It shall be the duty of the Building Official, with the Director of Public Works’ and the City Engineer’s approval, when any person shall make application for a permit under the provisions of this subchapter, to grant the permit, specifying therein where the digging is to be done, when it is to be done and the manner of replacing the dirt and surface, and at the same time to take from the person a written obligation for replacing the dirt and surface and restoring the street to as good condition as before the digging was done.
(1998 Code, § 106-74)
In opening a street or other public way, all material for paving or ballasting must be removed with the least possible injury or loss of the material and, together with the excavated materials from the trenches, must be placed where it will cause the least possible inconvenience to the public.
(1998 Code, § 106-75) Penalty, see § 10.99
Whenever the sides of trenches dug in the street will not stand perpendicularly, sheeting and braces must be used to prevent unnecessary caving.
(1998 Code, § 106-76) Penalty, see § 10.99
All the work of excavating or making any character of opening in any of the streets, alleys or highways of the city shall at all times be under the supervision of the Building Official. The person doing the work shall do the work in the manner directed by the Building Official to the end that the streets and highways of the city shall not be unduly disturbed and traffic thereon obstructed.
(1998 Code, § 106-77)
(A) Where excavating or digging is done in the streets for the purpose of making sewer, gas, water or wire connections, or for any other purpose, at the instance of and for the benefit of the abutting owner, the abutting property owner shall be liable and responsible, and the person doing the work shall be liable and responsible, for the proper and sufficient repair of the street, and the City Engineer is hereby authorized and required to make the necessary and proper repairs at the cost and expense of the person doing the work, or having the work done, or for whose benefit the work is done, or at the cost and expense of each of the persons or all of the persons, jointly and severally.
(B) Where the work is done by any person for his or her own use and benefit in the execution of his or her business, the person doing the work shall be liable and responsible for the proper repair of the street, and the City Engineer is hereby authorized and required to make the repairs at the cost and expense of the person doing the work or having the work done.
(1998 Code, § 106-78)