(a) The purpose of this Section is to regulate the use of storage containers on residentially zoned and commercially zoned properties in the city, which regulations are adopted to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and promote positive aesthetics in the city.
(b) As defined herein, “Portable Temporary Storage Container (PSC)” is a box-like container typically delivered by truck, used to temporarily store household or other goods and items. A PSC does not include a truck trailer, or other part of a motor vehicle, nor any type of wheeled vehicle or conveyance except when attached to a truck for delivery and removal.
(c) A portable temporary storage unit, also known as a portable storage container (PSC) and sometimes called a portable on-demand storage unit, may be temporarily delivered, placed and used in any zoning district, but only in compliance with the provisions of this section.
(1) A PSC may be temporarily placed on a property to store goods, items or objects that are being moved to another location or that are being stored during building remodeling or for other purposes.
(2) The placement and use of a PSC requires an application and payment of a fee established by the City. A permit shall be issued by the Building Director upon finding that the provisions of this section have been met. The permit shall state the date of issuance, the maximum time a PSC can remain on the property and any terms and conditions.
(3) Except as stated below, a PSC shall not remain on a property for more than thirty consecutive days during a twelve-month period, commencing on the date the permit is issued. However, when being used to store equipment, goods and materials associated with remodeling or new construction, a PSC may remain on a property until ten days after the completion of the project. In either case, one permit extension may be granted by the Building Department for a period not more than thirty additional days beyond the time originally specified, subject to the following:
A. The applicant has demonstrated a sufficient reason for the time extension, such as extenuating circumstances requiring additional and reasonably necessary time for storage.
B. That the requirements of this section were satisfied by the applicant during the initial approved period of storage.
C. That serious adverse effects are not likely to result from extending the period for storage.
(4) A PSC in a residential zoned area shall not be longer than sixteen feet, wider than eight feet, nor taller than eight feet. A PSC in the C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1 and PD district may be up to twenty feet in length.
(5) Not more than one PSC may be placed on a property at one time, except that in the C-1, C-2, C-3, M-1 and PD district the Building Director may approve up to three, subject to all the requirements of this section. When approving additional PSCs, the Building Director shall find:
A. The applicant has demonstrated a sufficient reason for additional PSCs, such as extenuating circumstances requiring additional storage space.
B. That the terms and conditions of this section would be satisfied, despite additional PSCs.
C. That serious adverse effects are not likely to result from additional PSCs.
(6) A PSC shall not be located closer than ten feet to a public or private street right-ofway, nor closer than ten feet to a property line.
(7) A PSC shall only contain a sign that is limited to the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the PSC. No other text or graphics referring or pertaining to any service or product other than the PSC or the person or business entity providing the PSC are permitted, including any advertising, logo or slogan.
(8) A PSC shall not be used to store toxic or hazardous materials.
(9) A PSC in an agricultural or residential district shall only be used to store personal goods and property, not commercial goods, business inventory or personal property not associated with the property on which the PSC is placed.
(Ord. 21-1021. Passed 8-18-21.)