§ 153.008 DEFINITIONS.
   (A)   Generally. The words “occupies” or “used” shall be considered as though followed by the words “or intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied”. The word “lot” includes the words “plot” or “parcel”.
   (B)   Interpretation. The definitions herein are established to promote consistency and precision in the interpretation of zoning regulations. Interpretation shall be guided by the following.
      (1)   In order to fulfill the intent and purpose of this chapter, the Zoning Inspector shall have the authority to define any word or interpret any definition contained herein.
      (2)   The meaning and construction of words and phrases defined in this chapter shall apply throughout this code, except where the context of such words or phrases clearly indicates a different meaning. Additional terms which are applicable to a particular chapter are defined in that chapter.
      (3)   When words are not defined, the generally accepted dictionary definitions shall prevail. If a term or word causes difficulties in interpretation and is not properly described, the Planning Commission shall define the term and recommend to Council its inclusion in this chapter as an appropriate definition.
   (C)   Terms defined. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ACCESS DRIVE. A driveway on private property that provides access to, for example, parking spaces, parking lots, garages, loading spaces or similar off-street parking areas.
      ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. A building or structure that is incidental and subordinate to the main use or the land or building, and on the same lot as the main use or building. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES may include garages, storage buildings, swimming pools, landscaping features and parking lots.
      ACCESSORY USE. A use that is incidental and subordinate to the main use of the land or buildings and on the same lot as the main use or building.
      ADMINISTRATOR. The Administrator of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
         (a)   ADULT BOOKSTORE, ADULT NOVELTY STORE or ADULT VIDEO STORE. A commercial establishment which, as one of its principal business purposes, offers for sale or rental any form printed or digital matter, or other visual representations that are characterized by the depiction of or description of sexual activities or anatomical genital areas, or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with sexual activities.
         (b)   ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. A commercial establishment that regularly features live entertainment or motion pictures, video cassettes, video disks or other photographic or digital reproductions which is characterized by the depiction of or description of sexual activities or anatomical genital areas.
      ANIMAL HOSPITAL OR CLINIC. A facility primarily for the purposes of the consultation, diagnosis and office treatment of household pets, in conjunction with which boarding may only be offered during the period of treatment.
      AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR. The repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of motor vehicles or parts thereof, including collision service, painting and steam cleaning of vehicles.
      AUTOMOTIVE AND TRAILER SALES. Display or sale of new and/or used automobiles or recreational vehicles, in an enclosed building and/or out of doors.
      AUTOMOBILE WRECKING SALVAGE AND STORAGE. The dismantling or wrecking of used motor vehicles or trailers, or the storage, sale or dumping of dismantled, partially dismantled, obsolete or wrecked vehicles or their parts.
      BASEMENT. A story partly or wholly underground. For purposes of height measurement, a BASEMENT shall be counted as a story where more than one-half of its height is above the average level of the adjoining ground.
         (a)   A single-family dwelling within which individual guest rooms are available for meals and lodging for compensation and by prior arrangement, for not more than 16 transient guests for not more than 72 consecutive hours each.
         (b)   Said use shall not generate traffic in greater volume than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and shall comply with all off-street parking requirements of this chapter.
         (c)   Bed and breakfast shall meet the following requirements:
            1.   The facility shall only be located in an R-2, R-3, B-1 or B-2 zoning area as defined by this chapter and shall only be located upon the issuance of a conditional use permit;
            2.   One on-site parking space shall be provided for each rental sleeping rooms;
            3.   The facility shall not contain more than four sleeping rooms for guest rental; and
            4.   No more than two adults shall occupy each sleeping room. Children under 12 years of age are permitted in the same occupancy, but under no circumstances shall there be more than four persons occupying each room.
      BOARD, BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS, BZA. The Board of Zoning Appeals of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      BOARDING OR ROOMING HOUSE. A building or portion thereof, other than a hotel, which is accessory to a dwelling occupied by the owner or main leaseholder, where lodging for residents are provided by the owner or main leaseholder for compensation. The facility shall maintain a kitchen for the use of residents and/or service of meals to residents. The total number of persons occupying the premises shall not exceed five.
      BUILDING. A structure designed or built for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals, chattel or property of any kind. When separated by division walls from the ground up without interconnecting openings, each portion of such BUILDING shall be deemed a separate BUILDING. This term shall be used synonymously with “structure” unless otherwise noted, and shall be construed as if followed by the words “part or parts thereof”.
      BUILDING, HEIGHT. The vertical distance measured from the established grade opposite the middle of the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line for mansard roofs and to the mean height level between eaves and ridges for gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
      BUILDING, PRINCIPAL OR MAIN. A building in which is conducted the main or principal use of the lot on which said building is situated. One- and two-family residential districts are limited to one main building per lot. In other districts, a grouping of main buildings held under unified ownership shall be considered the PRINCIPAL OR MAIN BUILDING.
      BUILDING SITE. The portion of the lot or parcel of land upon which the principal and accessory uses are conducted, and a structure and appurtenance may exist or are to be placed, or are already existing, including adequate areas for sewage disposal, clearance, proper drainage, appropriate easements, parking, required yards and all other facilities required by this chapter and all other regulations of the village. Also called PREMISES.
         (a)   Neighborhood business: retail and service establishments which cater to and can be located in close proximity to or within residential districts without creating undue vehicular congestion, excessive noise or other objectionable influence.
         (b)   Highway business: includes commercial uses requiring locations on major thoroughfares and at their principal intersections.
         (c)   Central business: retail and service establishments which, in addition to catering to the community residents’ and workers’ daily needs for convenience goods and services, also include establishments offering comparative type shopping facilities.
      CHILD CARE FACILITY. A facility where care, protection and supervision are provided to children on a regular basis for a fee and in accordance with applicable state laws pertaining to licensing and regulation.
      CHURCH, PLACE OF WORSHIP. A semi-public use for worship, such as a church, temple, mosque and similar establishments, which has a main hall for services. May include meeting rooms, offices and other support facilities.
      CLERK. The Clerk of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      CLINIC. An establishment where patients who are not lodged overnight are admitted for examination and treatment by a group of physicians practicing medicine together.
      COMMERCIAL ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES. Any activity conducted for gain which is generally related to entertainment, such as motion picture or other theaters; live performances of music, dancing and/or plays; billiard or pool room; bowling alley; video and games arcade; indoor skating rink; and similar types of entertainment. All activities shall be conducted indoors. Food and beverages may be served.
      COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      CONDITIONAL USE, CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE. A use that, owing to some special characteristics attendant to its operation or installation, is permitted in a district subject to approval by the Planning Commission, and further subject to special requirements, in addition to those usual requirements for the district in which the conditional use may be located. A CONDITIONAL USE may be granted by the Planning Commission only when there is a specified provision in this chapter. A CONDITIONAL USE is not considered to be a non-conforming use.
      COUNCIL. The Council of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      DISTRICTS, ZONING DISTRICTS. Any designated area of the municipality for which the zoning regulations governing the use of buildings and premises, the height of structures, the size of yards and the intensity of use are uniform. Boundaries of the DISTRICTS are shown on the district map, which is part of this chapter.
      DRIVE-IN COMMERCIAL USE. Any use that by design of physical facilities encourages or permits customers to receive a service or pick up a product while remaining in a motor vehicle, such as drive-through restaurants, auto washes, bank tellers, pharmacies and similar uses. Such drive-through areas are intended for brief use by customers and are distinct from parking areas.
      DWELLING. A building or portion thereof designed exclusively for family residential occupancy, but not including hotels or motels.
      DWELLING, ATTACHED SINGLE-FAMILY. Two or more dwelling units which are structurally attached to one another side-by-side, having property lines between each unit, combined with joint ownership of commonly used portions of the development, often known as condominiums or townhouses. Such units shall maintain separate utility connections and ground floor front and rear access. No unit shall be located above another unit.
      DWELLING, EFFICIENCY. A dwelling unit with a main area for both living and sleeping.
      DWELLING, MANUFACTURED. A dwelling unit fabricated in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation or assembly at the building site, bearing a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards (24 C.F.R. part 3280), commonly known as the “HUD Code.” The term single-family dwelling shall include MANUFACTURED DWELLINGS when placed on permanent foundations. Manufactured homes are distinguished by two types as follows:
            1.   Residential design manufactured homes (RDMH) are manufactured homes meeting residential design standards contained in this chapter; and
            2.   Standard design manufactured homes (SDMH) are manufactured homes certified as meeting the federal HUD Code or certified as meeting the standards of prior construction codes, and found to be in excellent condition and safe for continued residential occupancy, but in both cases not meeting residential design standards contained in this chapter.
      DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY. A building consisting of three or more dwelling units arranged side by side or one above the other, and each having a separate entrance or an entrance connected to a common outside entrance.
      DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY. A building consisting of one dwelling unit.
      DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY. A building consisting of two dwelling units.
      DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms designed to create an independent housekeeping establishment with each unit having living, sleeping, cooking and toilet facilities for one family.
      EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. A public or semi-public use consisting of an elementary school, secondary school, college or university giving general academic instruction equivalent to the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education.
      ENGINEER. The Engineer of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      ESSENTIAL SERVICES. The erection, construction, alteration or maintenance, by public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies, or underground gas, electrical or water transmission or distribution systems, collection, communication, supply or disposal systems, including poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, traffic signals, hydrants or other similar equipment and accessories in connection therewith; reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such public utilities or municipal or other governmental agencies for the public health or safety or general welfare, but not including buildings.
      FAMILY. One or more persons directly related by blood (father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandparents or grandchildren), marriage, adoption or guardianship, or not more than three persons not so related, occupying a dwelling unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding house, motel or hotel, as herein defined.
      FARM IMPLEMENT SALES AND SERVICE. Retail and wholesale sales of equipment and supplies for agriculture and wholesale horticulture and landscaping. Includes repairs and equipment rental. Excludes GRAIN ELEVATORS and FEED MILLS as defined in this chapter.
      FLOOR AREA. The gross floor area of all floors of a building or structure, including outdoor areas where the use is conducted, and all buildings measured from the outside surface of exterior walls.
      FLOOR AREA, GROUND. The gross floor area of the ground floor of a building or structure, including outdoor areas where the use is conducted, and all buildings measured from the outside surface of exterior walls.
      FLOOR AREA, RESIDENTIAL. The interior floor area of a dwelling including stairways, halls and closets but not including basements, porches, garages, breezeways or carports.
      FOOD PROCESSING. The commercial processing or other preparation of food for eventual human or animal consumption, but not consumed on the premises. Excludes slaughterhouse activities such as the killing of animals, fish, birds or other creatures.
      FORESTRY. The growing and care of trees for commercial purposes, including the cutting and marketing of timber.
      FRONTAGE. All the property on one side of a street between two intersecting streets (crossing or terminating), measured at the setback building line or if the street is dead-ended, then all of the property abutting on one side between an intersecting street and the dead-end of the street.
      GARAGE. A detached accessory building or portion of a main building for the parking or temporary storage of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers, commercial vehicles and similar vehicles by the occupants of the premises.
      GASOLINE SERVICE STATION. A premises where automobile fuels and other petroleum products are offered for retail sale, and where limited maintenance and minor repairs are may be conducted on automobiles. Excludes engine overhauls, body work and painting. Sales of beverages, packaged foods and similar convenience goods may also be included as incidental to the principal use.
      GRAIN ELEVATOR and FEED MILL. Facilities for the bulk storage and processing of agricultural products, such as grains and animal feeds.
      HIGHWAY, MAJOR. A street or road which continues into the surrounding township and is used primarily as a traffic artery.
      HOME OCCUPATION, EXPANDED. A conditionally permitted accessory use of a professional or service character conducted within a dwelling or in an accessory building or structure to a dwelling unit, conducted by the residents thereof and not more than one employee, which may have a sign as permitted by this chapter and which shall provide parking as required by this chapter.
      HOME OCCUPATION, LIMITED. An accessory use of a professional or service character conducted entirely within a dwelling and only by the residents thereof, which is clearly secondary to the use of the dwelling for living purposes and does not change the character thereof or have any exterior evidence of such secondary use such as, for example, signs, additional parking or additional traffic generation.
      HOSPITAL. A facility where patients are lodged overnight and admitted for medical examination and treatment.
      HOTEL and MOTEL. A building or group of buildings offering transient lodging accommodation for compensation to the general public and may provide additional services, such as restaurants, meeting rooms or central services.
      INSTITUTION. A public or semi-public use consisting of buildings or land occupied by a non-profit corporation or a non-profit establishment for public use.
      INTERCHANGE. A grade-separated, bridged system of access to and from highways where vehicles may move from one roadway to another without crossing streams of traffic.
      INTERSECTION. The location where two or more roadways cross at grade without a bridge.
      LOADING SPACE. An off-street space, in addition to required off-street parking spaces, on the same lot with a building for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or materials.
      LOT. A designated parcel, tract or area of land established by plat, subdivision or as otherwise permitted by law, to be separately owned, used, developed or built upon.
      LOT AREA. The total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot exclusive of any right-of-way of a public or private street.
      LOT, CORNER. A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection or upon two parts of the same street, such streets or parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less than 135 degrees.
      LOT COVERAGE. Percentage of lot coverage shall be the ratio of enclosed ground floor area of all buildings to the horizontally projected area of the lot, expressed as a percentage.
      LOT DEPTH. The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured along the median between the two side lot lines.
      LOT LINE. A line of record bounding a lot that divides one lot from another lot or from a public or private street, right-of-way or any other public space.
      LOT OF RECORD. A lot whose existence, location and dimensions have been legally recorded or registered by the County Recorder of Deeds in a deed or on a plat, either individually or as part of a subdivision.
      LOT, THROUGH. A lot that fronts upon two parallel streets or that fronts upon two streets that do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot.
      LOT WIDTH. The width of a lot at the building setback line measured at right angles to its depth. The width of lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be the chord distance between side lot lines for the curve coinciding with the required depth of the front yard.
      MANUFACTURED HOME. A single-family dwelling unit fabricated in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation or assembly at the building site, bearing a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards (24 C.F.R. part 3280), commonly known as the “HUD Code.” The term SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING shall include MANUFACTURED HOMES when placed on permanent foundations. MANUFACTURED HOMES are distinguished by two types: residential design manufactured homes (RDMH) and standard design manufactured home (RDMH) as described in this section. See RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND TRAILERS.
         (a)   RESIDENTIAL DESIGN MANUFACTURED HOME (RDMH). A manufactured, single-family dwelling meeting residential design standards contained in this chapter. An RDMH is similar in appearance to site-built housing.
         (b)   STANDARD DESIGN MANUFACTURED HOME (SDMH). A manufactured, single-family dwelling certified as meeting HUD Code or certified as meeting the standards of prior construction codes, and found to be in excellent condition and safe for continued residential occupancy, but in both cases, not meeting residential design standards contained in this chapter. An SDMH is similar in appearance to a structure commonly referred to as a mobile home.
      MANUFACTURED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. A land area planned and improved for the placement of manufactured homes, and which are not otherwise regulated by state law. MANUFACTURED HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS include RDMH subdivisions and SDMH mobile home parks, as described in this section.
         (a)   RDMH SUBDIVISION. A parcel of land improved for the siting of residential design manufactured homes for use as single-family residences on lots as defined herein, platted and all applicable improvements provided according to the subdivision regulations, offered for sale.
         (b)   SDMH MOBILE HOME PARK. A parcel of land under unified ownership or management utilized for the siting of standard design manufactured homes for use as single-family residences, including any land, buildings or facilities used by residential occupants.
      MANUFACTURING. Any production or industrial process, including food processing, which combines one or more raw materials or components into a product, or which changes the nature of the materials entering the process.
      MANUFACTURING, GENERAL. The basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominantly from extracted or raw materials, or a use engaged in storage of, or manufacturing processes that potentially involve hazardous or commonly offensive conditions.
      MANUFACTURING, RESTRICTED. Any manufacturing or industrial production from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, incidental storage, sales and distribution of such products, but excluding general manufacturing.
      MINERAL EXTRACTION, STORAGE AND PROCESSING. The removal of sand, gravel, earth, rock, stone or mineral bearing substance from the ground for the purpose of the sale or other commercial use of the excavated material, and, the storage and processing of the extracted materials.
      MUNICIPALITY. The Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE. A structure that does not conform with the use regulations of the district in which it is located.
      NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE, LEGAL. A building or structure legally existing at the time of passage of this chapter, or subsequent amendments thereto, and which does not comply with the dimensional or other building requirements of the district in which such structure is located.
      NON-CONFORMING USE. The use of land or a structure, or portion thereof, which does not conform with the use regulations of the district in which it is located.
      NON-CONFORMING USE, LEGAL. The use of land or a building, or a portion thereof, which existed legally at the time of passage of this chapter, or subsequent amendments thereto, and which does not conform with the use regulations of the district in which it is situated.
      NURSING HOME. A convalescent or extended care facility which specializes in providing necessary services to people unable to care for themselves, but not including hospitals, clinics or similar institutions devoted primarily to the diagnosis, treatment or care of the sick or injured. Excludes correctional facilities. Such facilities shall meet all federal, state and other standards.
      OFFICE. A room, group of rooms or building used for conducting the affairs of a business, profession, service, industry or government and generally furnished with desks, tables, files and communication equipment.
      PARKING LOT. An open area, other than a street, used for the parking of vehicles and available to the public, or as an accommodation to employees, clients or customers. Excludes the storing of abandoned, impounded or wrecked vehicles.
      PARKING SPACE, OFF-STREET. Any parking space located wholly off any street, alley or sidewalk, either in an enclosed building or on an open lot and where each parking space has an area as required in this chapter.
      PERSONAL SERVICE. Any enterprise conducted for gain which primarily offers services to the general public, such as shoe repair, watch repairing, barber shop, beauty parlors, dry cleaning service and/or self-service laundry and similar activities.
      PLANT CULTIVATION. The cultivation of crops, fruit trees, nursery stock and similar plant materials outside of structures, such as greenhouses, but exempting such plant cultivation as is conducted on residential properties for the primary benefit of the resident family.
      PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. The use of offices and related spaces for such professional services as are provided by doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects and engineers.
      PUBLIC SERVICE FACILITY. The erection, construction, alteration, operation or maintenance of buildings, power plants or substations, water treatment plants or pumping stations, sewage disposal or pumping plants and other similar public service structures by a public utility by a railroad, whether publicly- or privately-owned, or by a municipal or other governmental agency, including the furnishing of electrical, gas, rail transport, communication, public water and sewerage services.
      PUBLIC USES. Public parks, schools and administrative, cultural and service buildings, not including public land or buildings devoted solely to the storage and maintenance of equipment and material.
         (a)   COMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITIES. Recreational facilities open to the public, established and operated for a profit.
         (b)   NON-COMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITIES. Private and semi- public recreational facilities which are not operated for commercial gain. NON-COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL FACILITIES may be leased to outside groups or organizations; provided the fee for such purposes is limited to incidental maintenance and custodial expenses.
      RECREATIONAL VEHICLE OR TRAILER. A vehicle of portable structure designed and constructed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational and vacation uses, including, but not limited to, the following.
         (a)   BOATS AND BOAT TRAILERS. Includes boats, floats, rafts and the normal equipment to transport same.
         (b)   MOTORIZED HOME. Portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
         (c)   PICK-UP CAMPER. A structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pick-up or truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling.
         (d)   TRAVEL TRAILER. A vehicular portable structure built on a chassis as a non-self-propelled vehicle, including tent-type fold-out trailer and designed to be used as a temporary dwelling.
      RESEARCH AND TESTING FACILITY. A building or group of buildings in which are located facilities for scientific research, investigation, testing or experimentation but not facilities for the manufacture or sale of products, except as incidental to the main purpose of the laboratory. The keeping of animals on the premises for the purpose of testing or experimentation is specifically prohibited.
      RESTAURANT. Establishments where food and beverages are prepared and served primarily within the premises. Includes, for example, bakeries, coffee and juice bars, sandwich shops, cafes, fine dining and similar businesses that offer dine-in facilities.
      RETAIL BUSINESS. Premises where goods and merchandise are offered or kept for sale to the public, including storage of limited quantities of such goods and merchandise sufficient only to service such establishment. Includes banks and stores which offer foods for carry-out only.
      RIGHT-OF-WAY. A duly recorded easement of a strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, forced dedication or condemnation and intended to be occupied by a road, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission lines, oil or gas pipeline, water line, sanitary storm sewer and other similar uses.
      SEMI-PUBLIC USES. Churches, Sunday schools, parochial schools, colleges, hospitals and other institutions of an educational, religious, charitable or philanthropic nature.
      SETBACK. The minimum horizontal distance by which any building or structure will be separated from a lot line or right-of-way.
      SETBACK LINE. A line established by zoning, platting or other legal means on a lot a specified distance from and parallel to the lot line to restrict the encroachment of structures on the lot line. In measuring a required setback, the distance shall be measured from the lot line or right-of-way, whichever line creates the minimum lot dimension.
      SIGN. An identification, description, illustration or device which is affixed to or integrated into a building, structure or land, and which directs attention to a product, place, activity, person, institution or business. SIGNS are considered to be structures. Different types of SIGNS are defined and regulated in this chapter.
      SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Any building and land used for private or semi-private club activities, including lodges, fraternities and similar activities.
      SOLICITOR. The Solicitor of the Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      SPECIALIZED ANIMAL RAISING AND CARE. The use of land and buildings for the raising and care of domestic animals which are not specifically prohibited by other restrictions by the village or other government agencies. Examples of activities, facilities and animals include, but are not limited to, domestic pets; stables and riding arenas for horses; kennels for dogs or other animals; pigeon raising and raising of any other domestic animals or birds of a similar nature; birds, mammals, reptiles and similar animals; and boarding of animals. The keeping of exotic or wild animals is specifically prohibited. Determination of the classification of an animal as domestic, exotic or wild shall be at the sole discretion of the village.
      SPECIALTY STORE. A retail establishment primarily engaged in the merchandising of a particular type of commodity including those selling arts and crafts, jewelry, leather, antiques, gifts and novelty items, but shall not include the storage of a quantity of goods in excess of that which is necessary to serve such establishment.
      STORY. The portion of a building other than a basement included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it or, if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. A basement shall be counted as a STORY if it is used for living quarters or if two-thirds of its volume is above the average level of the adjacent ground.
      STORY, HALF. An upper-most story lying under a sloping roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than four feet above the floor of such story and the height at the center is seven feet, six inches or more.
      STREET PRIVATE. An improved vehicular passage within a right-of-way owned and maintained by the abutting property owners, or by an association of property owners, excluding off-street parking areas and driveways.
      STREET, PUBLIC. An improved vehicular passage within a right-of-way that affords the primary means of access to abutting lots, shown upon a plat and accepted by the village for perpetual maintenance.
      STRUCTURAL ALTERATION. Any change in either the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams and girders, or in the dimensions or configurations of the roof or exterior walls.
      STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on or in the ground or attached to something having a fixed location on or in the ground. Examples include, but are not limited to, a building, backstop, barn, deck, fence, garage, gazebo, landscaping wall, shed, porch, sign, storage building, swimming pool, tank or tower. Excludes a sidewalk, steps, driveway or similar paved area.
      SWIMMING POOL. A structure, above or in the ground, containing or capable of containing water to a depth of greater than one and one-half feet at any point and having a surface area of 200 square feet or greater. It includes wading pools, hot tubs, Jacuzzis and similar pools with at least the aforesaid dimensions. It excludes landscaping features such as ponds, pools or fountains intended for decoration, and not used for swimming, as determined or approved by Planning Commission.
      TRANSPORT AND TRUCKING TERMINAL. The use of land, buildings or structures for the purpose of storing, servicing, repairing or loading trucks, transport trailers and/or buses, but does not include gas or service stations or vehicle sales or rental outlets.
      USE. The purpose for which land or a structure is arranged, designed or intended, or for which either land or a building is or may be occupied or maintained.
      USE, PRINCIPAL. The permitted or conditionally permitted use or uses which are being, or are proposed to be, conducted on a premises, and excludes accessory uses.
      VARIANCE. A modification of the strict terms of the regulations in this chapter where such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and where owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the regulation would result in unnecessary hardship and/or an unnecessary practical difficulty. Hardship is based on physical limitations of the land and does not encompass financial considerations.
      VILLAGE. The Village of Strasburg, Ohio.
      WAREHOUSE. A premises, lot, structure or portion thereof which is designed or appropriate for the storage of goods to be sold for wholesale, mail orders or reshipment.
      WASTE DISPOSAL. Disposition of garbage, combustible and non-combustible waste material.
      WHOLESALE BUSINESS. An establishment primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional or professional business users, or to other wholesalers, or acting as agents or brokers and buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, such individuals or companies.
      YARD. An area of land at grade between a building and the adjoining lot lines unoccupied by any portion of a structure from the ground upward, except for accessory uses, projections and as otherwise provided herein. A YARD includes the area of all required setbacks.
      YARD, FRONT. A yard extending across the front of a lot between the side lot lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the street right-of-way and the main building or any projection thereof, other than the projection of the usual uncovered steps, uncovered balconies or uncovered porch. On corner lots, the FRONT YARD shall be considered as parallel to the street upon which the lot has its least dimension.
      YARD, REAR. A yard extending across the rear of a lot and being the required minimum horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the rear of the main building or any projection thereof, other than the projections of uncovered steps or unenclosed porches.
      YARD, REQUIRED. The minimum yard required between a lot line and a main building in order to comply with the regulations of the district in which the lot is located. Use of the word “yard” without the adjectives “required” or “minimum” connotes the term “yard” in its general sense as defined herein.
      YARD, SIDE. A yard between the main building and the side line of the lot and extending from the required front yard to the required rear yard, and being the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and the side of the main building or any projections thereto.
      ZONING CERTIFICATE. The document issued by the Village Zoning Inspector authorizing the use of the land or structures.
      ZONING DISTRICT MAP. The zoning district map or maps of the village together with all amendments subsequently adopted.
      ZONING INSPECTOR. The Zoning Inspector or his or her authorized representative appointed by the Village Council.
(Ord. O-38-2020, passed 12-14-2020; Ord. O-8-2023, passed 6-20-2023)