The purpose of this section is to encourage sufficient off-street parking for the convenience of property owners, occupants and visitors; to provide sufficient off-street parking for peak times, peak seasons and the like; to minimize conflicts between on-street parking and traffic; to discourage unauthorized parking on nearby property or use of parking spaces intended for other establishments; and to provide visual buffers between parking areas and nearby residential uses. It is not the intention of this section to require more parking than is necessary, which could use land inefficiently and create an undesirable appearance of excessive parking areas.
   (A)   General requirements. In all districts, in connection with every industrial business, institutional, recreational, residential or other use, there shall be provided, at any time any building or structure is erected or is enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces for automobiles in accordance with the following requirements.
      (1)   Dimensions of parking spaces. Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition.
      (2)   Access to parking spaces. There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Where a lot does abut on a public or private alley or easement of access, there shall be provided an access drive not less than eight feet in width in the case for a dwelling. In all other cases, there shall be provided an access drive not less than 20 feet or greater than 28 feet in width, leading to the parking or storage or loading or unloading spaces required hereunder.
      (3)   Location of access drives. Access drives shall be located such that they are a safe distance from any street intersection as determined by the Zoning Inspector under advisement from emergency and safety forces.
      (4)   Access drives near residential districts. Access to commercial or industrially zoned property shall not be located in any residential zoning district.
   (B)   Number of spaces required. In all Districts, except for the B-1 Central Business District, the number of off-street parking spaces to be provided shall not be less than the following:
Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces
Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces
Business-Type Uses
Automotive repair
2 spaces per each service bay
Business service, personal service or retail business under 10,000 square feet
1 space per each 250 square feet of floor area
Business service, personal service or retail business, over 10,000 square feet
1 space per each 500 square feet of floor area, plus 1 space per each 1,000 feet of warehouse area
Drive-through use
1 space per 300 square feet of floor area, plus 100% of spaces required for other uses associated with the establishment
Gasoline service station
1 space per each gasoline pump, plus 2 spaces per each service bay, plus spaces required for other uses associated with the establishment
Mortuary or funeral home
1 space per each 50 square feet of floor space in public rooms
Motel, hotel
1 space per each guest suite, plus 50% of spaces otherwise required for other uses associated with the establishment such as administrative offices, meeting rooms and restaurants
Restaurant, tavern
1 space per each 100 square feet of floor area
Boarding and rooming house
2 spaces per principal dwelling, plus 1 space per each boarder suite; in all cases, all vehicles parked by residents of the boarding house shall be parked on the site
Dwelling unit, all types
3 spaces per unit
   Group Activity-Type Uses
Assembly room, meeting room, classroom (not in a school)
1 space for each 4 seats in the principal assembly room with fixed seats, or 1 space per each 100 square feet in the principal assembly room without fixed seats
Child care facility
1 space per each 300 square feet
Church, place of worship
1 space per each 5 seats in main auditorium
1 space per each 200 square feet of floor area
Community center, library, museum or art gallery
1 space per each 300 square feet of floor area
1 space per each 3 in-patient beds, plus 1 space per each 200 square feet of out-patient treatment areas, plus 1 space per each 400 square feet of office space
Nursing home
1 space per each 3 licensed beds
School, primary
1 space per each 5 seats or bench seats in auditorium or main assembly room, or 1.5 for each classroom, whichever is greater, plus 1 space per each 400 square feet of administrative office space
School, secondary or adult
1 space per each 5 seats or bench seats in main auditorium, or 4 spaces per each classroom, whichever is greater. plus 1 space per each 400 square feet of administrative office space
Large Area-Type Uses
Agriculture, airport, automotive/recreational vehicle/trailer sales, cemetery, farm implement sales and service, farm vacation enterprise, forestry, grain elevators and feed mill, homemade sales, mineral extraction-storage-processing, oil and gas extraction, park, plant cultivation, recreation facility, recycling center or salvage operation, specialized animal raising and care, tourist camp, transportation and trucking terminal, and similar uses
Because such uses generally involve large areas of land which is physically suitable for parking, all vehicles associated with the establishment must be parked on-site at all times and shall be subject to the setback requirements of this chapter
Manufacturing-Type Uses
Food processing, general manufacturing, research and testing facility, restricted manufacturing and wholesale business
1 space per each 500 square feet of floor area
2 spaces, plus 1 space per each 2,000 square feet of floor area
Office-Type Uses
Medical, dental office; clinic
1 space per each 200 square feet of floor area
Public and community office
1 space per each 200 square feet of floor area
All other professional offices
1 space per each 300 square feet of floor area
Recreation-Type Uses
Auditorium (not on the same site as a school), theater, arena or stadium
1 space per each 5 seats or bench seats
Bowling alley
5 spaces for each alley, plus 50% of spaces otherwise required for other uses associated with the establishment
Golf course
4 spaces per each green, plus 50% of the spaces otherwise required for other uses associated with the establishment
Other entertainment facilities
1 space per each 150 square feet of floor area, plus 50% of the spaces otherwise required for other uses associated with the establishment
   (C)   Interpretation of requirements. The following rules shall govern the determination of spaces required.
      (1)   Parking requirement based on floor area. Floor area shall mean the gross floor area of the specified use, including outdoor areas where the use is conducted, and all buildings.
      (2)   Required parking for fractions. Fractional numbers of the total number of required parking spaces shall be increased to the next whole number.
      (3)   Parking required for multiple uses. Unless described differently in this subchapter, where more than one use is present in one establishment, and the floor area devoted to each use may be separately determined, the total number of spaces required shall be the sum of the individual requirements. Where multiple uses are combined in an establishment in such a way that separate floor areas cannot be calculated, the standard for the use requiring a greater number of spaces shall apply.
      (4)   Parking required for outdoor sales and outdoor storage. Areas for outdoor sales and outdoor storage shall be counted in total floor area and for purposes of determining required off-street parking.
      (5)   Parking required for bench seating. The number of seats on benches shall be calculated as one seat per each 30 inches of bench length.
      (6)   Parking required for uses not specifically mentioned. The parking space requirement for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020)