TITLE TWO - Business Regulation
Chap. 802. Licensing in General.
Chap. 806. Auctions and Auctioneers.
Chap. 810. Bakeries and Bulk Food Establishments.
Chap. 812. Billiard and Pool Rooms.
Chap. 813. Body Art.
Chap. 814. Bowling Alleys.
Chap. 818. Cable Television.
Chap. 820. Carnivals.
Chap. 822. Christmas Tree Sales.
Chap. 824. Coin-Operated Dry Cleaning Establishments.
Chap. 828. Eating and Drinking Establishments.
Chap. 832. Hotels, Motels and Extended Stay Hotels.
Chap. 833. Pawnbroker, Secondhand and Scrap Dealers.
Chap. 834. Junk Dealers.
Chap. 838. Massage Parlors.
Chap. 840. Mechanical Amusement Device Arcades.
Chap. 842. Mechanical Amusement Devices.
Chap. 843. Motion Picture, Television, Radio and Photographic Production.
Chap. 844. Motorcycle Rental Agencies.
Chap. 850. Peddlers.
Chap. 852. Public Dances and Dance Halls.
Chap. 860. Snow Removal Operations.
Chap. 862. Solicitors.
Chap. 864. Tattoo Parlors. (Repealed)
Chap. 866. Taxicabs.
Chap. 867. Teen Clubs.
Chap. 868. Transient Merchants.
Chap. 872. Used Precious Metals Sales. (Repealed)
Chap. 873. Personal Property Sales.
Chap. 874. Marijuana Production and Sale Business Regulation