The permitted and conditional uses for each district are shown in the following table. The interpretation of uses shall be as defined in § 153.008. Uses not specifically listed or interpreted to be included under this subchapter and §§ 153.020 through 153.026 shall not be permitted except by amendment to the ordinance; or by a determination of similar use made in accordance with § 153.042.
Permitted Uses
Conditional Uses
Permitted Uses
Conditional Uses
   B-1 Central Business
Accessory uses
Any permitted use allowed in any R-1, R-2 or R-3 Residential Zoning District
Apparel stores
Commercial entertainment facilities
Appliance stores
Drive-in commercial uses
Printing and publishing
Business services
Public service facilities
Similar uses
Essential services
Footwear stores
Furniture stores
Grocery stores
Hardware stores
Hotels and motels
Offices and professional activities
Personal services
Public uses
Restaurants and taverns
Semi-public uses
Social activities
Specialty stores
   B-2 Neighborhood Business
Accessory uses
Any permitted use allowed in any R-1, R-2 or R-3 Residential Zoning District
Bed and breakfast operation
Drive-in commercial uses
Grocery stores
Gasoline service stations
Hardware stores
Permitted uses in the B-1 District over 6,000 square feet ground floor area
Offices and professional activities
Public service facilities
Personal services
Similar uses
   B-3 Highway and General Business
Automotive repair
Automotive and trailer sales
Animal hospitals and clinics
Building trades
Any permitted use allowed in any R-l, R-2 or R-3 Residential Zoning District
Gasoline service stations
Permitted uses in the B-1 and B-2 Districts
Commercial recreational facilities
Public service facilities
Drive-in commercial uses
Farm implement sales and service
Printing and publishing
Sales and storage of building materials
Similar uses
Transport and trucking terminals
Wholesale business
   M-1 Restricted Industrial
Accessory uses
Any permitted use allowed in any R-1, R-2 or R-3 Residential Zoning District
Adult businesses
Essential services
Food processing
Manufacture of electronics products
Manufacture of parts for production of finished equipment
Similar uses
Manufacture of pharmaceutical products
Manufacture of small household appliances
Manufacture of sporting goods
Printing and engraving plants
Processing and assembly of glass products
Public service facilities
Research and testing facilities
   M-2 General Industrial
Food processing
Any permitted use allowed in any R-l, R-2 or R-3 Residential Zoning District
General manufacturing
Automobile wrecking, salvage and storage
Grain elevators and feed mills
Manufacturing, sale and storage of building materials
Mineral extraction, storage and processing
Permitted uses in the M-1 District
Transport and trucking terminals
Similar uses
Wholesale and warehousing facilities
   R-1 Very Low-Density Residence
Accessory uses
Essential services
Home occupations, limited
Cluster development
Public uses
Non-commercial recreation facility
Residential design manufactured housing (RDMH)
Public service facility
Single-family dwelling
Semi-public uses
Similar uses
   R-2 Low-Density Residence
Accessory uses
Cluster development
Attached single-family dwelling
Home occupations, expanded
Essential services
Non-commercial recreation facility
Home occupations, limited
Nursing homes
Public uses
Public service facility
Residential design manufactured housing (RDMH)
Semi-public uses
Single-family dwelling
Similar uses
Two-family dwelling
   R-3 Medium-Density Residence
Accessory uses
Child care facilities
Attached single-family dwellings
Home occupations, expanded
Essential services
Non-commercial recreation facility
Home occupations, limited
Nursing home
Multiple-family dwelling
Public service facility
Public uses
Semi-public uses
Residential design manufactured housing (RDMH)
Similar uses
Single-family dwelling
Two-family dwelling
   R-4 Manufactured Housing Development
Accessory uses
Non-commercial recreation facility
Essential services
Public service facility
Home occupations, limited
Similar uses
Public uses
Residential design manufactured housing (RDMH)
Standard design manufactured housing (SDMH)
   R-R Rural Residence
Accessory uses
Essential services
Home occupations, limited
Cluster development
Public uses
Non-commercial recreation facility
Residential design manufactured housing (RDMH)
Public service facility
Single-family dwelling
Semi-public uses
Similar uses
Specialized animal raising and care
   S-1 Special
Accessory uses
Essential services
Commercial recreational facilities
Non-commercial recreational facilities
Mineral, extraction, storage and processing
Public service facilities
Plant cultivation
Semi-public uses
Public uses
Specialized animal raising and care
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020)