   153.001   Title
   153.002   Authority
   153.003   Purpose
   153.004   Jurisdiction
   153.005   Nature and application
Rules of Construction and Definitions
   153.020   Rules of construction
   153.021   Definitions of terms and uses
Nonconforming Structures and Uses
   153.040   Continuance and use
   153.041   Discontinuance of use
   153.042   Change of use
   153.043   Repairs and alterations
   153.044   Accessories to primary nonconforming uses
   153.045   Damage and deconstruction
   153.046   District changes
Establishment of Zoning Districts and Boundaries
   153.060   Zoning districts established
   153.061   Zoning district hierarchy
   153.062   Zoning district boundary map
   153.063   Interpretation of district boundaries
   153.064   Classification of annexed lands
   153.065   Vacation of public rights-of-way
District Regulations
   153.080   Agriculture and residential districts; general description
   153.081   Commercial districts
   153.082   Industrial districts
   153.083   Commercial and industrial uses and exclusive use-landfill uses permitted
   153.084   Nonresidential lot, yard and height regulations
   153.085   Overlay and special purpose districts
   153.086   Exclusive Use-Landfill (EU-L) district
   153.087   Planned Unit Development (PUD) district
Conditional Uses
   153.120   Nature and description
   153.121   Development standards and review guidelines
   153.122   Procedure for authorizing
   153.123   Effect of approval
Accessory Uses
   153.140   General description
   153.141   Location requirements and standards
   153.142   Residential accessory uses
   153.143   Nonresidential accessory uses
Special Conditions Applicable to Certain Uses
   153.160   General
   153.161   Adult entertainment
   153.162   Wrecking, salvage and junkyards
   153.163   Car washes
   153.164   Emergency housing units
   153.165   Manufactured housing parks
   153.166   Manufactured housing units
   153.167   Manufactured housing units, residential design
   153.168   Outdoor food vendors
   153.169   Temporary uses and structures
   153.170   Animal, farm
   153.171   Chicken, hobby
   153.172   Detached accessory dwelling units
   153.173   Self storage units
   153.174   Outdoor storage
   153.180   Definitions
   153.181   Prohibited signs
   153.182   Signs authorized in every district
   153.183   Permit required
   153.184   Sign regulations by district
   153.185   Generally
General Standards
   153.210   Off-street parking and loading
   153.211   Driveways and access; multi-family and nonresidential uses
   153.212   Landscaping, screening, fencing, and buffering
   153.213   Corner visibility
   153.214   Residential compatibility standards
   153.215   Fences
   153.216   Sidewalks
   153.217   Street frontage–access easement
Flood Damage Prevention
   153.230   Flood damage prevention and storm water management
   153.231   Statutory authority
   153.232   Findings of fact
   153.233   Statement of purpose
   153.234   Lands to which this subchapter applies
   153.235   Methods of reducing flood losses
   153.236   Flood damage prevention code adopted by reference
   153.237   Abrogation and greater restrictions
   153.238   Interpretation
   153.239   Warning and disclaimer of liability
   153.240   Compliance
   153.241   Fees
   153.242   Permits
Board of Zoning Adjustment
   153.260   Creation and appointment
   153.261   Organization
   153.262   Powers and duties
   153.263   Procedure for application and appeals
Administration and Enforcement
   153.280   Administrative officer
   153.281   Building permits
   153.282   Certificate of occupancy
   153.283   Amendments
   153.284   Fees
   153.999   Penalty for violation
   Appendix A:    Flag Standards
   Appendix B: Minimum Dimension Standards
   Appendix C: District Standards: Commercial, Industrial, Mixed Use, Exclusive Use Landfill
Editor’s Note:
   Zoning Regulations were adopted by Ord. 2017-05-635 on December 2, 2017, and revised and readopted in their entirety by Ord. 2017-12-669, passed December 5, 2017.
§ 153.001 TITLE.
   This chapter shall constitute the zoning regulations of the city. It may be cited as the "zoning ordinance" or the "zoning code," and consists of the text, which follows, as well the zoning district boundary map, entitled "Official Zoning Map of the City of Tontitown, Arkansas," which is on file in the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
§ 153.002 AUTHORITY.
   (A)   These regulations are adopted pursuant to authority granted by the Arkansas General Assembly in Title 14, Chapter 56, Subchapter 4 of the Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated (ACA), as amended.
   (B)   All membership in the various boards and commissions having authority hereunder, acting prior to the effective date of this article, shall remain in office and serve the remainder of their respective terms.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
§ 153.003 PURPOSE.
   The zoning regulations set forth herein are enacted to aid in the implementation of the land use portion of the City of Tontitown 2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and to promote, in accordance with present and future needs, the safety, order, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare of the citizens of Tontitown. The regulations are intended to provide for orderly growth and development; for protection of the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and environmentally sensitive areas of the city; for protection of property from blight and undue depreciation; for efficiency and economy in the process of development for the appropriate and best use of land; for the use and occupancy of buildings; for healthful and convenient distribution of population; for good civic design and arrangement; and for adequate public utilities and facilities.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)