A townhouse (attached) dwelling unit shall be not less than twenty-two feet in width and any main or longitudinal wall of a sequence of townhouse units shall not exceed sixty-six feet in length without a ninety degree offset of at least five feet, and the aggregate length of any wall including its offsets shall not exceed 135 feet in length.
The minimum distance between the walls of adjacent townhouse buildings, and the distance between building walls and any boundary line of a townhouse (attached) development shall be in accordance with Section 1252.05
Not more than six townhouse dwelling units may be attached in any group.
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
The developer of any parcel of land proposed for townhouse and cluster development in an OF-C and RT-C District shall prepare a detailed site plan of the townhouse-cluster area proposed for development.
The site plan of each townhouse-cluster area shall include the following:
(a) The number, location and arrangement of all dwelling units;
(b) The architectural design of all units;
(c) The proposed use of all private and common land;
(d) The location and arrangement of all dedicated and private vehicular and pedestrian access ways;
(e) The number and arrangement of all open parking and service areas;
(f) The location of all utilities;
(g) The landscape treatment of the townhouse-cluster area; and
(h) The formation of a separate association to control and maintain the townhouse-cluster area; the final form of the covenants, deed restrictions, and easements to be recorded, including the use of common land; state approved Articles of Incorporation and declaration of condominium ownership and other covenants, if any, for maintenance.
The site plan and data required above shall be reviewed by the City Planner, Engineer, Building Commissioner, Law Department and Architectural Review Board, to determine its compliance and acceptability as to the intent, regulations, standards and criteria prescribed by this Zoning Code for One Family-Cluster and Townhouse-Cluster developments. The City Planner, Engineer, Building Commissioner, Law Department, and Architectural Review Board shall report their findings to the Planning Commission. The Commission shall evaluate the aforementioned reports and shall act to approve, disapprove or modify such site plan of a townhouse cluster area. Following the necessary City approvals, the Building Commissioner may issue building permits, provided that all applicable requirements of the Building Code are met, and all required fees are paid.
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)
The required yards surrounding an existing building shall not be separated in ownership from that portion of the lot upon which the building is located and no part shall be considered as providing a required yard for any other existing building on the same or on an adjacent lot. A yard shall not be reduced to less than the required dimensions for the district in which it is located by enlarging an existing building and a yard of less than the required dimensions shall not be further reduced in any manner. Every required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground upward except for accessory buildings as set forth in Section 1252.15 and projections into yards in Section 1252.16.
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)
Where a building line has not been established and where fifty percent (50%) or more of the aggregate street frontage between two successive intersecting streets is occupied by buildings of the type and use permitted in the district before the effective date of this Zoning Code or any amendments thereto, the minimum front yard for new buildings shall be the average setback distance of existing buildings located within 100 feet on either side of a given lot. However, the depth of the front yard resulting therefrom shall be not less than one-half of the dimensions specified in the schedule set forth in Section 1252.05.
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)
Where side yards are narrower than required for the district in which the building and lot are located and which was owned separately from all other tracts of land on the effective date of this Zoning Code or any amendment thereto, and is still so owned, the building may be maintained or altered but may not be enlarged in width unless the total width of the side yards complies with this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)
(Ord. 1981-20. Passed 6-15-81.)