A. The HPZ and HL designation is an overlay
superimposed over underlying zoning.
B. The HPZ and HL designation applies to specifically mapped areas where there is an individual historically important
, or object; a group of surviving related historic resources in their original setting; or an
that gives a historic dimension to the
. A list of established HPZs and HLs is provided in Section 9-02.8.0, Historic Preservation Zones, Sites, and Structures, of the Technical Standards Manual and is updated by the City Historic Preservation Office based on Mayor and Council action. Demolition requests in pending HPZs or HLs are subject to the standards of Section 5.8.10. To identify each HPZ or HL on the City of Tucson
, the preface "H" or "HL" is added to the assigned residential, office, commercial, or industrial
designation, e.g., R-1 becomes HR-1.
(Am. Ord. 11150, 3/18/2014)