(A)   Planning Commission review required. Site plans for the development of commercial and industrial projects that include new construction as well as structural alterations as defined in this chapter, shall be submitted to the Commission for review and approval prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. Submission of site plans for the development of commercial and industrial projects shall be acted upon within 60 days of the date of a complete submission to the Commission.
   (B)   Review criteria. The site plan review process is intended to help ensure that newly developed properties or redeveloped properties are compatible with adjacent development, and that safety, traffic and environmental impacts are minimized to the greatest extent possible. The Planning Commission shall use the following standards when reviewing the site plan.
      (1)   Commercial and industrial uses shall be designed to:
         (a)   Shift drive-up windows, loading docks and overhead doors on the opposite side from residential property;
         (b)   Locate parking facilities adjacent to residential property;
         (c)   Locate trash bins, dumpsters and storage areas away from residential property; and
         (d)   Locate office portions of a facility nearest to residential property.
      (2)   When multiple buildings are proposed for a coordinated development, required setbacks shall be maintained around the perimeter of the group of main buildings and the boundary of the parcel. No minimum distance between the group of main buildings is required; however, such intervening space shall allow for adequate circulation and emergency access around each building.
      (3)   Points of access or other means of vehicular ingress and egress shall be situated so as not to interfere with traffic flow and to provide safe and convenient access and to maintain adequate sight distances.
      (4)   Landscaping shall be designed to:
         (a)   Maintain existing mature trees and shrubs to the maximum extent possible;
         (b)   Screen unsightly activities from public view;
         (c)   Break up large expanses of pavement with plant material; and
         (d)   Provide an aesthetically pleasing landscaping design.
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020)