4-101: Keeping Animals In City
4-102: Keeping Animals In Offensive Manner
4-103: Regulating Disposal Of Animal Carcass
4-104: Removal Of Animal Feces Required
4-105: Impounding Animals
4-106: Prohibited Acts
4-107: Obstructing Impounding Of Animal
4-108: Enticing Animals Into City
4-109: Buildings For Animals; Construction And Conditions
4-110: Unacceptable Behavior
4-111: Location Of Kennels
4-112: Structures To Be Kept Clean
4-113: Code Enforcement Officer To Inspect
4-114: Definitions
No person shall have, keep or maintain within the limits of the City any poultry, swine, hog, pig, shot boar, farm animal or other animals, except dogs and cats, with exceptions as designated in this chapter. No wild animal shall be kept within the City limits by cage or otherwise. (Ord. 307, 7-9-2015)
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, use, or maintain any yard, pen, place, room, or building, where animals are kept, in an unsatisfactory condition or in such a manner as to become offensive or annoying to the public or to any person residing in the vicinity. (Ord. 307, 7-9-2015)
It shall be the duty of the owner or person having the custody of any dead animal that within twenty four (24) hours after the death of such animal, to remove the carcass of the animal by means of burying such animal or have the animal cremated at a veterinary clinic. In cases where the exceptions of the zoning ordinance apply the carcasses of the animals must be removed from the City limits within twenty four (24) hours. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any ordinance or provision of this chapter, or who violates, or refuses or neglects to carry out any reasonable order made by the animal control officer pursuant to this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined as provided in section 1-108 of this Code, including costs. (Ord. 307, 7-9-2015)