(A)   Purpose and authority. Certificates of occupancy are required to ensure that completed structures and the development of property of which such structures are a part, comply with the provisions of this chapter, as well as any site plans or conditional use approvals for such structures and development. The building official shall have the authority and responsibility to issue and keep records of certificates of occupancy in accordance with the requirements set forth in these regulations, and the building code. A certificate of occupancy must be applied for, and issued by the building official prior to occupancy and use of a structure or premises for any of the following:
      (1)   Any new structure.
      (2)   Any addition to an existing nonresidential structure.
      (3)   Any change in occupancy or use of a building or premises that involves nonresidential occupancy.
      (4)   Placement or change in occupancy of any manufactured home on any lot or parcel, regardless of use.
   (B)   Procedure. A certificate of occupancy shall be applied for coincident with the application for a building permit.
      (1)   The building official or his designated agent shall inspect the property that is the subject of an application within a reasonable time after a completed application has been filed, and shall issue a certificate of occupancy if the premises and the property comply in all respects with the applicable development regulations in effect for the city. If the premises do not so comply, the building official shall deny the application in a written notice mailed to the applicant with five days, excluding weekends and holidays, after the inspection of the property, specifying the provisions of which regulation or code the structure or development does not comply.
      (2)   A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued for a portion or portions of a building that may safely be occupied prior to final completion of the building. A temporary certificate of occupancy shall be valid for a period not exceeding one month, and may be renewed on a monthly basis up to a total of six months. Such temporary certificate shall not be construed as, in any way, altering the respective rights, duties, or obligations of the owner or of the city relating to the use or occupancy or any other matter required by these regulations.
   (C)   Contents of certificate of occupancy. Information required for submission to obtain a certificate of occupancy shall include:
      (1)   Name of applicant.
      (2)   Nature and extent of the applicant's ownership interest in the subject property.
      (3)   Address of the property for which a certificate is requested.
      (4)   A legal description of the property, the zoning classification for the property, and a statement that the use of the property is allowed or permitted in the zoning classification for the property.
      (5)   A site plan for any new construction (same as required for a building permit) for the structure, or the development of which such structure is a part, is required.
      (6)   Such other information as requested by the building official to ensure conformance with applicable development regulations.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)