs and attached Statements of Significance and Integrity must also be attached to the nomination proposal. Proposed HPZs will also require a list of recommended Advisory Board Members.
Staff shall review the survey and inventory information and accept or reject the application within 14 days of submittal.
B. Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee
1. Public Meeting
The applicant presents the nomination proposal materials and any other evidence of historical significance and integrity in a public meeting. The Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee votes to recommend approval or denial of the nomination.
2. Recommendation
If the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee votes to recommend approval, the applicant receives a recommendation letter from the PDSD Director as formal notification that the nomination proposal will be forwarded to the Mayor and Council to initiate the establishment or amendment of the HPZ.
C. Initiation
The Mayor and Council make a decision whether to initiate the establishment or amendment of a HPZ. An amendment to the designations of properties within an established HPZ does not require initiation by the Mayor and Council.
1. Public Meeting
Requests to initiate the consideration of establishing or amending a HPZ are considered by the Mayor and Council in a public meeting.
2. Decision
The Mayor and Council shall make the decision whether to initiate the process to consider the establishment of, or amendment to, a HPZ. As part of the decision to initiate, the Mayor and Council shall determine the proposed boundaries of the HPZ and appoint a HPZ Advisory Board to assist in the evaluation. Appointment, terms, and qualifications of the HPZ Advisory Board shall be in accordance with Section 2.2.8.
The nomination proposal and decision are forwarded to the Zoning Examiner in accordance with Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning).
3. Expiration of Initiation
The initiation by the Mayor and Council of the establishment of, or amendment to, a HPZ expires five years from the date the Mayor and Council make the decision to initiate.
D. Additional Requirements for HPZs
1. Design
and Cultural Inventory and Survey
It is the responsibility of the applicant and HPZ Advisory Board to recommend design
for the proposed HPZ. The proposed design
shall be submitted to the Mayor and Council with the survey and inventory. The applicant shall consult with the City Historic Preservation Office during the preparation of the Cultural Inventory and Survey and Design
. Refer to Section 5.8.6, Design Standards and Technical Standards Manual Section 9-02.0.0.
E. Change of Zoning
Upon acceptance of the Design Standards and Inventory and Survey information by the City Historic Preservation Office and the PDSD Department, the application is reviewed by the Zoning Examiner and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning). The Zoning Examiner recommendation is then forwarded to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council decision on the change of zoning may include the designation of
, or
as Contributing, Non-Contributing or Intrusive, and the designation of the boundaries of the HPZ.
F. Dissolution of a HPZ
Dissolution of a HPZ is reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning).
(Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
A. The following
should be considered when determining if an area shall be established as a HL or whether the boundaries of an existing HL shall be changed or dissolved.
1. A HL shall include
, historic buildings, or
, as defined in Section 11.4.9, Definitions, and which are individually listed or individually eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places at the local, state, or national level of significance.
2. A HL should include a group of related
, and
in their original setting that contribute to an understanding of the heritage of the community.
B. Proposed HL
An area may be proposed for HL designation or amendment by any of the following:
1. The Mayor and Council;
2. The owner(s) of the proposed HL, if it is a single property, or all of the owners if more than one property; or
3. The Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee.
(Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)
A. Nomination Proposal
A nomination proposal for the proposed
is provided to the City Historic Preservation Office, the PDSD Director and the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee for review and recommendation to the Zoning Examiner. The nomination proposal shall include a map outlining the geographic boundaries of the proposed area, a summary of the historic resources in the proposed HL, and a completed National Register of Historic Places form, or National Register nomination, or a State of Arizona Historic Property Inventory Form. Multiple photographs and attached Statements of Significance and Integrity must also be attached to the nomination proposal.
Staff shall review the survey and inventory information for eligibility criteria and completeness. Staff shall accept or reject the nomination proposal within 14 days of submittal.
B. Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee
1. Public Meeting
The applicant presents the nomination proposal materials and any other evidence of historical significance and integrity in a public meeting. The Tucson-Pima County Historical Plans Review Subcommittee votes to recommend approval or denial of the nomination.
2. Recommendation
If the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee votes to recommend approval of the nomination proposal, the applicant receives a letter from the PDSD Director. This letter acts as formal notification that the nomination proposal has been recommended for approval, and the applicant may proceed with the submittal of the HL rezoning application and materials.
C. Change of Zoning
The rezoning application and nomination materials are reviewed by the Zoning Examiner and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.5 Rezoning (Change of Zoning) and must comply with all rezoning steps. The Zoning Examiner recommendation shall include findings verifying designation eligibility and any land use impacts of the proposed HL. The Zoning Examiner's recommendations regarding land use impacts are for consideration by the Mayor and Council but are to be presented separately from findings regarding the HL eligibility, and are not intended to place special rezoning conditions on the proposed HL. The Zoning Examiner's recommendations are forwarded to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council decision on the change of zoning may include the designation of buildings, structures, or sites as Contributing, Non-Contributing or Intrusive, and the designation of a HL.
D. Additional Requirements for HLs
1. Design Standards
Refer to Section 5.8.9 for HL Design Standards. Consultation with the City Historic Preservation Office may be necessary in special cases.
E. Dissolution of a HL
Dissolution of a HL is reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning).
(Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014; Am. Ord. 11411, 11/22/2016)