   (A)   Applicability.
      (1)   Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with the regulations of this section for all new development, and for any existing development that is altered in a way that enlarges or increases capacity by adding or creating dwelling units, guest rooms, floor area or seats.
      (2)   Parking and loading schedules.
         (a)   Off-street parking schedule A. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following off-street parking schedule ("Schedule A"). In some cases, the applicable off-street parking space requirement in Schedule A refers to Schedule B.
         (b)   The number of parking spaces required for a use not listed herein shall be the same as for a similar use that is listed. When the required number of spaces cannot be ascertained by this method, or if the applicant and the city staff cannot agree, the matter shall be submitted for Planning Commission determination. Such determination shall be subject to appeal to the City Council.
   Schedule A
Residential uses
Minimum number of spaces required
Residential uses
Minimum number of spaces required
Single-family detached
4 per dwelling/unit. Two spaces may be within a garage/carport structure (attached or detached), and the other two spaces may be within the driveway. Minimum driveway length shall be 25 feet measured from the street right-of-way.
2 per dwelling unit
1.25 per efficiency unit
1.75 per one-bedroom unit
2.25 per two-bedroom unit
Manufactured housing (all)
2 per dwelling unit
Manufactured housing park
2 per unit, plus 1 for each 10 units
Zero lot line single-family
2 per dwelling unit
Civic and commercial uses
Minimum number of spaces required
Animal care, general
1 per 400 square feet
Animal care, limited
1 per 300 square feet
Auditorium, arena, theater
1 for each 4 seats, based on maximum capacity
Bank or financial institution
1 per 300 square feet
Bed and breakfast
2 per building, plus 1 per guest room
1 for each 4 seats in the sanctuary (sharing possible)
College or university
1 per 300 square feet, or 1 for each 2 students, whichever is greater
Communication tower
1 space (plus office space, if on site)
Construction sales and service
1 per 500 square feet
Convenience store
1 per 200 square feet
Day care, limited or general
1 per employee and/or attendant, plus 2 spaces
Funeral home
1 for each 4 chapel seats, plus 1 per employee
Government service
1 per 300 square feet
1 for each bed
Hotel or motel
1 per guest room, plus 1 per 10 guest rooms
1 per 500 square feet
Medical service
6 per doctor or dentist
1 per 500 square feet
Office, general
1 per 300 square feet
Recreation/entertainment, indoor
1 per 400 square feet
Recreational vehicle park
1 per camping space
Restaurant, fast food
1 per 75 square feet of customer service/dining area
1 per 200 square feet if no such service/dining area
Restaurant, general
1 per 150 square feet for first 2,500 square feet, plus 1 per 100 square feet over 2,500 square feet
Retail/service, general
1 per 250 square feet
Retail/service, furniture and bulky items
1 per 500 square feet
School, nursery, elementary and middle
1 per staff and employee, plus 1 space per classroom
School, high
1 for each 3 students, plus 1.5 per classroom
Service station
2 per service bay, plus 1 per pump
Vehicle and equipment sales
1 per 500 square feet
Vehicle repair, general or limited
5 per service bay
Vocational school
1 per 3 students, plus 1 per faculty member
Warehouse, residential (mini) storage
1 for each 5 storage bays, or 1 per 1,000 square feet, whichever is greater
Industrial and manufacturing uses
Minimum number of spaces required
Asphalt or concrete plant
Spaces to be provided pursuant to Schedule B
Auto wrecking or salvage yard
Spaces to be provided pursuant to Schedule B
Manufacturing, general
Spaces to be provided pursuant to Schedule B
Manufacturing, limited
Spaces to be provided pursuant to Schedule B
Research service
1 per 300 square feet
Spaces to be provided pursuant to Schedule B
Welding or machine shop
1 per 1,000 square feet or 1 per employee, whichever is greater
         (c)   Off-street loading schedule. Off-street loading space shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum standards:
   Off-Street Loading Schedule
Retail and service, warehouse, wholesale, and manufacturing uses
Floor area (square feet)
Minimum off-street loading requirement
Retail and service, warehouse, wholesale, and manufacturing uses
Floor area (square feet)
Minimum off-street loading requirement
3,000 to 25,000
25,001 to 85,000
85,001 to 155,000
155,001 to 235,000
235,001 to 325,000
325,001 to 425,000
425,001 to 535,000
535,001 to 655,000
655,001 to 775,000
775,001 to 925,000
925,001 or more
10, plus 1 per 200,000 square feet above 925,001
Office, nursing home, hospital, hotels and institutions
100,001 to 335,000
335,001 to 625,000
625,001 to 945,000
945,001 or more
5, plus 1 per 500,000 square feet above 945,001
      (3)   Computing off-street parking and loading requirements.
         (a)   Multiple uses. Lots containing more than one use shall provide parking and loading in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses.
         (b)   Fractions. When measurements of the number of required spaces result in fractions, any fraction of one-half or less shall be disregarded and any fraction of more than one-half shall be rounded upward to the next highest whole number.
         (c)   Area. Unless otherwise noted in these provisions, all square footage-based parking and loading standards shall be computed on the basis of gross floor area.
         (d)   Employees, students and occupant-based standards. For the purpose of computing parking requirements based on the number of employees, students, residents, or occupants, calculations shall be based on the largest number of persons working on any single shift, the maximum enrollment or the maximum fire-rated capacity, whichever is applicable and whichever results in the greater number of spaces.
         (e)   Americans With Disabilities Act Requirements (ADA). Pursuant to federal ADA standards, a portion of the total number of required off-street parking spaces in each off-street parking area shall be specifically designated, located and reserved for use by person with physical disabilities. Responsibility for compliance with ADA, in all respects, shall rest with the applicant.
      (4)   Location and design of off-street parking and loading spaces.
         (a)   On-site. Except as otherwise specifically provided, required off-street parking and loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the principal use.
         (b)   Right-of-way. Off-street parking spaces shall be prohibited within the public right-of-way; and no portion of the abutting street right-of-way shall, except for the driveway, be paved or used in any manner except as green area.
         (c)   Setbacks. In R-E, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-3-L, R-4, R-MF-16 and R-MH districts, required off-street parking shall not be located within a street (front or street side) setback. Parking in excess of the required number of spaces is allowed in the street setback, but not off the driveway, and not in a manner that obstructs sidewalks or visibility.
         (d)   Where parking is to be provided in the street setback of a multi-family dwelling, there shall be established a parking setback line of ten feet. The area between the parking setback line and the front lot line shall be prepared and planted with grass, shrubs, trees, or ground cover not inconsistent with other landscaping provisions contained herein, and protected by interior curbing.
         (e)   In all commercial and industrial districts, required parking is allowed within the street setback; however, public right-of-way except for the driveway, shall not be graveled or hard-surfaced.
         (f)   Ingress and egress. Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be designed to permit exiting vehicles to enter the public right-of-way in a forward motion. No off-street parking or loading space shall be allowed that requires vehicles to "back" onto a public right-of-way, except single family and duplex residential development on local and collector streets.
         (g)   Surfacing. All required off-street parking and loading spaces, and the driveways serving off-street parking and loading spaces, shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or brick, a minimum of 100 feet from the street frontage right-of-way. Areas designated for display of items for sale, e.g. vehicles, tractors, implements, ATVs, RVs and the like, will not be required to adhere to this requirement. Residential driveways, not in a platted subdivision shall be required to pave with asphalt, concrete, or brick, the portion of driveway from the edge of the street pavement to the property line or the right-of-way according to the Master Street Plan, whichever is greater.
         (h)   Drainage. All off-street parking and loading areas shall be designed with drainage facilities adequate to dispose of all storm water, and to not increase the storm water runoff onto the surface of adjoining properties or streets.
         (i)   Curbing. The perimeter of all off-street parking and loading areas and their access drives shall be curbed, with the exception of single-family and duplex residences. Landscape islands and other interior features within parking lots shall also be protected by curbs. In addition, the principal building on the lot shall be protected by curbs and/or raised walkways. Rollover curbs shall not be permitted, and wheel-stops are expressly prohibited as alternatives to meeting curbing requirements. The area between the curb and the property line, except for the driveway(s), shall be maintained as green space.
         (j)   Striping. Off-street parking areas containing five or more spaces shall have parking spaces delineated by pavement striping.
         (k)   Parking space dimensions for residential subdivision. Off-street parking spaces located outside of a garage/carport structure shall contain a minimum area of at least 225 square feet per parking space, with a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum length of 25 feet, measured from the street right-of-way.
         (l)   Loading space dimensions. Off-street loading spaces shall be a minimum of 14 feet by 45 feet in size, with a minimum height clearance of 18 feet.
         (m)   Aisle dimensions. Drive aisles within off-street parking lots shall comply with the following minimum width requirements:
Parking angle
One-way aisle
Two-way aisle
24 feet
24 feet
18 feet
24 feet
16 feet
24 feet
13 feet
24 feet
         (n)   Timing of construction. All required parking and loading spaces, driving aisles, and access ways shall be constructed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, provided that a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the city's inspection department if it is determined, based on information provided by the applicant, that inclement weather or other factors beyond the control of the applicant have prevented compliance with this "timing" requirement. Before approval of a temporary certificate of occupancy, the parking area subgrade and (SB2) stone base shall be compacted in accordance with the city's construction standards. The temporary certificate of occupancy shall expire at the end of one120 days or within such shorter timeframe specified by the inspection department at the time of approval of the certificate.
         (o)   Use of off-street parking and loading spaces. Required off-street parking spaces shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition, and shall not be used for the storage of vehicles, boats, motor homes, campers, mobile homes, materials, tractor trailers or other temporary storage unless they are located in a designated staging area and are screened, fenced or otherwise fully shielded from public view.
      (5)   Off-site parking. Required off-street parking shall be located on the same lot as the use it is intended to serve; provided that a portion, not to exceed 25%, of the required off-street parking spaces may be located on a remote and separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located, if the off-site parking complies with the following standards:
         (a)   Ineligible activities. Off-site parking shall not be used to satisfy the off-street parking standards for residential uses, restaurants, convenience stores, or other convenience-oriented uses.
         (b)   Location. No off-site parking area shall be located more than 80 feet from the required parking lot of the use served, unless a shuttle service is provided. Distance shall be measured along the shortest legal, practical walking route.
         (c)   Zoning classification. Off-site parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the use served.
         (d)   Agreement for off-site parking. In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, a written agreement shall be required. An attested copy of the agreement between the owners of record shall be submitted to the zoning official for recording. In addition, whether under the same ownership or not, a legal document to prevent development of the off-site parking area shall be executed and recorded. Recording of the agreement(s) shall take place before issuance of a building permit for any use to be served by the off-site parking area; or in the case of an existing building, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
      (6)   Shared parking. The zoning official, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission, may authorize a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for multiple use developments, and for uses that are located near one another that have different peak parking demands and operating hours. Shared parking shall be subject to the following standards.
         (a)   Location. Shared off-street parking spaces shall be located no further than 300 feet from the building and uses they are intended to serve unless shuttle service is provided.
         (b)   Study. An acceptable parking study provided by the applicant shall be submitted which clearly establishes that uses will make use of the shared spaces at different times of the day, week, month, or year.
         (c)   Agreement. A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement. Proof of recording of the agreement shall be presented prior to issuance of a building permit.
         (d)   Revocation of certificate of occupancy. Failure to comply with the shared parking provisions of this article shall constitute a violation of these regulations, and shall specifically be cause for revocation of a certificate of occupancy.
      (7)   Outdoor parking/storage of boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles. One boat, trailer and/or recreational vehicle may be parked outdoors on a lot in a residential district provided that:
         (a)   The boat, trailer or recreational vehicle is owned and used by a resident of the premises;
         (b)   The boat, trailer or recreational vehicle is not parked in the area between the front of the residence and the street or other area between the structure and the street, except for the purpose of loading or unloading during a period of less than eight hours;
         (c)   The boat, trailer and/or recreational vehicle is located in the side or rear yard;
         (d)   The boat, trailer and/or recreational vehicle is not used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes;
         (e)   The boat, trailer or recreational vehicle is currently registered and licensed, as required by state law; and
         (f)   The area must be kept free of weeds and debris.
      (8)   Vehicle stack space for drive-thru facilities. In addition to meeting the off-street parking requirements of the section, establishments with drive-thru facilities shall comply with the following minimum vehicle stack space standards.
         (a)   Stack space schedule.
            1.   Fast-food restaurants, 110 feet, as measured from the order station.
            2.   Banks, 70 feet, as measured from the teller drop.
            3.   Automatic car washes, 50 feet, as measured from the entrance.
            4.   Other uses, 30 feet, as measured from the pick-up window.
         (b)   Design and layout. Vehicle stack spaces shall be subject to the following design and layout standards.
            1.   Stack spaces shall be designed so as not to impede pedestrian access to the building, on and off-site traffic movements, or movements into or out of parking spaces.
            2.   Stack space lanes shall be a minimum of eight feet wide, and shall be separated from other internal driveways with painted lines or curbing.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17; Am. Ord. 2021-03-924, passed 3-2-21)
   The following standards shall apply to all driveways providing access to multi-family and nonresidential uses.
   (A)   General standards.
      (1)   Access to property shall be allowed only by way of driveways, and no other portion of the lot frontage shall be used for ingress or egress. Continuous curb cuts are prohibited.
      (2)   Driveway design shall be such that minimization of interference with through street traffic is achieved, and shall be subject to site plan approval. The types of vehicles that a driveway is intended to serve shall be a prime factor in determining the acceptable radii of driveways.
      (3)   Provisions for circulation between adjacent parcels should be provided through a coordinated or joint parking system.
   (B)   Driveway spacing.
      (1)   Arterial streets. Direct access to any arterial street shall be limited to the following restrictions:
         (a)   Spacing from signalized intersections. All driveways providing access to arterial streets shall be constructed so that the point of tangency of the curb return radius closest to a signalized or stop sign-controlled intersection, is at least 120 feet from the perpendicular curb face of the intersecting street. In the event that this standard cannot be met because of an unusually narrow or shallow lot size, a reduction in spacing may be approved as long as the reduction does not result in an unsafe traffic condition.
         (b)   Spacing from other (non-signalized) access points. All driveways providing access to arterial streets shall be constructed so that the point of tangency of the curb return radius closest to any non-signalized street or driveway intersection, is at least 80 feet from the perpendicular curb face of the intersecting street or driveway. In the event that this standard cannot be met because of an unusually narrow or shallow lot size, a reduction in spacing may be approved as long as the reduction does not result in an unsafe traffic condition.
   (C)   Collector streets. Direct access to collector streets shall be regulated in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   Spacing from signalized intersections. All driveways providing access to collector streets shall be constructed so that the point of tangency of the curb return radius closest to a signalized or stop sign-controlled intersection, is at least 120 feet from the perpendicular curb face of an intersecting arterial street and 80 feet from the perpendicular curb face of an intersecting collector or local street. In the event that this standard cannot be met because of an unusually narrow or shallow lot size, a reduction in spacing may be approved as long as the reduction does not result in an unsafe traffic condition.
      (2)   Spacing from other (non-signalized) access points. All driveways providing access to collector streets shall be constructed so that the point of tangency of the curb return radius closest to a non-signalized street or driveway intersection, is at least 80 feet from the perpendicular curb face of the intersecting street or driveway. In the event that this standard cannot be met because of an unusually narrow or shallow lot size, a reduction in spacing may be approved as long as the reduction does not result in an unsafe traffic condition.
   (D)   Driveways per parcel.
      (1)   At least one driveway shall be permitted for any lot. Shared driveways shall be recommended for lots that have less than 120 feet of frontage.
      (2)   Individual driveways shall be located a minimum of ten feet from the side property lines. A separation of at least 20 feet is required between the driveways on one lot and the driveways on the adjacent lots. Driveways on the same lot shall be no closer than 50 feet to each other.
      (3)   Driveways on corner lots shall be located as far away from the intersection as possible. In no case shall a driveway be installed closer than five feet to the beginning of the curb radius.
   (E)   Ingress/egress driveway width. The width of the driveway throat shall not exceed 40 feet in width. Driveway lanes shall be a minimum of 13 feet in width and shall not have more than three lanes in one entrance/exit.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)