For each HPZ proposed or established, an HPZ advisory board is appointed to assist the Mayor and Council and the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) in evaluating establishment of, or amendment to, an historic and in evaluating proposed within an adopted Historic Preservation .
   A.   Composition
   Each HPZ advisory board shall consist of at least six, but not more than 15, members. Members may be either voting or non-voting advisory members.
      1.   Appointment
      Members of each HPZ advisory board are appointed by the Mayor and Council.
      2.   Qualifications
      For each HPZ advisory board, approximately one-third of the voting members must be residents within the historic ; approximately one-third of the voting members must be property owners within the historic ; and approximately one-third of the voting members must have special qualifications in such areas as archaeology, architecture, architectural history, local history, historic preservation law, landscape architecture, planning, construction, or other related field. The application information for all prospective members must be accompanied by a statement of interest, including the category in which they would serve. The information for members having special qualifications shall also reference the individuals’ educational and professional experience. The PDSD , the Historic Preservation Officer, and a member of the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee shall review the information for applicants in the special qualifications category and make recommendations prior to the nomination being forwarded to the Mayor and Council for consideration. Members serve without compensation.
      3.   Terms
      The term of each member of an HPZ advisory board is for a maximum of four years, expiring on December 31 of the fourth year. Terms may be staggered to assure continuity. Members are eligible for reappointment.
      4.   Removal
      A member of an HPZ advisory board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Mayor and Council.
   B.   Administrative Functions
   Each HPZ advisory board shall perform the following administrative functions.
      1.   Election of Officers
      Each HPZ advisory board elects a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members. The terms of the Chair and Vice Chair are one year.
      2.   Meetings
      Each HPZ advisory board holds as many regular meetings as necessary to conduct its business in a timely manner. All meetings shall be open to the public.
      3.   Quorum and Voting
      A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum of an HPZ advisory board. The concurring vote of the majority of members present and voting is necessary to make any recommendation to the PDSD or to the Mayor and Council. If a concurring vote cannot be attained within the specified time allotted by the review procedure, the matter will be forwarded without recommendation.
      4.   Records
      Each HPZ advisory board shall keep a public record of its actions, findings, and recommendations. Records may be found at the City Clerk’s office.
      5.   Rules of Procedure
      Each HPZ advisory board may adopt rules of procedure necessary to carry out its functions. Copies of such rules will be filed with the City Clerk and made available to the public through the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD).
      6.   Training
      HPZ advisory boards shall schedule not less than one meeting per year for the purposes of training related to their design review responsibilities. The training shall be coordinated with the City’s Historic Preservation Officer.
   C.   Powers and Duties
   Each HPZ advisory board shall perform the following duties.
      1.   Establishment of Historic Preservation
      Upon receipt of a request to establish an HPZ, the Mayor and Council may establish an HPZ advisory board for the proposed historic to evaluate and make recommendations on the proposed establishment of the HPZ in accordance with Section 5.8.3, Establishment and Amendment to Historic Preservation . As part of the review, the HPZ advisory board makes recommendations on the boundaries of the HPZ and which or are to be designated “ ” and “ .”
      2.   Historic District Amendments
      Each HPZ advisory board shall make written recommendations to the PDSD and to the Mayor and Council concerning amendments to the boundaries of its HPZ and the addition or deletion of designated and in accordance with Section 5.8.3, Establishment and Amendment to Historic Preservation .
      3.   Historic Preservation
      Each HPZ advisory board shall review and make written recommendations to the PDSD on applications involving new construction, additions, , and moving or demolition of existing located within its HPZ for compliance with the purpose and intent of the HPZ and all applicable provisions and standards.
      4.   Permitted Uses
      The HPZ advisory board shall review applications for resident uses and make recommendations to the PDSD .