General Provisions
   153.001   Authority
   153.002   Title
   153.003   Intent and purpose
   153.004   Compliance with regulations
   153.005   Interpretation and conflict
   153.006   Uses exempted from provisions of chapter
   153.007   Authority to enact rules and procedures
   153.008   Definitions
   153.020   Districts
   153.021   Open area district
   153.022   Residential districts
   153.023   Business districts
   153.024   Industrial districts
   153.025   District map
   153.026   District boundaries
Use Regulations
   153.040   Table of permitted and conditional uses
   153.041   Conditional uses
   153.042   Similar uses
   153.043   Special provisions
Minimum Dimensional Requirements
   153.055   Basic yard, area and height requirements for dwellings
   153.056   Floor area requirements for dwellings
   153.057   Basic yard, area, lot coverage and height requirements for all other buildings other than dwellings
   153.058   Requirements for non-residential uses
   153.059   Exceptions to height restrictions   
   153.060   Existing lots of record   
   153.061   Architectural projections
   153.062   Lot reduction prohibited
   153.063   Multiple frontage lots
   153.064   Accessory uses and buildings
   153.065   Traffic visibility across corner lots
   153.066   Planning Commission lot split decisions
   153.067   Conversion of dwellings
Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements
   153.080   Off-street parking requirements
   153.081   Special parking provisions
   153.082   Handicapped parking regulations
   153.083   Off-street loading requirements
Special Provisions for Residential Uses
   153.095   Manufactured housing development
   153.096   Parking or storage of recreational vehicles, trailers and boats
   153.097   Swimming pools
   153.098   Fences and planting screens
   153.099   Home occupations
   153.100   Multi-family, attached single-family and cluster development
   153.101   Marijuana cultivators, processors, dispensaries and testing laboratories
Special Provisions for Commercial and Industrial Uses
   153.110   Performance requirements
   153.111   Mineral extraction, storage and processing
   153.112   Automobile wrecking and metal salvaging
   153.113   Temporary buildings
   153.114   Open storage and display of material and equipment
   153.115   Site plan review for commercial and industrial developments
   153.116   Adult businesses
   153.130   Purpose
   153.131   Intent
   153.132   Types and standards of signs allowed with permits
   153.133   Exempt signs
   153.134   Prohibited signs
   153.135   Permitted signs by type and zoning district
   153.136   General provisions for all types of signs
   153.137   Abandoned signs
   153.138   Legal non-conforming sign
   153.139   Sign permits
Non-Conforming Uses
   153.150   Intent
   153.151   Restrictions on legal non-conforming uses
   153.152   Expiration of approval of changes
   153.165   Zoning Inspector
   153.166   Zoning permission for a structure or use
   153.167   Application for zoning certificate
   153.168   Application review and issuance
   153.169   Supplemental regulations   
   153.170   Certificate of occupancy
   153.171   Fees
   153.172   Violations
   153.173   Remedies
   153.174   Complaints
   153.175   Notice of violation
   153.176   Legal action against violators
Board of Zoning Appeals
   153.190   Purpose, organization and procedures
   153.191   Applications
   153.192   Hearings
   153.193   Actions of the Board
   153.194   Appeals
   153.195   Variances
Planning Commission; District Changes and Amendments
   153.205   Purpose
   153.206   Organization and procedures
   153.207   Applications to Planning Commission
   153.208   Notices and hearings
   153.209   Action by the Planning Commission; Council
   153.210   District changes and amendments
   153.211   Land annexed to the village
   153.212   Conditional use requires Planning Commission approval
   153.999   Penalty