Any accessory use permitted in a residential district may either occupy a part of the main building, occupy a separate accessory building, occupy an unenclosed structure, or constitute an accessory land use. "Unenclosed structure" for purposes of this Section, means a structure, with or without a permanent roof, that is open on at least three (3) sides with no walls, windows, or other enclosure of any type except insect screens. Unenclosed structures does not include decks with no roofs, which are governed by Section 1252.16(e) for allowable deck zoning requirements. Separate accessory buildings, other than a private garage, and unenclosed structures that are capable of being occupied, shall comply with the following schedule:
Accessory Building and Unenclosed Structure Size/Location | |||
Land Area of Accessory Building Lot (Sq. Ft.) | Maximum Permitted Accessory Building (Sq. Ft.) | Maximum Permitted Unenclosed Structure (Sq. Ft.) | Minimum Setback From Rear/Side Lot in Feet |
Less than 34,000 | 200 | 400 | 5 |
Between 34,000 and less than 43,560 | 400 | 400 | 5 |
Between 43,560 and less than 87,120 | 500 | 500 | 5 |
Between 87,120 and less than 130,680 | 600 | 500 | 5 |
Between 130,680 and less than 174,240 | 700 | 800 | 10 |
Between 174,240 and less than 217,800 | 800 | 800 | 10 |
Between 217,800 and less than 261,360 | 900 | 800 | 10 |
Between 261,360 and less than 304,920 | 1,000 | 800 | 10 |
Between 304,920 and less than 348,480 | 1,100 | 1200 | 15 |
Between 348,480 and less than 392,040 | 1,200 | 1200 | 15 |
Between 392,040 and less than 435,600 | 1,300 | 1200 | 15 |
Equal to or greater than 435,600 | 1,400 | 1200 | 15 |
(a) Accessory Building Location in ER, R1-125, R1-100 and R1-75 Districts. Any accessory building or detached private garage shall not be located within twenty (20) feet of the main building and shall not be located within twenty (20) feet of any dwelling on an adjacent residential lot, provided, however, that unenclosed accessory structures, such as gazebos, pergolas and trellises, may be located within twenty (20) feet of the dwelling to which they are accessory. Any accessory building or detached private garage shall not project into a front or into a side yard. An accessory building or private garage may, however, be located in a rear yard but no closer to the rear or side lot line as set forth in the Schedule in 1252.15.
On corner lots, an accessory building shall be set back from the side street line not less than the required setback for the adjacent main building of the butt lot plus an additional five feet.
Accessory buildings shall not be permitted in OF-C and RT-C Districts as an accessory use to a cluster or townhouse dwelling in a cluster development.
(b) Any accessory building designed or intended for the use of a motor vehicle or boat, or an accessory building with a door or doors that equal or exceed six (6) feet in height and seven (7) feet in width shall be considered an accessory building designed for vehicle storage and shall be provided with a driveway. A driveway or a motor vehicle use area to an accessory building designed for vehicle storage shall be hard surfaced as set out in Chapter 1436 of the Codified Ordinances or be surfaced with a permeable porous paver system (Filterpack, Geoblock or equal) in a manner approved by the Building Commissioner.
(c) Distances from Accessory Uses to Buildings and Streets in RMF-1 Districts. The minimum distances from any accessory uses such as storage garages, parking areas, driveways, walks and recreation areas to certain walls of main buildings, streets and boundaries of the development area shall be not less than set forth in the schedule that follows:
To Walls of Main Buildings | To streets | To Side and Rear Lot Lines Adjacent To | ||||
Accessory Building Or Use | Main (ft.) | End (ft.) | Public (ft.) | Project (ft.) | R1&R2 Dist. (ft.) | RMF Dist. (ft.) |
Storage garage | 30 (a) | 15 (a) | (b) | (8) | 5 | 5 |
Parking area & Driveway (c) | 30 | 10 | 20 (b) | 5 (d) | 10 | 5 |
Project walk | 10 (e) | 5 | (f) | (f) | 5 | 3 |
Areas for active recreation | 30 | 15 | (g) | 10 | 40 | 15 |
(a) Garage may be in basement ground floor or not less than set forth in this schedule.
(b) Storage garage not permitted in required front yard.
(c) If the driveway is designed as a part of the building entrance, it may be less than set forth in this schedule for that section near the entrance.
(d) Parking area only.
(e) A project walk may be less than ten feet, but not less than five feet, from a main wall if all the windows have sills at least eight feet above the finish grade.
(f) Not applicable.
(g) Recreation areas not permitted in required front yard.
(Ord. 2023-159. Passed 1-16-24.)