Safety, Sanitation and Health
678.01   Abandoned refrigerators and airtight containers.
678.02   Spitting.
678.03   Smoking in City buildings.
678.04   Littering.
678.05   Vermin or trash in yards.
678.06   (Reserved)
678.07   Sanitation in barns and barnyards.
678.08   Portable temporary storage containers.
678.99   Penalty.
   Health and sanitation generally - see Mich. Const., Art. 4, Sec. 51; M.C.L.A. Secs. 325.1 et seq., 327.1 et seq., 750.466 et seq.
   Power to regulate nuisances - see CHTR. Sec. 4(12)
   Authority of City re health and safety - see CHTR. Sec. 4(23)
   Board of Health - see CHTR. Sec. 71; ADM. Ch. 254
   Health and sanitation in home rule cities - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 117.3, 117.4i
   Municipal health departments - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 327.205
   Nuisances generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 600.3801 et seq.; GEN. OFF. Ch. 660
   Public safety generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 750.493 et seq.
   Loads leaking and spilling from commercial and heavy vehicles -see TRAF. 422.06(e)
   Transportation of flammable liquids - see TRAF. 422.06(h)
   Hazardous materials incidents - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 632
   Disease in eating and drinking establishments - see B.R. & T. 828.12, 828.13
   Fire hazards on junk dealers establishments - see B.R. & T. 834.10
   Authority of Health Department re massage parlors - see B.R. & T. 838.08, 838.09
   Garbage and rubbish collection and disposal - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1060