(A)   Because of the nature and character of their operations, motor vehicle wrecking and salvage yards, junkyards, and similar uses of land can have a serious detrimental effect upon surrounding properties. Salvage and wrecking yards tend to create problems of noise, dust, traffic, and health hazards, and may adversely affect property values by their general appearance. For the purpose of evaluating whether the proposed utilization of land for a vehicular wrecking or junkyard properly minimizes its objectionable characteristics, the standards established below shall be used.
   (B)   Location. Because of the tendency of salvage yards to promote the breeding of vermin, no such operation shall have less than a 300-foot buffer zone to any residential district, or 100-foot buffer zone from commercial or Industrial zoned property(s) and streets
   (C)   Screening. The interior area of any existing salvage or wrecking operation shall be screened from view by fencing, not to exceed eight feet in height, within 18 months after the effective date of these regulations, and wrecking yards shall be so screened as a condition of approval. Such screening shall be uniform, consistent, and neat in appearance, and shall be properly maintained during the life of the use. No advertising, with the exception of one identification sign not exceeding 12 square feet, shall be placed on said screening. Storage between the street and such screening is expressly prohibited, as is the stacking of such vehicles above or beyond such screening.
(Ord. 2017-05-635, passed 5-2-17)