A. From and after the effective date hereof all matters relating to the regulation of alcoholic beverages shall be governed by the provisions of the Alcohol Beverage Control Act, codified in Title 37A of the Oklahoma Statutes, except as may be otherwise provided for by the provisions of this Code.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person:
1. To knowingly sell, deliver, or furnish alcoholic beverages to any person under twenty one (21) years of age;
2. Who is under the age of twenty-one (21) to misrepresent his age in writing or by presenting documentation of age for the purpose of inducing any person to sell him alcoholic beverages;
3. To knowingly sell, deliver, or furnish alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person or to any person who has been adjudged mentally deficient;
4. To open a retail container or consume alcoholic beverages on the premises of a retail package store; or for any operator of a retail package store, or any person in charge thereof, to permit any person to open a retail container therein or consume alcoholic beverages therein;
5. To drink intoxicating liquor in public or to be intoxicated in a public place; provided, however, the city council of the city shall be authorized to waive the prohibition against consumption for specific events, types of events, upon proper application and under such conditions the council deems appropriate such event or types of events. (Ord. 341, 3-14-2019)
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
WHOLESALE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE STORE: A store operated under the authority of a state wholesaler's license.
The following specific terms are given the meanings defined for them in the appropriate sections of the Oklahoma alcoholic beverage control act: advertise the sale of alcoholic beverages, alcohol, brewery, distillery, original package or original container, retail containers, sale, spirits, wholesale dealer in alcoholic beverages, wine and winery. (2000 Code § 3-121)
No person shall maintain, operate or assist in any manner the maintenance or operation of a retail alcoholic beverage store or package store in premises which are not separated from adjoining premises on which any other goods, wares or merchandise are sold or services are rendered by nontransparent walls, broken only, if at all, by a passageway to which the public is not admitted. (2000 Code § 3-122)
No person shall take any alcoholic beverage through any passageway described in section 3-122 of this chapter, for the purpose of delivery thereof in connection with a sale of such beverage. (2000 Code § 3-123)
A. No person shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages at a retail alcoholic beverage store other than:
1. In retail containers;
2. At ordinary room temperatures;
3. In the original package; and
4. For consumption off the premises.
B. No person owning, employed in, or in any manner assisting in the maintenance and operation of such a store shall suffer or permit any alcoholic beverage to be consumed, or any retail container of such beverage to be opened on the premises of such a store. (2000 Code § 3-124)
No person shall drink or consume in any manner alcoholic beverages on the premises of a retail alcoholic beverage store, nor shall any person open or break the seal of any original package or retail container containing alcoholic beverages on the premises of any such retail alcoholic beverage store. (2000 Code § 3-125)