141.01 Appointments to boards and commissions; limitation of terms.
Advisory boards-see CHTR. § 106
Meetings of public bodies to be open-see Ohio R.C. 121.22
Notification of public meetings-see ADM. Ch. 107
Discrimination in employment prohibited-see ADM. 159.09
Disturbing a lawful meeting-see GEN. OFF. 509.04
Those persons hereafter appointed excepting elected officials, officers and employees of the City, who serve ten consecutive years as a member of a board or commission shall not be eligible for reappointment to the same board or commission until expiration of a period equivalent to a full term on such board or commission, provided, however, they shall be permitted to complete the term for which they were last appointed.
(1952 Code § 3-2-6; Ord. 209-73)