The Mayor and Council perform the following functions:
   The Mayor and Council shall adopt a comprehensive, long-range for the of the known as the as mandated by the A.R.S. §§ 9-461.05 et seq. and in accordance with the procedures in Section 3.6, Plan Adoption and Amendment Procedures.
   B.    and Regulations
   The Mayor and Council shall adopt , regulations, programs, and legislation as may be needed for the systematic implementation of the and as required by Arizona Revised Statutes in accordance with the procedures in Section 3.6, Plan Adoption and Amendment Procedures.
   C.   Redevelopment Plans
   The Mayor and Council may adopt or amend redevelopment plans, which are policy plans addressing slum and blighted areas from the standpoint of providing economic incentives to stimulate /redevelopment, in accordance with Section 3.6, Plan Adoption and Amendment Procedures.
   D.    ()
   The Mayor and Council shall adopt and amend the in accordance with Section 3.7, Text Amendment Procedure.
   E.   Establishment of Original Zoning
   The Mayor and Council shall establish original zoning for land annexed into the in accordance with Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning) Procedure, and A.R.S. § 9-471.
   F.   Changes in Boundaries (Rezonings)
   The Mayor and Council shall consider amendments to boundaries as set forth on the in accordance with procedures in Section 3.5, Rezoning (Change of Zoning) Procedure.
   G.   Appeals of Zoning Examiner (Examiner) Decisions, Special Exception
   The Mayor and Council shall consider appeals from Zoning Examiner decisions on Special Exception applications in accordance with Section 3.9.2, Mayor and Council Appeal Procedure.
   The Mayor and Council shall consider final in accordance with procedures in Section 8.4.5, Final , and Arizona Revised Statutes. Authority to approve a tentative is delegated to the of the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD).
   I.   Special Exception
   The Mayor and Council shall consider Special Exception requests requiring Mayor and Council consideration in accordance with procedures in Section 3.4.4, Mayor and Council Special Exception Procedure.
   J.   Enforcement
   The Mayor and Council shall adopt policies for establishing rules and procedures deemed necessary or advisable for the enforcement of the .
   K.   Appointments
   The Mayor and Council shall appoint the following individuals and members of boards and commissions:
      1.   Planning Commission in accordance with Section 2.2.3;
      2.   Board of Adjustment in accordance with Section 2.2.5;
      3.   Design Review Board in accordance with Section 2.2.6; and,
      4.    in accordance with Section 2.2.11.
   L.   Appeals of ’s 400' Notice Procedure Decisions
   The Mayor and Council shall consider appeals of the PDSD ’s decisions on applications under the zoning compliance 400' Notice Procedure in accordance with procedures in Section 3.9.2, Mayor and Council Appeal Procedure.
   M.    Plan Approvals
   The Mayor and Council shall consider plans submitted in accordance with A.R.S. §§ 9-1201 et seq. and the procedures in Section 3.12.2, .
(Am. Ord. 11732, 2/19/2020)