General Provisions
31.01 Use of independent certified public accountants
31.02 School crossing guards
Borough Manager
31.15 Creation of office
31.16 Appointment, term of office and removal
31.17 Qualifications
31.18 Requirements of surety bond
31.19 Manager’s salary
31.20 Powers and duties
31.21 Delegation of powers of Mayor to Manager
31.22 Procedural limitations on the Borough Council
Borough Council
31.25 Council member compensation
31.26 Effective date
Borough Mayor
31.35 General powers and duties of the Mayor
31.36 Issuance of proclamation
31.37 Advertisement of proclamation
31.38 Effective date of proclamation/rejection by Council
31.39 Powers and duties of Borough Manager
31.40 Powers of Mayor to be nonexclusive
31.41 Mayor compensation
31.42 Effective date
Borough Employees
31.55 Old age and survivors insurance system
31.56 Changing benefits under the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law
31.99 Penalty