Multi-family, attached single-family and cluster development shall be approved by the Planning Commission and regulated by the following special provisions. Standards in this section shall apply to projects with more than four units. Where strict application of these standards would serve no significant purpose, the Planning Commission shall have the authority to waive or modify these standards so long as the convenience and general welfare of neighboring uses is maintained.
   (A)   Circulation and access. Proposals for multi-family, attached single-family and cluster development shall include a circulation plan in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Direct vehicular access to the development by means of an abutting improved public street shall be provided. Each development shall be provided with thoroughfares for complete and uninterrupted traffic circulation within its boundaries. The Planning Commission shall evaluate a proposed circulation plan to assure that it meets the following objectives:
         (a)   Residents and emergency services have an alternative access point to the development in the event that one access point is blocked or otherwise impassable; and
         (b)   Interference with the free and convenient flow of traffic in abutting or surrounding streets is minimized.
      (2)   Private streets proposed for a development shall be clearly delineated on the development plan together with the descriptive data as to the compliance with the subdivision regulations and the methods proposed for maintaining the private streets. In those cases where no request for public dedication is likely to be made, the Planning Commission may authorize modifications to the requirements of the subdivision regulations. Such authorization may include input from the Water and Sewer Superintendent/Village Administrator, Village Engineer and other village officials as applicable;
      (3)   All private streets shown on the development plan shall be subject to legally enforceable reservations and restrictions acceptable to the village, which will ensure the preservation of the private street in perpetuity; and
      (4)   Each development shall be served by a comprehensive walkway system, adequately separated from vehicular circulation.
   (B)   Density and usage. Density and usage of a development shall comply with the requirements of §§ 153.040 and 153.055 for the zoning district in which the development is proposed to be located.
   (C)   Dimensional requirements.
      (1)   The minimum setback from any private street shall be 20 feet. Such setback shall be measured from the edge of pavement or back of curb.
      (2)   Required yards shall be excluded in the computation of common open space.
      (3)   To screen and lessen the impact of the development on surrounding properties, a buffer shall be required around any boundary of a development that does not abut a public right-of-way. The buffer shall consist of a strip of land not less than ten feet in width and planted and maintained with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than ten feet in height when fully grown. The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with an approved landscape plan and shall be maintained as open space which may be included as part of the required common open space.
      (4)   In proposed cluster developments, for each square foot of land gained through the reduction of the minimum lot area per unit, equal amounts of land shall be set aside as permanent common open space within the cluster development. However, the minimum lot area per unit shall not be reduced to less than 50% of that which is required in § 153.055.
   (D)   Common open space.
      (1)   Each development shall provide an area or areas devoted to open space or recreational facilities, including space for community buildings and community use facilities, such as adult recreation and child play areas and swimming pool with such areas indicated on a map submitted by the applicant. Such areas shall contain no structure other than those related to recreational use and shall not include drives and roads, parking areas or private open space. Open space shall not be separated from the development by existing roads. The amount of required common open space is based on the type of development as follows:
         (a)   For multi-family and attached-single family developments, an area not less than 10% of the gross area shall be devoted to open space and comply with the requirements of this chapter; and
         (b)   For cluster developments, an area equal to or greater than the amount of land gained through the reduction of the minimum lot area per unit for each dwelling unit in the development shall be devoted to open space and comply with the requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   To the extent possible, designated open space shall be contiguous acreage. Except areas that by their nature have a linear configuration, such as buffers, waterbodies or trail links, the length to width ratio of any parcel of open space shall not exceed 4:1.
      (3)   Required common open space shall not be depleted, reduced in size or converted to any other use.
      (4)   Storm water management ponds or basins may be included as part of the minimum required open space.
      (5)   Land set aside for such open space or recreation purposes shall be subject to legally enforceable reservations and restrictions that will ensure the preservation of the land in perpetuity and absolutely prohibit development of such land except for permitted recreational use by the owners and residents without profit. Copies of the proposed documents that provide for the permanent preservation of open space shall be submitted with the application. No such application shall be approved until such documents are acceptable to the village in form and content.
   (E)   Private open space. In addition to the required common open space, there shall be a minimum of 120 square feet of private open space provided adjacent to each dwelling unit and differentiated from common areas by means of such approved features as plantings, fences, walls, screens, patios or decks.
   (F)   Design standards. Multi-family, attached single-family and cluster developments shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following design standards:
      (1)   Attractive variations in facade, width, color, exterior materials and rooflines shall be deemed desirable. Furthermore, parallel arrangements of buildings shall be avoided;
      (2)   In developments of multiple buildings, other than single-family detached dwellings, the minimum separation between buildings shall be no less than 20 feet. Buildings may be attached if the Planning Commission determines that site design will be improved as a result. However, attached buildings shall be designed with visible off-sets or with substantial variations in alignment;
      (3)   Attached single-family dwellings shall be in groups of not less than two and not more than six dwelling units; and
      (4)   Development shall be landscaped with lawns, plantings and appropriate trees as approved by the Planning Commission.
   (G)   Parking. As a component of the parking required in §§ 153.080 through 153.083, the Planning Commission may require that one-half off-street parking space per dwelling unit be provided in common parking areas distributed throughout the development in a manner providing convenient access to all dwelling units.
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020)