(a) No person shall collect solid waste within the City until he has first applied for and obtained from the Director of Public Service a license to do so. The license will authorize the collection of solid waste only from a list that is submitted to the Director by the fifth day of each month, showing the names and addresses of all persons by whom the licensee is employed. The license fee shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per year.
(b) No person shall collect solid waste within the City before 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. on weekdays, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
Applications for exceptions to the time limits imposed by this subsection may be made to the Director of Public Service. Such exception shall be granted only where the applicant is able to demonstrate circumstances of great practical difficulty in the collection of solid waste in areas where there is heavy daytime vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic and/or a concentration of commercial activity.
(Ord. 1994-21. Passed 2-22-94.)
(Ord. 1994-21. Passed 2-22-94.)
The Director of Public Service shall, semiannually or as frequently as he deems necessary, inspect the equipment of commercial haulers and shall suspend or revoke the license that was issued when, in his opinion, such equipment is deemed to be in unsafe operating condition.
(Ord. 1976-80. Passed 5-3-76.)
(Ord. 1976-80. Passed 5-3-76.)
The following rules and regulations are applicable to the residents of the City for the collection of refuse from residents properties:
(a) Refuse shall be placed on the tree lawn near the road edge by 7:00 a.m. of the designated collection day. Refuse shall not be put out earlier than the night before the scheduled collection day.
(b) Refuse shall be placed in plastic bags or other disposable containers of not more than thirty-gallon capacity. All bags or other disposable containers shall be securely fastened and shall not exceed fifty pounds in total weight. When metal or plastic garbage cans are used, a plastic disposable bag shall be inserted as a liner and securely fastened.
(c) Garbage shall be completely drained. Garbage disposals shall be used whenever possible.
(d) Large boxes, crates, cartons and papers shall be collapsed and tied in bundles weighing not more than fifty pounds.
(e) The following items cannot be disposed of by the Department of Public Service and Properties and therefore will not be accepted for pick up: liquids (paint, gasoline, oil, thinners, etc.), animals or animal waste.
(f) Tree and hedge trimmings not exceeding three inches in diameter shall be picked up on announced days beginning April 1, 1976.
(g) Appliances and special items not covered herein shall be picked up upon request. A call should be made to the service dispatcher with specific information.
(h) City refuse collectors are not permitted to enter any property, house, garage or other building in making collections.
(i) If holidays fall on a regular collection day, refuse shall be placed at the curb for pick-up the next day.
(j) The Department of Public Service and Properties shall be notified if collection is not made regularly.
(Ord. 1976-9. Passed 1-19-76.)
(Ord. 1976-9. Passed 1-19-76.)