There shall be not more than one, one-family or one, two-family dwelling permitted on a zoning lot. There may be more than one townhouse, cluster dwelling or apartment building on a zoning lot. In addition, there may be one accessory building, one unenclosed accessory structure that is capable of being occupied, and one garage on the same zoning lot with a main building provided such accessory building, unenclosed accessory structure, and garage are constructed subsequent to the main building and remain only as long as the main building remains.
No one-family or two-family dwelling shall be located to the rear of any building on the same lot or on another lot which does not have the required frontage on a dedicated street. However, a group of apartment, townhouse or cluster buildings may be arranged in groups and not directly front on a dedicated street.
(Ord. 2022-122. Passed 11-7-22.)