(A)   All development shall be designed in such a way as to minimize any potential negative impact on the surrounding area. Special attention shall be given to buffering commercial developments from adjacent single-family areas. Design of the internal traffic circulation system, ingress and egress, off-street parking, loading and pedestrian ways shall be sensitive to such conditions as safety, convenience, separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, general attractiveness, and the proper relationship of different land uses. Landscaped areas shall be provided to protect water quality, and reduce erosion, heat and glare. Such areas shall be maintained in an attractive condition. Existing trees on a development site shall be retained where possible. Screening, open space, or other buffer may be required to give adequate separation between uses which are marginally compatible, and shall also be provided for the beautification and enhancement of the property.
   (B)   In carrying out the purpose of this section, the following development standards and design specifics shall be subject to review and approval. The appropriateness of these standards shall be determined for each specific conditional use location.
      (1)   The proposed use is within the provision of "conditional uses," as set out in these regulations.
      (2)   The proposed use conforms to all applicable provisions herein set out for the district in which it is to be located.
      (3)   The proposed use is so designated, located, and proposed to be operated, that the public health, safety and welfare will be protected.
      (4)   The proposed land use is compatible with and will not adversely affect other property in the area where it is proposed to be located.
      (5)   The size and shape of the site, including the size, shape and arrangement of proposed structures, as well as signage related thereto, is in keeping with the intent of these regulations.
      (6)   The proposed ingress and egress, internal circulation system, location and amount of off street parking, loading and pedestrian ways are sufficiently adequate, and not inconsistent with requirements of these regulations.
      (7)   The proposed landscaping and screening of the proposed use are in accordance with provisions of these regulations.
      (8)   Safeguards proposed to limit noxious or offensive emissions, including lighting, noise, glare, dust and odor are addressed.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)