   The Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD), as established by the Mayor and Council, shall serve in the capacity of a planning agency as provided in the A.R.S. Title 9, Article 6.
   A.   Functions and Duties
   The HCDD is responsible for preparing, maintaining, and administrating the , certain , and redevelopment plans, assisting in the enforcement of the , and other functions as deemed necessary or desirable for the .
      1.   Administration of
         a.   Preparation and Adoption
         The HCDD shall prepare the and amendments thereto, for consideration by the Mayor and Council in accordance with Section 3.6, Plan Adoption and Amendment Procedure.
         b.   Implementation
         The HCDD shall:
            (1)   Investigate and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council concerning reasonable and practical means for putting the , or parts thereof, into effect in order that it will serve as a pattern and guide for the orderly growth and of the and as a basis for the efficient expenditure of its funds relating to the subjects of the . The measures recommended may include plans, regulations, financial reports, and capital budgets;
            (2)   Submit an annual report to the Mayor and Council on the status of the plan and its implementation;
            (3)   Endeavor to promote public interest in, and understanding of, the and regulations relating to it; and,
            (4)   Consult with and advise public officials and agencies; public utility companies; civic, educational, professional, and other organizations; and citizens, generally, with relation to carrying out the .
      2.   Preparation of (Including Sub-area Plans Area and Neighborhood Plans)
      The HCDD shall prepare new for consideration of adoption by the Mayor and Council. include such elements as, but are not limited to, neighborhood and area plans, plans for major or parks, and standards and policy documents for the implementation of the . The Mayor and Council, with a recommendation from the HCDD, may adopt administrative rules and procedures for the implementation of .
      3.   Capital Improvement Program
      The HCDD shall assist the City Manager and other departments in coordinating the Capital Improvement Program, monitoring its implementation, and advising the Mayor and Council on its with the and .
      4.   Historic Preservation
      The HCDD shall perform the following duties:
         a.   Oversee the ’s policies pertaining to historic preservation;
         b.   Assist in establishing local National Register Historic Districts and Historic Preservation ;
         c.   Perform the duties and responsibilities of the Historic Preservation Program, including creating and maintaining programs to encourage the recognition, restoration, and maintenance of the historic, archaeological, and cultural resources of the ; and,
         d.   Work with and assist departments of the and the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission in matters affecting historic preservation.
      5.   Enforcement of the
      The HCDD shall assist the Zoning Administrator in the enforcement of of the as provided in Section 10.2, Enforcement Authority.
      6.   Other Responsibilities
      The HCDD shall perform such other functions as may be required by the Mayor and Council, City Manager, or the .
   B.    of the Housing and Community Development Department
   The of HCDD is the chief administrative officer of the HCDD and shall be responsible for administering the functions and duties of the HCDD. The , or designee, performs other such functions as may be required for the administration of the HCDD or as provided by the Mayor and Council, City Manager, or the .
   The position of (DP) is established: 1) to review permits for located in the Neighborhood Preservation (NPZ) overlays for compliance with applicable design manuals, and 2) to review proposed , , , architectural features, of proposed , plans, and , as set forth in the .
   A.   Appointment and Qualifications
      1.   Appointment
      The PDSD shall recommend a candidate(s) for the position of DP. The Mayor and Council shall appoint one or more DPs.
      2.   Qualifications
         a.   NPZ Review
         The DP shall be a registered architect, preferably with historic preservation experience.
         b.    Review
         The DP shall be a registered architect or landscape architect.
   B.   Powers and Duties
      1.   Neighborhood Preservation (NPZ) Design Review
      The DP shall review applications for permits for located within adopted NPZs for compliance with the applicable Design Manual and Section 5.10.3, Neighborhood Preservation Design Review Procedure. The DP will forward a written report with findings and recommendation to the PDSD . The shall take into account the recommendations of the DP when considering approval of the application.
      2.   Flexible Lot Development (FLD) Review
      The DP shall review FLD for compliance with, but not limited to:
         a.   Architectural variation, Section 8.7.3.M.1;
         b.    , Section 8.7.3.F.1 & .2;
         c.   Modifications to     , Section 8.7.3.L.2;
         d.   Privacy , Section 8.7.3.M.2.b;
         e.   Transition edge treatment, Section 8.7.3.M.2.a;
         f.   Recommendation on FLD Review
         The DP shall forward a written recommendation with findings to the PDSD . The shall consider the DP’s recommendation and render a decision on the FLD.
         g.   Findings for FLD Privacy Plan
         The DP may recommend a if it meets the following findings:
            (1)   Will not be detrimental to public health and safety;
            (2)   Will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to properties; and,
            (3)   Will not create a to surrounding properties.
      3.   Conditions
         a.   NPZ Review
         The DP may recommend conditions on the approval of a permit to ensure that the design of the mitigates the impact of the on the subject .
         b.   FLD Review
         The DP may recommend conditions on the approval of an FLD to ensure that the design of the FLD mitigates the impact of the FLD and provides suitable transitions to the existing residential .
      4.   Conflict of Interest
      The DP shall not render professional services under this section on any if the DP’s judgment could be affected by responsibilities to, or interest in another or or by the DP’s own interests. The DP shall comply with City of Tucson Administrative Directive 2.02-14 and Policy 282, Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Officers and Employees.
      5.   Other Responsibilities
      The DP shall perform such other functions as may be required by the . Additionally, the PDSD may request other design assistance and recommendations as needed in implementing the .
      A.   Creation
         A sign design review committee is hereby created to assist the Mayor and Council, the Planning Commission, and the Planning and Development Services by advising on sign standard text amendments and design option applications permitted by Section 7A.7 Sign Design Options.
      B.   Authority
         The sign design review committee shall advise the Mayor and Council and the Planning Commission on sign text amendments. It shall also act as the design review committee for Section 7A.7 Sign Design Options and advise the Planning and Development Services on various design option applications.
      C.   Composition
         The committee shall be composed of the following nine members who shall serve without compensation. Members shall include an architect, an Outdoor Lighting Committee representative, a sign industry representative, a local business representative, a planner (architect, planner or landscape architect), portable sign expert (e.g. commercial real estate broker), one at-large appointment by the City Manager, general representative, and an ad hoc representative appointed by a within 300 feet of the location of the subject property submitting the application. The City Manager may appoint a professional or stakeholder with a similar background and/or experience to the above listed committee members.
      D.   Appointment and Terms
         1.   Appointment
            The members shall be appointed by the City Manager.
         2.   Terms
            City Manager shall appoint a member for a four-year term. After two terms the member shall be replaced. A former member may return after a one-year hiatus from the committee.
         3.   City Employees, Elected Officials Excluded
            No member of the committee may be a employee or hold a elective office.
      E.   Vacancies
         Vacancies on the committee shall be filled by appointment in the same manner in which members are initially appointed.
      F.   Removal
         Removal of the members shall be done by the City Manager.
      G.   Sign Text Amendment Meeting
         The committee shall have meetings as needed to discuss sign standard text amendments and make recommendations to the Planning Commission. Along with the Planning Commission recommendation, the committee's recommendation shall be forwarded to the Mayor and Council.
      H.   Design Review Meeting
         1.   The applicant may ask for a pre-application meeting with the committee to receive input on the proposal.
         2.   When the applicant requests a meeting on the application, the committee may continue a case one time.
         3.   The applicant will present the proposal. The committee will review the application in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 7A.7 Sign Design Options.
         4.   The applicant may ask for additional continuances.
         5.   After reviewing the case, the committee shall make a recommendation of approval, approval with conditions or denial to the planning and development services .
      I.   Quorum
         A quorum for a meeting shall be 50% of those members seated. If for any reason the City Manager has not appointed the members of the committee or a quorum is not obtained for a particular application, the may request that the make a recommendation directly to the PDSD .
      J.   Administrative Procedures
         1.   City Manager
            The City Manager shall ensure that all departments and under his authority shall cooperate in providing assistance and data to the sign design review committee.
         2.   Executive Secretary
            The zoning administrator or designee shall serve as executive secretary to the committee.
         3.   Chairperson and Other Officers
            The committee shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson and such other officers as it may deem necessary from its members. The terms of chairperson, vice-chairperson and other officers shall be for one year subject to one additional term of one year.
(Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)