This subchapter uses the following methods to accomplish the stated purpose:
(A) This subchapter restricts or prohibits structures or uses in special flood hazard areas that adversely impact health, safety or property during flooding events;
(B) This subchapter requires protection against flood damage for structures or uses vulnerable to floods at the time of initial construction, or after substantial improvement of the structure, or after substantial damage has occurred;
(C) This subchapter controls the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels and natural protective barriers which are involved in the accommodation and transport of flood waters;
(D) This subchapter controls floodplain development (structural development, placement of manufactured structures, clearing, grading, mining, drilling, dredging, placement of fill, excavating, watercourse alteration, drainage improvements, roadway or bridge construction, individual water or sewer installations and other activities) which may increase flood damage by increasing flood elevations, flood water velocities, or flood discharge patterns;
(E) This subchapter regulates the construction of flood barriers which unnaturally divert floodwaters or which may adversely impact other lands.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
There is hereby adopted by reference a "Flood Damage Prevention Code for the City of Tontitown, Arkansas," dated August 28, 2007. The code shall be available for inspection and copying by any person during normal office hours.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
This subchapter does not repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. Whenever there is a conflict or overlap between this subchapter and another ordinance, easement, covenant, or deed restriction, the instrument with the more stringent restrictions applies.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
In the interpretation and application of this subchapter, all provisions must:
(A) Be considered as minimum requirements;
(B) Be liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and
(C) Be deemed to neither limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
The degree of flood protection required by this subchapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes. Documented scientific and engineering data form the basis for these requirements. On rare occasions, flooding events greater than those considered for this subchapter will occur. In addition, flood heights may increase over time due to man-made or natural causes. This subchapter does not imply that land outside special flood hazard areas will be free from flooding, nor that strict adherence to this subchapter protects uses permitted within special flood hazard areas from all flood damages. This subchapter specifically does not create liability on the part of the community, nor any official or employee of the community, for any flood damages that result while strictly following this subchapter, or from any lawful administrative decision made under the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)
(A) Applicability. Any structural development, placement of manufactured structures, clearing, grading, mining, drilling, dredging, placement of fill, excavating, watercourse alteration, drainage improvements, roadway or bridge construction, individual water or sewer installations and other activities must be approved via the current floodplain development permit application prior to any work within the special flood hazard area.
(B) Exemptions. No exemptions may be granted without a written request to the city Floodplain Administrator and approval by the appropriate board.
(C) Application.
(1) Application form. Completed and signed application form.
(2) Fee. Payment of fee as indicated on the application.
(D) Review and approval. Any floodplain development permit may not be completely reviewed until all associative documents and detailed study information has been made available to the Floodplain Administrator. Upon completion of the review a determination will be made to approve or deny the permit.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)