A projection is that part or feature of a building which extends or projects outside of the main building walls. It is intended that certain features may project into required yards but they shall be regulated so as not to substantially interfere with the reception of sun, light, air and the use of adjacent lots. Building features may project into a front, side or rear yard of a dwelling as follows:
(a) Architectural Features. A belt course, balcony, cornice, gutter or chimney may project into a front and side yard for a distance of two feet provided no part is less than three feet from any side lot line.
(b) Entrance Features. Ground level open platforms, landings, or terraces not exceeding 120 square feet in area may extend up to ten feet into the required front yard. Steps or other features not extending above the first floor level of a building may extend up to six feet into a required front yard and three feet into a required side yard provided that no part is less than three feet from any lot line.
(c) Enclosed Shelters. An enclosed entry, enclosed porch or enclosed deck may be constructed as part of the dwelling, but shall not project into any required yard area.
(d) Unenclosed Shelters. An entrance hood or open but roofed porch may project up to six feet into a required front yard or required rear yard and three feet into a required side yard.
(e) Unenclosed Patio or Deck.
(1) On a lot with a one-family dwelling or two-family dwelling, an unenclosed patio or deck may project into a required rear yard provided such deck or patio is set back not less than five (5) feet from any side or rear lot line, and does not encroach into any easement.
(2) On a lot with a one-family cluster or a townhouse dwelling, an unenclosed patio or deck may project into a required rear yard provided such deck or patio is set back not less than ten (10) feet from the rear lot line, and does not encroach into an easement, and thirty-five (35) feet from any adjoining side or rear lot line of any single family dwelling lot and does not encroach into any easement; except that, if the Planning Commission has approved the location and arrangement of unenclosed patios or decks for the cluster or townhouse area in conjunction with the approval of the detailed site plan of such area, then such approval shall govern.
(f) Maximum Impervious Area. Regardless of any other provisions in Sections 1252.15 and 1252.16, the aggregate area of decks, shelters, patios, sheds, gazebos, or any other accessory building or use, and other features with impervious surfaces shall not cover more than fifty percent (50%) of any designated rear yard area.
(Ord. 2023-159. Passed 1-16-24.)