§ 153.192 HEARINGS.
   (A)   Notices required. The Board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of an appeal, give at least ten days public notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the village and at least ten days’ notice to owners of property within 200 feet of the subject property. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide names and addresses of property owners. The applicant shall be advised of the date, time and place of the hearing and further, that he or she or a representative must appear to have the application or appeal heard. The chairperson of the Planning Commission shall be given at least ten days’ notice of a scheduled hearing
   (B)   Public hearings. The hearings of the Board shall be public. However, the Board may go into executive session for discussion but not vote on any case before it.
   (C)   Adjourned hearings. Upon the day for hearing any application or appeal, the Board may adjourn the hearing in order to permit the obtaining of additional information or to cause such further notice as it deems proper to be served upon such other property owners as it decides may be substantially interested in said application or appeal. In the case of an adjourned hearing, persons previously notified and persons already heard need not be notified of the time of resumption of said hearing unless the Board so decides.
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020)