General Provisions
90.001 Adoption of state law pertaining to street improvements
90.002 Approval of plans and specifications for street improvements
90.003 Preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates for street improvements
90.004 Erection or maintenance of obstructions
90.005 Impeding passage along streets
90.006 Persons causing obstruction by stopping or standing
90.007 Obstruction by businesses or business activities
90.008 Permit for placing materials on street or sidewalk
90.009 Driving across or obstructing ditches
90.010 Interference with or obstruction of public improvements
90.011 General standards for work; cleaning of premises after completion of work
90.012 Use of unimproved/unopened rights-of-way
Sidewalks, Driveways, Curbs and Gutters
90.025 Definitions
90.026 Compliance
90.027 Injuring sidewalks
90.028 Permit for construction or repair; lines and grades to be specified by City Engineer
90.029 Responsibility of contractor for adequacy of work
90.030 Specifications
90.031 Location of trees or shrubbery planted along sidewalks
90.045 Permit required for street excavations
90.046 Application for street excavation permit
90.047 Bond required for street excavations
90.048 Issuance of street excavation permit; obligation to restore surface
90.049 Manner of opening street; placement of material removed
90.050 Use of sheeting and bracing in trenches
90.051 Supervision of street excavation work
90.052 Responsibility for repair of streets
90.053 Manner of repairing and filling street excavations
90.054 Protection, guards and warnings for excavations or holes in public place
90.055 Duties upon completion of work in street
90.056 Acceptance of completed work in street; use of bond or deposit to pay for costs of repair
Street Rental Charges
90.070 Applicability
90.071 Annual report of gross receipts
90.072 Amount and payment of rental
90.073 Receipt; privileges granted
90.074 Rental not a tax
90.075 Rental to be in lieu of certain taxes and fees
90.076 Reservation of rights by city
90.077 Inspection of fixtures; correction of unsafe conditions
Trees, Shrubs, Other Plants at Intersections
90.090 Definition
90.091 Authority of city to remove prohibited growth
90.092 Restricted areas
90.093 Maximum height of shrubs and similar plants
90.094 Minimum clearance of trees
Construction in Public Rights-of-Way
90.105 Findings and purpose
90.106 Authority; scope
90.107 Definitions
90.108 Municipal authorization required
90.109 Administration and enforcement
90.110 Construction obligations
90.111 Conditions of public rights-of-way occupancy
90.112 Insurance requirements
90.113 Indemnity
90.114 Governing law
90.115 Termination
90.116 Unauthorized use of public right-of-way
Statutory reference:
Authority to appropriate property for streets, alleys and the like, see Tex. Local Gov’t Code § 251.001
General provisions relating to municipal streets, see Tex. Transportation Code §§ 311.001 et seq.
All and singular, the rights, powers and provisions of Tex. Transportation Code §§ 313.001 et seq. are hereby adopted by the city for each street and alley improvement; provided, however, that, all existing powers relating to street improvements and special assessments to abutting property and the true owners thereof, whether express or implied, shall in no way be affected, nor the city deprived thereof, by the provisions of this section.
(1998 Code, § 106-1)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person within the city, without obtaining a permit, to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or repair or to permit the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of any fence, wall, hedge, structure or other character of obstruction:
(1) Over, on or across any public property, way, alley, street, sidewalk or park; or
(2) Between the property line of any lot and a public street or alley line.
(B) Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section or fail to comply therewith shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The owner of any building or premises, or part thereof, where anything in violation of this section shall be placed or exist, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent or other person assisting in the commission of any such violation, shall also be guilty of a separate misdemeanor.
(1998 Code, § 106-4) Penalty, see § 10.99