(a)   The following general operating requirements shall apply to all junk dealers licensed in accordance with this chapter:
      (1)   The license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be plainly displayed on the business premises.
      (2)   The junkyard, together with things kept therein, shall, at all times, be maintained in a sanitary condition.
      (3)   No space not covered by the license shall be used in the licensed business.
      (4)   No water shall be allowed to stand in any place on the premises in such a manner as to afford a breeding place for mosquitoes.
      (5)   Weeds and vegetation on the premises, other than trees, shall be kept at a height of not more than four inches.
      (6)   No garbage or other waste liable to give off a foul odor or attract vermin shall be kept on the premises, nor shall any refuse of any kind be kept on the premises, unless such refuse is junk and is in use in the licensed business.
      (7)   No junk shall be allowed to rest upon or protrude over any public street, walkway or curb or become scattered or blown off the business premises.
      (8)   Junk shall be stored in piles not exceeding ten feet in height and shall be arranged so as to permit easy access to all such junk for firefighting purposes.
      (9)   No combustible material of any kind not necessary or beneficial to the licensed business shall be kept on the premises, nor shall the premises be allowed to become a fire hazard.
      (10)   Gasoline and oil shall be removed from any scrapped engines or vehicles on the premises.
      (11)   No junk shall be burned or incinerated except in an enclosed incinerator of construction and design approved by the Fire Chief and the Director of Inspections.
      (12)   No noisy processing of junk or other noisy activity shall be carried on in connection with the licensed business on Sunday, Christmas or Thanksgiving, or at any time between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
      (13)   The area on the premises where junk is kept (other than indoors) shall be enclosed, except for entrances and exits, with a solid, vertical wall or fence of a minimum height of eight feet measured from ground level. Entrances and exits shall not be wider or more numerous than reasonably necessary for the conduct of the licensed business.
      (14)   The licensee shall permit inspection of the business premises by any member or representative of a member of the Board of Investigators at any reasonable time.
      (15)   No junk dealer licensed under this chapter or his or her agent or employee shall purchase or receive any junk for use in the licensed business from any person under eighteen years of age without the written consent of a parent or guardian of such person. Such written consent shall be held available for inspection by any member or representative of a member of the Board for at least six months.
      (16)   Each acquisition of junk shall be recorded in English in a permanent type register kept on the business premises, giving the name and residence address of the person from whom the acquisition was made, a description of the junk acquired and the date of the transaction. Such data shall be held available for inspection by any member or representative of a member of the Board for at least one year.
      (17)   No junkyard shall be allowed to become a nuisance, nor shall any junkyard be operated in such a manner as to become injurious to the health, safety or welfare of the community or of any residents close by.
   (b)   The following shall apply to itinerant junk dealers licensed in accordance with this chapter:
      (1)   The licensee shall have the license issued to him or her in his or her immediate possession at all times when he or she is acting as an itinerant junk dealer in the City, and shall exhibit it to any person upon request.
      (2)   He or she shall not purchase or receive any junk from any person under eighteen years of age without the written consent of a parent or guardian of such person. He or she shall retain such written consent for at least six months and shall produce it within a reasonable time upon the request of any member or representative of a member of the Board.
      (3)   He or she shall record in English in a permanent type register each acquisition of junk in the City, giving the name and residence address of the person from whom the acquisition was made, a description of the junk acquired and the date of the transaction. He or she shall retain such data for at least one year and shall produce such data within a reasonable time upon the request of any member or representative of a member of the Board.
(1974 Code § 7.330)