The purpose of the Sioux Falls Active Transportation Board (ATB) is to advise the city council, city departments, and city boards regarding bicycle, pedestrian, and other active transportation and accessible pedestrian transportation modes.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
ATB shall have three subcommittees to assist in working through details of active transportation plans, programs, design, implementation, and funding recommendations. The subcommittees include a bicycle subcommittee, a pedestrian subcommittee, and a school traffic safety advisory (PATH) subcommittee.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
Recommendation of the active transportation board is required as a part of official business before city council approval on the following items and as detailed in the advisory board bylaws:
(a) Bicycle and pedestrian projects within the CIP and city operating budget.
(b) City's bicycle plan and pedestrian plan.
(c) City complete street policy.
(d) Ordinance changes related to bicycle, pedestrian, or any other transportation accessibility law.
(e) To prepare recommendations in matters related to the school traffic safety plans and programs.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)
The active transportation board may provide letters of advocacy on the following matters pertaining to complete streets and active and accessible pedestrian transportation as detailed in the advisory board bylaws; to include, but not limited to the following:
(a) Bicycle and pedestrian corridor and connection plans.
(b) On-street bicycle route changes.
(c) Any complete street design review.
(d) Pedestrian and bicycle safety programs and education.
(e) Bicycle trail projects.
(f) Walk or bicycle on-site reviews.
(g) Traffic signal, intersection control, and crosswalk improvements.
(h) Bicycle parking.
(i) Sidewalk furnishing.
(j) School traffic and safe routes to school improvements.
(k) Other complete street, pedestrian, or bicycle issues that the board would like to provide an advocacy letter.
(Ord. 141-22, passed 12-13-2022)